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Wild Fantasy. Janelle DenisonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Wild Fantasy - Janelle Denison

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in the moment and unnoticed by the other couples around them, inhibitions and reservations peeled away. Nicole softened and flowed into Mitch, just as he’d requested. Through lashes that had fallen half-mast, she watched the flame of desire and need burn bright in his gold-brown eyes, just as she’d intended.

      A surge of triumph welled in her, making her bold and too assertive. “So, what do you think, Mitchell?” she asked huskily as she smoothed her hands down his chest, experiencing equal measures of satisfaction and pleasure as his muscles rippled at her touch. Tossing her head back, she arched into him in a very suggestive manner. “Is this relaxed enough for you?”

      “Most definitely.” His free hand slid from her side, down past her waist and settled on her hip, leaving a trail of heat in the wake of his petting. “We’re very good together, don’t you think? Both of us qualified and definitely competent.”

      Nicole swallowed hard, unable to find the words to issue a sassy retort. She was too mesmerized by the irresistible, sexual allure in his raspy voice, too stunned by the depth of her body’s craving for him to think, let alone speak.

      Gently, he rocked her hips against him, igniting another frenzy of restless yearning within her. “The way we move together in such unison, the perfect fit of our bodies, is exactly the way it should be. Can you feel it, too?”

      She felt too much. Every touch and illicit caress expanded the heat between them. Every slow, purposeful brush of his body against hers scalded her senses until she was burning with the kind of need only making love could assuage. It had been a very long time since she’d wanted a man that much.

      She closed her eyes at that lusty thought but couldn’t shut out his murmured words, which painted such erotic and vivid pictures in her mind. She saw them flesh to flesh, clinging to each other in a dance between lovers. Witnessed the perfect fit of their inflamed bodies. Felt him filling the achy emptiness in her. Felt her own thighs clench his much too shamelessly. Tension coiled in her belly and right where the pressure he exerted was the greatest.

      A tremor shook her, a warning that immediately jolted her out of her daze. “Stop.” The uttered command slipped from her lips before she could intercept it, and Mitch went still and quiet, though loud voices and music still swirled around them.

      She blinked her eyes open wide, scattering the provocative images behind her lids. She stared up at Mitch in balanced increments of shock and mortification—and annoyance for his part in arousing her with his sexual monologue. Her breathing escaped her in soft pants, and she was feverishly hot, her skin flushed and tight.

      Unable to believe she’d nearly allowed him to seduce her in such a public place, she attempted to untangle herself from his embrace. He held her secure, pinned against his athletic, all-male form, seemingly not ready to let everyone see just how affected he’d been by their exchange. She could feel his burgeoning erection between them, and another unwanted thrill raced through her.

      She glared at him for turning what should have been a simple dance, an uncomplicated dare, into something far more tempting. “You don’t play fair,” she said, conveniently dismissing the fact that she was just as much at fault for provoking him.

      He had no qualms about reminding her. “Oh, and you do?” he asked wryly.

      Her chin lifted mutinously as her heart rate finally calmed. “You started all this, not me. I would have been satisfied kicking your butt in a game of darts.”

      Fleeting humor etched his expression, and he gradually eased them back into dancing to the song the band was currently playing, this time, in a more platonic manner. “At least we finally proved one important thing.”

      Curious, she took his bait. “And what’s that?”

      “How compatible we are.” His tone was husky and soft, his gaze serious. “And that you want me as much as I want you.”

      She rolled her eyes at that, grasping for levity and a believable fib. “We’re hardly compatible.” She found it more difficult to deny his second claim, so she didn’t even try for fear of him disputing her in sexy, tantalizing ways she wouldn’t be able to fight. “We’re complete opposites, Mitchell, and if it wasn’t for the sake of this charity contest, we wouldn’t be together right now.”

      “Mitch,” he said unexpectedly, his voice vibrating with a tinge of frustration. His gaze turned equally intense. “For once, call me Mitch.”

      The sudden change in him startled her, but also made her more determined not to give into his demand. “Mitchell suits you much better.” She fingered the collar of his red knit shirt. “Responsible, respectable and much too strait-laced for me.”

      Her blithe comment was meant to point out their vast differences and establish much-needed distance between them, but only served to spark a fierce, steely determination in the depth of his eyes.

      Without preamble, he grabbed her hand firmly in his and pulled her through the crowd still enjoying the reception. He nearly dragged her down the dark, secluded path toward the beach, his long-legged strides easily eating up the distance while she had to use quick double-steps to keep up with him in her heeled shoes. Her head was spinning when he finally stopped where the walkway ended at one of the small shacks used during the day for guests to borrow beach towels.

      Abruptly, he turned around to face her. Silver moonlight cast shadows over his lean, handsome features and made his eyes glitter with purpose. He was unadulterated male magnetism, raw and untamed, and a trifle dangerous. But it wasn’t him she feared; rather it was her own electrifying response to all that strong-willed aggression.

      Excitement and apprehension mingled. She’d met her match. She shivered at the thought, aware that they were very much alone. She could hear the faint, faraway voices of the people at the mixer and the crash of the waves on the shore behind her—or was that the frantic pounding of her heart against her chest that was echoing in her ears?

      He stepped toward her, and she took a hasty step back—and found herself pressed up against the locked door of the shack. He moved closer and, before she could side-step him, he flattened his hands on either side of her shoulders, trapping her between hard, rough wood and his unyielding length. He didn’t touch her physically, not yet anyway. But she could feel the simmering heat of his body and see the predatory light in his stare. While everything within her urged her to duck beneath his arm and bolt, she stood her ground.

      She’d never been afraid of confrontation or conflict—she’d experienced plenty of both through her childhood and her one-sided relationship with Jonathan. She refused to retreat now, no matter how much this man continually evoked varying degrees of emotions from her. At the moment, wicked desire was most prominent.

      “What are you doing?” she demanded, and wished her voice sounded more convincing, instead of so breathless.

      He bent his head and skimmed his mouth along her cheek to the delicate shell of her ear, a riveting touch all the more erotic for what it promised. “I’m about to prove I can be just as reckless and daring as you,” he said, his voice a ragged kind of velvet as dark as the night around them.

      Her pulse quickened as she watched his full, sensual lips descend toward hers to make good on his word. She prepared herself for a wild, outrageous kiss—the kind of frenzied joining that would reflect their tempestuous relationship so far. Her posture stiffened, ready to divert his domination with some kind of defiant response.

      She couldn’t have been more wrong in her assumption.

      With lazy deliberation, he brushed his mouth along hers, throwing her off-kilter with his featherlight, velvety strokes designed to soften her demeanor. Warm, delicate kisses to coax an ultimate surrender. And despite knowing she ought to do something to stop his slow seduction, her lashes fluttered closed and she rewarded his sensuous efforts with a sultry moan that was pure pleasure, without a trace of any protest.

      Mitch knew the moment that Nicole was his for the taking, and experienced a surge of supreme satisfaction. This woman, for all her impudence and stubbornness and sass, couldn’t refute the

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