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The Partner. Kay DavidЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Partner - Kay  David

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to have Abby and all the others, but like her father had said, this was an ordeal Risa was going to have to go through alone.

      “There’s nothing to talk about, Abby. Luke is dead and for the moment, my hands are tied. I want to help with the investigation, but I can’t. End of story.”

      Switching topics, Abby kept the conversation light after that, Risa answering her occasional question by rote. Just as they pulled to the curb outside Luke’s house, Abby’s cell phone chirped. Risa stepped out while Abby took the call and a second later, still behind the wheel, Abby rolled down the window closest to Risa and called out her name.

      Risa bent down to look at her. “What’s up?”

      Abby’s face was wreathed in concern. “I’ve got to go. The team’s had a call—a jumper’s threatening to go off the Ship Channel Bridge and it’s all hands on deck. I hate to strand you like this but I don’t know what else to do.”

      “Forget about it. I’ll find a way home, don’t worry.”

      “Are you sure?”

      “Of course I’m sure,” Risa answered. “If nothing else, I can call a cab.” She made a dismissive motion with her hand. “Go on. Duty’s calling.”

      Abby nodded and pulled back out to the street, her car disappearing in a haze of heat a minute later. Risa smoothed her dress and started up the sidewalk. Abby’s support would have been great, but until she’d attended the Academy and met everyone else, Risa had never been close to anyone. Her father and brothers had seemed to share some kind of testosterone-laden pact she’d been left out of, and with no mother or even an aunt nearby to compensate for it, Risa had had to make do on her own. Meeting Abby and Mei Lu, Crista and Lucy, Risa had finally learned what it meant to have friends. Catherine’s success had cemented the group, giving them inspiration as well.

      David Kinner opened the Rowlings’ front door before the doorbell could finish its peals. Sucking in her breath, Risa stifled her reaction as the overweight cop scowled then led her to a white satin guest book. When she finished signing the book, he pointed toward the back of the house, his attitude cold and indifferent.

      “Everyone’s in the living room,” he said. “There’s coffee and cake in the dining room.”

      There were over seven thousand law enforcement officers in Harris County. Why had Melinda chosen Kinner to stand at the front door and greet everyone? She’d probably asked him to help since he’d been on Luke’s team. Certainly not for his charming ways.

      Risa put him out of her mind and walked down the hall.

      Five feet down the narrow corridor, she found the dining area. A tiny space to begin with, the crowd made it seem even smaller. All she could see was wall-to-wall uniforms, then Debra appeared at her side. Taking Risa’s elbow, the secretary pulled her out of the stream of people and into a nearby corner.

      Risa shook her head. “My God, Debra, what a crowd!”

      “I know it. Been this way since this morning. So many people have come by, there hasn’t been room to swing a cat.” She reached out and plucked a plate off the laden dining-room table, handing it to Risa. “Get yourself something, then let’s go into the other room. There are less folks in there.”

      Risa held her hand up, the thought of food curling her stomach into a knot. “I’m not hungry,” she said. “But escaping this mob sounds like a good idea. You lead the way, I’ll follow.”

      Replacing the plate, Debra turned around to push a path through the crowd. They came out in the comparative serenity of the kitchen. Stuffed with cabinets and open shelves full of knickknacks, the area was actually smaller, but there were fewer people in it. Risa focused on the wall beside the refrigerator, a framed photograph of Jason catching her attention.

      Following her stare, Debra spoke softly. “Poor little guy. It’s hell to be that young and not have a daddy no more.”

      Risa’s throat tightened. “Is he here?”

      “I haven’t seen him. I think I heard someone say a neighbor lady’s got him.”

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