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Seductive Fantasy. Janelle DenisonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Seductive Fantasy - Janelle Denison

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blossomed within her at the sight of such beauty and elegance—the backdrop for her personal fantasy.

      “Incredible.” She looked back at her companion, unable to stop her own laughter from bubbling up out of her. “I wasn’t even aware of the plane descending.”

      He winked at her. “Then I guess I lived up to my promise to keep you distracted.”

      Oh, he’d definitely managed that. Her elation dwindled as reality made an uninvited appearance. So, his attention had been a ruse after all, to keep her mind off the short trek across the Atlantic. Of course. She’d been silly to think otherwise, even briefly.

      “It was very nice meeting you, Alexis,” he said, drawing her out of her disappointing thoughts. Lifting her hand, he brushed a featherlight kiss across her knuckles, then finally released her from his hold.

      She immediately missed the warmth he’d generated. “Likewise,” she replied.

      Once the cabin door was open and they were free to exit the aircraft, they unbuckled their seat belts, along with two other female guests Alex hadn’t realized were sitting across from them until that moment. The four of them stepped out onto the walkway, and Alex squinted against the late afternoon sun as two men unloaded their luggage. The women’s bags were the first to appear and were tossed onto a brass cart. Jackson’s suitcases were next.

      “Right this way, sir,” one of the employees instructed, and started down the walkway toward an older woman waiting at the end of the platform. Without a final backward glance at Alex, Jackson followed the other man.

      Alex watched him go, and with each step he took that put distance between them, she grew more desperate to catch his attention again.

      Just one more time.

      “Jackson…” his name slipped from her lips before she could stop the impulse.

      He turned around, inclining his head questioningly. “Yes?”

      Now that she had his undivided attention, as well as the interest of the Fantasies, Inc. employees, what did she say?

      “Thank you,” she said, expressing the gratitude he deserved. Self-consciously, she smoothed a hand down the front of her skirt and summoned a smile. “You made the flight more bearable, as well as enjoyable.”

      “It was my pleasure,” he drawled in a low, sexy voice any woman would find vastly appealing. No doubt, many women had. “Maybe we’ll run into each other on the island.” With a final wave, he turned back around and continued on.

      Butterflies hatched in Alex’s stomach, making her feel like a schoolgirl in the throes of a crush. And oh, what a wonderful feeling it was! “Yes, maybe,” she whispered to his retreating back. I certainly hope so.

      Once her luggage was secured on a separate cart, Alex followed her guide to the end of the walkway. The woman who’d greeted Jackson moments ago now turned a bright smile her way. They clasped hands, and Alex was instantly immersed in the other woman’s warmth and hospitality.

      “I’m Merrilee Schaefer-Weston,” she said, introducing herself. “And please call me Merrilee. Welcome to Seductive Fantasy, Alex.”

      “Thank you. I’m thrilled to be here.” Alex had known just by talking to the other woman on the phone that she cared a great deal about her clients and their requests, and she immediately liked Merrilee. The kindness and dedication she witnessed in her gaze gave Alex more proof that the woman was devoted to her business and making her guest’s fantasies come true.

      “The island is yours to do as you please, in whatever way it pertains to your personal fantasy,” Merrilee continued, and Alex was certain Jackson had received the same commentary before he’d disappeared down the path leading to the hotel. “If there is anything I can do to make your stay more enjoyable, I’m only a phone call away.” She indicated the pager clipped to the waistband of her taupe-colored slacks. “My guests and their comfort are my number one priority, and I’m available 24-7. Do you have any questions before your fantasy begins?”

      “I do have one,” Alex admitted, chewing absently on her lower lip. “How will I know who my fantasy man is?”

      A knowing smile curved Merrilee’s lips. “He’ll be everything you asked for, maybe more. He’ll pursue you and make his intentions known.”

      Relief swept over Alex. “That’s good to hear, because I’m not real good at making the first move when it comes to the opposite sex.”

      “You won’t have to.” The assurance in Merrilee’s voice rang strong and true. Then her expression softened perceptively. “And if I might impart a few words of advice before your fantasy begins, I’d tell you to follow your heart, Alex. It might lead you places you’ve never been before.”

      Alex couldn’t contain the shiver that coursed through her at Merrilee’s statement.

      Two hours after they parted ways, Alex sat on the patio of her opulent suite, watching the sun set over the horizon in brilliant shades of pinks, purples and oranges. She contemplated the other woman’s pearls of wisdom, and found Merrilee’s choice of words odd considering love and emotional commitment weren’t a part of her fantasy. She was entering this fantasy with practical expectations, not unrealistic hopes for the future.

      Still puzzled but now hungry, Alex went back inside her room and flipped through the menu for room service. She had decided to eat in her room tonight—even if that meant missing out on her first opportunity to get acquainted with her fantasy man. She was too tired to be engaging, too exhausted to even enjoy a flirtatious advance. And admittedly, she was still too wound up from her encounter with Jackson to give another man a fair chance. She’d be refreshed and ready for romance and adventure after a good night’s sleep.

      As she waited for her meal to arrive, she strolled back out to the balcony, wrapped her hands around the cool railing, and scanned the suites across from hers. She wondered which one was Jackson’s, and if he was off enjoying his own fantasy…and with whom.

      WITH TIKI TORCHES and moonlight illuminating his way, Jackson strolled from his private cottage on the beach along the curving walkway that wound around the resort’s lavish pool area. Without a doubt, the island was ideal for romance, forbidden temptation and erotic trysts. Unfortunately, disappointment was his only companion after his late-night walk to burn off the restless energy that had consumed him since arriving on Seductive Fantasy that afternoon.

      Thanks to Mike’s help, Jackson had managed to discover Alexis’s flight times and book himself a seat on the same shuttle to the island, a way of insuring that they met before they even arrived at the resort. After how exceptionally well his first encounter with her had gone, he’d been hoping to proceed with his romantic pursuit this evening, but she hadn’t cooperated with his personal strategy. Much to his frustration, he hadn’t run into her since they’d parted ways at the dock.

      With a harsh sigh of dissatisfaction, he made his way toward the Players’ Lounge, deciding that if he didn’t find Alexis in the singles’ club, he’d call it a night. He entered the establishment, sidled up to the bar, and ordered a Tom Collins. While he waited for his order, he searched the guests mingling in the lounge and the couples dancing to the tunes the band was playing, hoping to find a certain black-haired, blue-eyed woman.

      “Looking for someone special?” a female voice asked.

      Jackson turned on his stool and wasn’t surprised to find Merrilee standing beside him at the mahogany and brass bar. During the day he’d seen her around the resort tending to her guests’ comfort and needs. And checking up on the progress of her clients’ fantasies, he assumed. “As a matter of fact, I am.”

      A knowing smile made its way to her lips. “Alexis Baylor, by chance?”

      He stiffened in his seat, wondering how in the world she’d made that connection when he’d been so careful to keep his intentions to himself. “What makes you think I’m looking for her?” The bartender delivered his drink, and Jackson thanked the other

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