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The Rancher's Bargain. Joanne RockЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Rancher's Bargain - Joanne  Rock

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a look at the nanny’s quarters before you decide.”

      “The Double H is your ranch?” She knew the property. It was close to the Clayton family ranch, the Silver C. The portions of the Double H she could see from the main road were all beautifully manicured. The stables and ranch house were both painted crisp white with dark gray trim, and the window boxes were refreshed year-round with red flowers.

      “It is.” His smile was warm. “I never knew how easy ranch work was until I tried my hand at child care. I’m very ready to return to my cattle full-time.”

      The idea troubled her, given that his responsibility to his nephew wasn’t going to end when he filled the nanny position. But she couldn’t afford to feel any more empathy for this man than she already did. She had some tough decisions ahead of her where he was concerned.

      “I’ll stop by tomorrow. Does after lunch work for you?”

      “That’s perfect.” He laid a protective hand on Teddy’s back. “You can repeat the trick you did today of getting him to fall asleep for his nap.”

      She’d been given similar compliments many times from happy clients. She was good with children. Period. And yet, somehow the thought of putting the child to sleep with James Harris looking on filled her with a whole host of fluttery sensations.

      “I’ll see you then.” Nodding, she backed away fast, needing refuge from the strong pull of desire. Retreating to her car, she forced her gaze away from James and shut the door behind her.

      She locked the door for good measure. And then felt like an idiot if he’d heard her flick the locks. She wasn’t trying to keep anyone out as much as she was trying to keep herself in check around the too-handsome rancher with golden-brown eyes.

      Switching on the ignition, she pulled out of the parking lot fast, hating herself for thinking that if it wasn’t for James’s blatant sex appeal, she probably already would have accepted the job he’d offered.

      That wasn’t fair to him. And it definitely wasn’t fair to the innocent boy who’d just lost both his parents.

      She could help Teddy and James. And no matter what she told herself about not getting involved in her sister’s mayhem, Lydia felt a responsibility to repay James in whatever way she could. By covering Gail’s debt, he’d ensured both Walker women would be able to run their small businesses in Royal without censure from locals knowing that Gail had cheated the Pancreatic Cancer Research Foundation.

      Lydia would just have to find a way to do the job while avoiding the hot rancher as much as possible.

      Shouldering the pole pruner he’d been using to trim an apple tree, James squinted in the afternoon sunlight to check his watch at half-past noon.

      Based on the number of times he’d glanced at the vintage Omega Seamaster timepiece that had belonged to his grandfather, James couldn’t deny that he looked forward to a visit from Lydia Walker today. And as much as he wanted to credit his anticipation to the possibility he’d found a solution to his nanny problem, he knew that accounted for only part of it.

      He wanted to see her again.

      Taking his time to wipe down the blade on the pruner—an important step to prevent spreading disease—James needed to be sure Lydia agreed to his bargain. And frankly, that need was at odds with how fiercely he was attracted to her. She’d invaded his thoughts constantly since their last meeting. During the daytime, he shut down the visions as fast as possible. But during the night? His dreams about her had been wildly inappropriate and hot as hell.

      Securing a nanny was his number one goal right now, and had been for the past three months. He couldn’t afford to let an undeniable hunger for her confuse the issue that should be a simple business arrangement. Her sister’s overbid aside, James needed Lydia. He’d spent time the night before researching her credentials and had been thoroughly impressed. Not only had she served as a nanny for two TCC members who spoke highly of her—he’d messaged them both to check—but Lydia also had an intriguing connection to the popular childrearing blog House Rules.

      The blog was written by her mother, Fiona, but had often featured Lydia even as a teenager. There was a whole video library of Lydia, showing her mother’s followers how to do everything from making organic baby food to refreshing vintage nursery furniture to meeting modern health codes. Simply put, she was incredibly qualified. But the most convincing fact for him was that he’d seen how quickly she could turn Teddy’s stormy tantrums into full-fledged smiles.

      That alone made her services necessary. And he’d be damned if he allowed his unbidden desire for the woman to get in the way. Besides, if his divorce had taught him anything, it was that chemistry between people could fade fast, and made shaky ground for any relationship.

      Heading toward the potting shed to stow the garden tools, James heard the crunch of car tires on gravel. Turning, he recognized Lydia’s vehicle from the day before. He made quick work of putting away the tools and washed his hands at the shed’s utility sink before stepping outside again.

      He had almost reached her car when she stepped from it. Her long legs were clad in tall boots and dark leggings. A gray sweater dress and long herringbone-patterned coat were simple, efficient pieces. Definitely nothing overtly sexy. And yet, he found his gaze wandering over the way the sweater dress hugged her curves. But it was her smile that drew him more than anything. From her light brown hair streaked with honey to the sun-warmed shade of her skin, she seemed to glow from within. Today, like yesterday, she wore little makeup that he could see. A long golden necklace glinted as she straightened, the charms jingling gently as they settled.

      “Welcome to the Double H,” he greeted her, arms spread wide. “Home of the Harris family since nineteen fifty-three.”

      He and his brother had been born here and he took immense pride in the place, the same as his father had before his death. His brother had planned to move back to Royal one day and help expand the ranching operation. A plan that would never happen now. Strange how many ways grief could find to stab him when he least expected it.

      Still, James continued to think about expanding on his own, to give Teddy the future that his father had dreamed for him.

      “Thank you.” She let him close the car door behind her while she spun in a slow circle to view the closest buildings. “I’ve always thought this was a pretty property when I’ve driven past here.”

      He couldn’t help the rueful grin. “I don’t know how thrilled my grandfather would be to hear that I’ve turned the place ‘pretty.’ But I’ve toyed with the idea of expanding the horse sales side of the business after we’ve had some success with recent yearlings. And traditionally, horse farms have more curb appeal since potential clients often come through the barns.”

      “You’ve done a great job.” Lydia walked toward the small grove where he’d been working. “Are these fruit trees?”

      He nodded, pleased she’d noticed. “I’ve got a dozen apple trees, a few peaches and pears. Just enough to make the ranch hands grumble about the extra work at harvest time.” Although no one complained about taking fresh fruit home at the end of the day. “I was pruning these before you arrived.”

      “I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.” She stopped her trek through the grove and peered back at him. “I know I’m a little early, but I wasn’t sure how long the drive would take.”

      “I had just quit when you pulled in. Your timing is perfect.” He waved her toward a side entrance to the main house. “Come on in. Can I get you something to drink?”

      “No. Thank you.” She waited while he opened the door, then stepped inside the mudroom. “Where’s Teddy? I brought him a gift.” She tugged at the sleeve of her coat and he moved behind her to help.

      Her hair brushed the backs of his knuckles, the silk lining of her coat warm from her body. He tried to move quickly—to keep himself from lingering too long—but he wasn’t fast enough to avoid a hint of her fragrance. Something vanilla

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