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The Mistletoe Kiss. Janet Barton LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Mistletoe Kiss - Janet Barton Lee

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trim to dress up our Sunday hats for winter after looking at the newest styles in Macy’s.”

      “Oh, that sounds like fun,” Mrs. Heaton said as Maida and Gretchen began to serve dinner.

      As always it was quite good. Mrs. Heaton’s menu tonight was fried fillets of halibut, shredded potatoes and slaw, with lemon cake for dessert. Filling, but not too heavy for this time of year.

      Conversation covered the shopping trip and the baseball game before Mrs. Heaton said, “We have a new boarder joining us soon. Do any of you remember Georgia? She’s the daughter of a friend of mine.”

      “The one who was Michael and Violet’s houseguest?” Matt asked.

      “Yes, that’s her. She’s a teacher and wants to find a position here in the city.”

      “I remember her,” Millicent said. “She seemed very nice.”

      “She’ll be taking Rebecca’s old room. I’m sure you’ll all welcome her.”

      “Of course we will. It’s always fun to get to know new boarders,” Julia said. “And it will be good to fill out the table once more. Especially when Emily and Stephen begin working longer hours getting ready for Christmas.”

      Millicent couldn’t argue with that. “We’ll do our best to make Georgia feel welcome, Mrs. Heaton. But she’ll feel at home here from the start and that’s because of you.”

      “Why, thank you, Millicent dear.”

      As everyone finished his or her meal, Matt turned to Millicent. “Let me know when you’re ready to go to the Talbots’.”

      “I just need to get the photographs and we can go.”

      “So, you two aren’t going to be here, either?” Julia asked as they all headed toward the foyer.

      “We won’t be gone long. We’re taking the photos to Elizabeth and John. I’m sure we’ll be back before Emily and Stephen get home. She had a meeting. He’s escorting her home tonight, isn’t he?”

      “He’s supposed to. I’m sure he’d telephone if there’s a problem, and I’m needed,” Joe said.

      “He would,” Matt assured him.

      “I’ll go get the photos and be right back.” Millicent went upstairs, but took a quick moment to neaten her hair and pinch her cheeks before grabbing the photos she’d placed in an envelope earlier. She hurried back down to find Matt waiting for her in the parlor with Julia and Joe.

      “Do you two want to go with us?” Millicent found herself asking. “I’m sure Elizabeth and John would be glad to see you.”

      “Want to go, Julia?” Joe asked.

      Julie shook her head. “Not this time. They want to talk about the articles and if we tag along they might think they need to entertain us.”

      “Are you sure?” Millicent didn’t know if she was relieved or disappointed that she and Matt would be alone on the way over and back to the Talbots’.

      “What about you, Joe?”

      “Nah. I’ll stay and keep Julia company.”

      “We won’t be long.” Millicent turned back. “You tell Joe about our plan while we’re gone and I’ll tell Matt.”

      “That’s a good idea—but they must promise to keep it secret.”

      “Secret?” Joe said. “Hmm, now my curiosity is up.”

      “I’ll tell you, but maybe we should take a walk, though, so we aren’t overheard.”

      “Julia, there’s no one here but us and—” Joe broke off when Julia placed her finger over her lips.

      “Shh. I’ll tell you later.”

      “Well, I can’t wait to hear what this is all about. Come on, Millicent, let’s get going.” Matt touched Millicent’s elbow, sending a current of electricity flying up her arm as they headed toward the foyer.

      “See you after a while,” Julia said.

      “Yes, later,” Millicent said, giving a little wave as Matt hurried her out of the house and down the street.

      “Now, tell me, what’s all this secrecy about?”

      “I will, but I might as well wait until we get to John and Elizabeth’s, because we want their help, too.”

      “Their help? What is this all about?” Matt sounded almost impatient.

      “You’ll see.” They turned the corner and she continued, “We’re almost there and I’ll only need to tell it once.”

      “Oh, all right. I suppose you’re right.”

      Millicent giggled. “Why, Matt, did you actually admit I might be right about something?”

      “I never said you couldn’t be.”

      “No, but—” She shook her head.

      “But what?”

      “Nothing. It’s not important.” She didn’t want to ruin the evening. He’d told her she was right—there was no need to rub it in. “Let’s hurry so I can let Elizabeth and John in on the secret, too.”

      Matt grasped her elbow and did as she asked, causing her to pick up her pace to keep up with him. She was almost breathless when they arrived at the Talbots’, but John opened the door as soon as she knocked and they were quickly welcomed inside.

      * * *

      Millicent and Matt were shown into the Talbots’ parlor, where Elizabeth had tea ready to serve.

      “How did you know when we’d be here?” Millicent asked. “I forgot to telephone and let you know.”

      “I took care of the task while you were upstairs.” Matt grinned at Millicent.

      “Thank you for minding my manners for me, Matt,” Millicent said.

      He chuckled. “My pleasure, I assure you.”

      “And I’m glad you put on the kettle, Elizabeth. I think I could use a cup of tea.” Maybe it would calm her nerves. “But first, I want to give you these. I hope they’ll fit your first article.”

      She handed the packet of photographs to John and he lost no time in opening it. Millicent watched as he looked at the first one and handed it over to Elizabeth. John did the same thing with each photo, all without saying anything. Then he and Elizabeth both looked up at the same time and grinned.

      “These are wonderful, Millicent. It’s going to be hard to choose which ones to use,” John said.

      “I was thinking the same thing,” Elizabeth said. “I really like the one you got of Matt talking to his men, and the shot of John and I speaking to Burl—and the ones of Central Park and the Statue of Liberty from up so high. What a view!”

      “Oh, I’m glad you like them. I was worried you might not find any that would work.”

      “May I see them?” Matt asked.

      Millicent’s heart began to hammer in her chest and only then did she realize it was his opinion that mattered most to her.

      Elizabeth handed them to Matt and then began to pour their tea and pass around the tea cakes she’d made.

      Millicent took her cup with trembling fingers as she watched Matt study each photograph. It was impossible to decipher what he was thinking. He began to nod his head and when he looked at her, there was an expression she couldn’t read. She waited for him to speak.

      “Elizabeth and John are right. These are very good. I’m glad I’m not the one having to make the decision on which ones to use.”

      His words soothed her

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