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Her Perfect Cowboy. Trish MilburnЧитать онлайн книгу.

Her Perfect Cowboy - Trish  Milburn

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a guy who would only be in town for a short time, anyway. When India got involved with someone, she wanted to make sure he was going to be around for a while.

      But how likely was it that the type of man she’d always told herself she wanted was going to take up residence in Blue Falls? Would she have to leave to find him? Leave her friends, the business she loved and the town that felt more like home than the house she’d shared with her parents ever had?

      A sudden fear that she would lose it all swamped her just as Elissa grabbed the knob on the front door.

      “I’ll call you later, when I get some more of the plans for the rodeo activities finished,” India said.

      “Fine.” Without even looking back, Elissa disappeared in the opposite direction from Skyler.

      India couldn’t decide if she wanted to scream or cry.

      * * *

      LIAM TOOK OFF HIS GLOVES and beat the dust off of them on one of the barn’s support beams. Half of the load of hay was spread in the stalls that they’d spent the day repairing and prepping for horses. He caught Adrian’s gaze as the boy entered the end of the barn with two bottles of water fresh from the icy cooler.

      “You read my mind,” Liam said as he accepted one of the dripping bottles. “I feel like I’ve eaten one of these bales of hay.”

      Adrian laughed then took a deep gulp of water.

      “So, this music hall,” Liam said, trying to sound casual. “Lots of people go there?”

      “Yep, always packed. Only thing you could really call nightlife in Blue Falls. And tonight’s family night, the one night of the week when they don’t serve alcohol so people can bring their kids. You should check it out. Good way to meet the neighbors, even if they are temporary.”

      Liam shrugged. “Maybe. I’m not sure a shower and going to bed early doesn’t sound better.”

      This time it was Adrian’s turn to shrug.

      Liam looked back over everything they’d accomplished today. “Go tell your dad to pack it in. I think we’ve all sweated enough buckets for one day.”

      “Okay. Maybe we’ll see you later at the music hall.”

      Liam just grunted in response since Adrian was already halfway to the barn opening. He wasn’t sure taking Elissa up on her offer was such a good idea. But on the other hand, he and Ginny deserved a night out. Ever since India had put that doubt in his head about taking Ginny on the road with him, he’d caught himself watching his daughter for signs of boredom, loneliness or just wishing she was anywhere else. Things he might have not even noticed before seemed to jump out and scream at him. Part of him hated India for that, but only a little part.

      What was more frustrating was the fact that a bigger part wanted to go to the music hall tonight just to see what she’d wear. Would she even show up? Yes, she was a local and evidently a lot of the locals frequented the Blue Falls Music Hall, but as much as he tried he couldn’t imagine her there. A classical concert hall, yes. A Texas music hall filled to the rafters with cowboy boots and country music, not so much.

      With a shake of his head, he headed back to the RV. He wasn’t lying when he’d said a shower sounded really good. He scanned the fairgrounds as he crossed the space between the barn and where the RV was hooked up, but he didn’t see Ginny anywhere. When he stepped inside the cooler interior of the RV, he saw why. She was lying on his bed with her bare feet propped against the wall, reading.

      “Good book?”

      She nodded. “Yeah, I’ve read it before.” Was that a hint of boredom in her voice?

      He didn’t much feel like going out, but he decided that it might be good for Ginny to meet some of the local kids. “What do you think about going to this music hall Elissa mentioned?”

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