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Seduced. Janelle DenisonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Seduced - Janelle Denison

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slow and easy, catering to her apprehension, intending to brush his knuckles across her cheek, gently tangle his fingers through her silken hair, stroke along the warm nape of her neck…and let desire take its natural course.

      He was determined to make this the defining moment between them. And judging by the deepening of her breathing, the parting of her lips, and the way her lashes drooped slumberously over her hazy eyes, he was fairly certain she wouldn’t belt him for satiating the need to caress her supple skin, taste her honeyed lips, and draw her lithe form up against his hard, hungry body.

      It never happened.

      A brisk knock on the door interrupted his seduction. Jessica jerked back, shaken, her eyes widening in alarm. Inches away from touching her, he fisted his fingers in the air, and swore beneath his breath at Glenna’s untimely return.

      Frustration tightened his jaw. Another five seconds, and he would have finally kissed Jessica, as deeply and as intimately as she would have allowed. And in the process he would have put a serious crimp in her “ethics” against getting involved with a lawyer. He’d waited a year for this opportunity, only to have his proficient receptionist shatter the moment.

      He gave Jessica the breathing room she suddenly seemed to need and opened the door, retrieving their hot beverages from Glenna. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Jessica move into the center of the room, where it was spacious and safe. She dragged a hand through her hair, looking flustered and as though she couldn’t believe what she’d almost allowed him to do, what she’d almost openly participated in.

      He nearly laughed at her naivete. If she knew the half of what he imagined doing to her, he was convinced he’d never see her again. Kisses and stolen caresses were only the beginning of what he wanted from her.

      He turned back to the receptionist, who was awaiting further instructions from him. “Glenna, will you hold all my calls until I’m through with Ms. Newman?” At her nod, he added with a rueful grin, “And would you mind closing the door for me since my hands are full?”

      “Of course.” With a smile that told him she believed this was just another business meeting with a client, she enclosed them in the room. A tension-filled silence immediately descended over his office.

      Jessica eyed him cautiously, and he hated that her wariness was back. “You don’t have to hold your calls for me.”

      He held her cup out to her, and she took her beverage. “I prefer private, uninterrupted consultations.”

      A faint smile touched the corner of her mouth. “Are you going to charge me by the hour for your time?” She took a drink of her mocha, then her tongue darted out, catching the smear of whipped cream clinging to her upper lip.

      His gut clenched, and he drew a deep, steady breath, unable to remember the last time a woman had him so tied up in knots. “For you, my fee is negotiable, and very flexible.” He winked at her to put her at ease. “But we can discuss that later. Have a seat and let’s get business out of the way first.”

      He waved to one of the two seats in front of his desk while he settled into his leather chair. He caught a glimpse of the gray-leaded sky out the floor-to-ceiling windows that dominated the Denver high-rise where Haywood and Irwin leased their offices, and wondered if they were in for another winter storm.

      Taking a quick drink of his cappuccino, he set his cup on his blotter and reclined in his chair. “You have my complete and devoted attention, not to mention my curiosity. What brings you by my office in the middle of the day?”

      “I wanted to discuss something with you.” A sudden anxious light flickered in her gaze. “I suppose I should have called first, but I was the next block over having lunch with Brooke, so I thought I’d take a chance that you were in and available. I figured a half hour out of your afternoon might be easier and more convenient than taking time out of your evening.”

      He lifted a brow her way. Easier and more convenient for her, of course. “Don’t be shocked, but my social calendar in the evenings is quite empty, though I wouldn’t mind filling in a few of those nights with a date, or two, or three, with you.”

      She wrinkled her nose at him, and this time didn’t bother responding to his flirtatious attempt to sway her. He chalked up another rejection, but wasn’t the least bit discouraged.

      She took another drink of her flavored coffee, then stated what was on her mind. “I want to do something special and fun for Brooke and Marc since they had such a small ceremony and no reception.”

      “From what I remember, they didn’t want a reception,” he interrupted, remembering his friend’s request to keep their wedding small and simple, which had included no gifts from the guests.

      “True. My sister felt that since this was her second marriage she’d keep things low key.” Though Jessica’s tone held mild reproach for her sibling’s sensible characteristic, her affection for Brooke was unmistakable. “But I’d really like to throw a surprise reception party in their honor, to give family and friends the opportunity to congratulate them, too. And since you and I were best man and maid of honor at the wedding, I thought it would be appropriate if we hosted the party. I also thought New Year’s Eve would be a romantic and fun evening to celebrate their marriage.”

      He glanced at the open engagement calendar on his desk for the month of December, noting that the new year was only four weeks away. “That sounds great, but aren’t most halls and ballrooms already booked for New Year’s Eve parties by now?”

      “Well, this is where I need your help.” Grinning impishly, she shifted in her seat, and crossed one slender leg over the other. “Brooke has mentioned in passing that your house is huge, and I was hoping that’s where we could have the party. Obviously, we can’t do it at my apartment, and yes, I did check into various halls and ballrooms and couldn’t find any place that wasn’t already reserved. You’re my last hope.”

      He liked that she might have to depend on him for something, which meant he’d gain leverage to reap something in return…like her acquiescence for a date.

      Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure he could accommodate her request. “My house isn’t huge.” Granted, the twenty-five hundred square feet of living space he’d purchased a little over a year ago sometimes seemed monstrous and too damned quiet and lonely in the evenings. He had his cat, Camelot, to keep him company though, and she was the perfect roommate. Female and loving, she didn’t make unrealistic demands on his time and never complained about his sometimes grueling work schedule and late nights.

      Absently, Jessica tucked a swath of hair behind her ear, revealing a small diamond stud earring that sparkled with her slightest movement. Not surprisingly, Ryan found her lobe incredibly sexy, and wondered if he’d elicit a shiver or moan from her should he ever have the pleasure of nibbling on that soft, enticing piece of flesh.

      “Can it accommodate about thirty people?” she asked, bringing his musings back to the present.

      He rubbed his thumb along his jaw as he considered her question. “If they’re spread out between the living room, dining room, and family room on the bottom level. And if we move my furniture around to make more open space.”

      “We can make it work.” The exuberance brightening her features made him realize how much this party meant to her, and just how close she was to her sister.

      From the sketchy details Ryan had learned at Brooke’s wedding, they had no other siblings. Their mother lived in West Virginia with her second husband, and when he’d casually asked Jessica about her father, he’d received a cool, emotionless response that their real father was no longer a part of their lives and hadn’t been for some time. It was all the information he’d gleaned, but it had been enough for him to suspect that she’d had a rough childhood.

      She set her nearly empty cup on the small table between the two chairs, her eyes brimming with excitement. “We’ll send Brooke and Marc a separate invitation on the pretense of you having a New Year’s Eve celebration so they’ll be surprised and won’t try and talk us out of the party.”

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