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Instant Frontier Family. Regina ScottЧитать онлайн книгу.

Instant Frontier Family - Regina  Scott

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laughed. “You make it sound as pleasant as the rack. Yes, more baking. That’s my job. This is a bakery, and I bake. I was hoping for a lady to come with Ciara and Aiden to help, if you recall.”

      And she’d gotten him instead. “I’m sorry I can’t be more use to you,” he said, “but I’ll do what I can.” Feeling inept for the first time in his life, he went to clean off the counter, wiping away the crumbs and scrubbing at the drips of icing. Yet her words refused to leave him.

      He wanted to agree with her that love meant heartache. He’d certainly had his fill. But some part of him whispered that more might be possible, if he would but try once again.

      He had been so focused on his task that he didn’t see her move into the room. Instead, he felt her hand on his arm.

      “Good enough, Mr. Haggerty,” she said. “Another minute and you’ll rub right through the wood.”

      He relaxed his hand, feeling her grip soften. She was close enough that he could see a dusting of freckles across the tip of her nose, as if ginger had escaped some of her cookies. Cinnamon-colored lashes fluttered over eyes as dark as fresh-roasted coffee.

      Michael mentally shook himself. Working in the bakery must have addled his brain, because all he could think about was that her kiss would taste as sweet as her cooking.

      “Are they gone?” Ciara asked from the stair.

      Maddie stepped away from Michael, cheeks turning pink as if she’d been the one thinking about sweet kisses.

      “For the moment,” she told her sister. “There will be another group coming later, when the shift changes at the mill. I aim to have more loaves of bread and dozens of cookies ready by then along with the ones I promised Mr. Horton.”

      With her chin up, she was all determination, and Michael could only marvel at her energy.

      But even more surprising was his reaction to her. He’d given his heart to Katie. He’d never thought to give it to another. And she’d made it clear that, while she might flirt with her customers, she had no interest in marrying.

      Why, then, did he want her to reserve her flirting for him?

      Maddie could only be glad for her sister’s interruption. For a moment, with her hand on Michael’s burly arm, she had felt as if the earth had tilted, pushing her toward him. Why? It was all well and good to talk about true loves and lost hearts, but in the end she’d only be disappointed. She had too much evidence to think otherwise.

      So, broad-shouldered or not, charming smile or not, Michael Haggerty would get no further in her affections. She knew her plans, and they did not include forming an attachment to any fellow, no matter how helpful and well-meaning.

      Standing at the foot of the stairs now, Ciara scrunched her face. “More work, more noise? What sort of place is this?”

      Her sister’s complaints were like touching a hot stove with her bare hand—sharp and painful. She’d worked so hard to make a home for Ciara and Aiden. Could her sister not appreciate the effort?

      “This is a home with plenty of food to eat,” Maddie told her. “That’s a blessing.”

      Ciara shrugged. “The rolls were good. But I’m not going to sit in my room all day while you have all the fun.”

      “Fun, is it?” Maddie said, temper rising. “Perhaps I ought to wake you at three in the morning to help knead tomorrow’s dough.”

      Her sister scowled at her.

      Michael leaned his hip against the counter. “You seemed awfully pleased with that room yesterday,” he reminded Ciara.

      The girl eyed him. “It’s nice too, I suppose.”

      What crumbs of affection she offered! Had her sister no understanding? Maddie tightened her lips to hold back a scold.

      Michael merely smiled at Ciara. “But you have the urge to wander, is that it?” he teased with a look to Maddie.

      Maddie blinked. Of course! That must be the source of today’s animosity. Ciara and Aiden had been cooped up aboard ship for months. It was only natural that they’d want to get out, explore their new home. And that was one yearning she could satisfy.

      “Let’s go see Seattle,” Maddie told Ciara. “Make sure you and Aiden are ready for the day. Do your chores as I asked. I’ll mix up the next batch of dough. We can take a walk while it rises and I can make a delivery.”

      “All right,” Ciara agreed. “But don’t expect me to hold your hand while we walk. I’m not a child, you know.” She turned and flounced up the stairs.

      “Nicely done,” Michael said, straightening away from the counter.

      “Thank you,” Maddie replied. “But I was only following your lead.”

      He smiled. “Glad to help. I’ll join you on your walk, if I may, so I’ll know where to start looking for work.”

      “Of course,” Maddie said. “But perhaps you should be putting on shoes first.”

      He glanced down at his stockinged feet, the thick gray yarn darkened with grime after he’d traipsed across the floorboards so many times, then rubbed the dark stubble speckling his chin. “And I should shave as well,” he said before he pounded up the stairs.

      A short while later, the four of them left the front of the bakery. Maddie was careful to lock the door behind her. Seattle was remarkably free from crime, especially compared with Five Points, but she wasn’t taking any chances with her livelihood. She could only hope today Michael might find an opportunity for a livelihood of his own.

      “What sort of work are you seeking?” she asked, Mr. Porter’s shirts tucked under one arm as they strolled down the boardwalk. The bakery was the last shop on the street, but she knew Seattle would only grow from there. Already someone else was building a new store down the block.

      Michael eyed her over Ciara’s head. “I’ll take whatever I can get for the moment. I just want to pay my way.”

      “Well, you ought to find something here,” she said, lifting her skirts to navigate a gap in the boardwalk. Ciara hopped from hump to hump, but Aiden slogged merrily through the puddles. A breeze came in off the water, moist and briny, setting the clapboard signs above them to creaking as she climbed onto the next stretch of boardwalk.

      Ahead of them, the door of a mercantile opened and three natives exited, murmuring in husky voices. Hair slicked down and smelling of aromatic oils, colorful blankets draping their sturdy frames, they moved past Maddie and the children with dignity born of sorrows. Maddie nodded respectfully to them. Aiden stopped and stared.

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