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One Night With The Italian Doc: Unwrapping Her Italian Doc / Tempted by the Bridesmaid / Italian Doctor, No Strings Attached. Carol MarinelliЧитать онлайн книгу.

One Night With The Italian Doc: Unwrapping Her Italian Doc / Tempted by the Bridesmaid / Italian Doctor, No Strings Attached - Carol  Marinelli

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in all of them,’ Louise said, ‘and I promise that you’re going to feel gorgeous too once you’ve had a shower.’

      Emily actually did. After more than a week of washing from a bowl, a brief shower and a hair wash had her feeling so refreshed that she actually put on some make-up and her smile matched the scarlet nightdress that Louise had bought her.

      ‘Wrong room!’ Hugh joked, when he dropped in during a lull between patients, please to see how much brighter Emily looked.

      In fact, Emily had quite a lot of visitors and Anton glanced into her room as he walked past.

      ‘Is she resting?’ Anton asked Louise.

      ‘I’m going to shoo them out soon,’ Louise said. ‘She’s had her sister and mum and now Hugh’s boss and his wife have dropped in.’

      Alex and Jennifer were lovely, just lovely, but Emily really did need her rest and so, after checking in on Carmel, who seemed much calmer since her sleep and a visit from her husband and children, Louise popped in on Emily, dragging the CTG monitor with her.

      ‘How are you?’ Louise asked.

      ‘Fine!’ Emily said, but she had that slightly exhausted look in her eyes as she smiled brightly.

      ‘That’s good.’ Louise turned to the visitors. She knew Alex very well from the five years she had worked in Theatre and she knew Jennifer a little too. ‘I’m sorry to be a pain, but I’ve got to pop Louise on the monitor.’

      ‘Of course,’ Jennifer said. ‘We were just leaving.’

      ‘Don’t rush,’ Louise said, while meaning the opposite. ‘I’m just going to get some gel.’

      That would give them time to say goodbye.

      Of course Emily was grateful for visitors but even a shower, after all this time in bed, was draining, and Louise would do everything and anything she had to do to make sure Emily got her rest. By the time she returned with the gel Alex and Jennifer had said their goodbyes and were in the corridor.

      ‘How are you, Louise?’ Alex asked. ‘Missing Theatre?’

      ‘A bit,’ Louise admitted, ‘although I simply love it here.’

      ‘Well, we miss you,’ Alex said kindly, and then glanced over to the nurses’ station, where Anton was writing his notes. ‘Oh, there’s Anton. Jennifer, I must introduce you—’

      ‘Not now, darling,’ Jennifer said. ‘We really do have to get home for Josie.’

      ‘It will just take two minutes.’ Alex was insistent but as he went to walk over, Jennifer caught his arm.

      ‘Alex, I really am tired.’

      ‘Of course.’ Alex changed his mind and they wished Louise goodnight before heading off the ward.

      Louise looked at Anton, remembering the night of the theatre do and Anton’s stilted response when Alex had said he hadn’t yet met his wife. Even if she and Anton were trying to keep their distance a touch, Louise couldn’t resist meddling.

      ‘She’s gone,’ Louise said, as he carried on writing.



      ‘That’s good.’

      ‘She’s nice, isn’t she?’ Louise said, and watched his pen pause for a second.

      ‘So I’ve heard,’ Anton responded, and carried on writing.

      ‘Have you met her?’

      Anton looked up and met Louise’s eyes, which were sparkling with mischief. ‘Should I have?’

      ‘I don’t know.’ Louise smiled, all the more curious, but, looking at him, properly looking at him for the first time since he had handed her the referral, she was curious now for different reasons. ‘Why aren’t we talking, Anton?’

      ‘We’re talking now.’

      ‘Why are you checking everything I do?’

      ‘I’m not.’

      ‘Believe me, you are. I might just as well give you the obs trolley and follow you around and simply write your findings down.’

      ‘Louise, I like to check my patients myself. It has nothing to do with you.’

      ‘Okay.’ She went to go but changed her mind. ‘We’re not talking, though, are we?’

      He glanced at the sticking plaster on her arm from where she had had blood tests. ‘How was your appointment?’

      ‘He was very informative,’ Louise said.

      ‘You’re seeing him again?’

      ‘In January.’ Louise nodded.

      ‘May I ask …?’ Anton said, and Louise closed her eyes.

      ‘Please don’t.’

      ‘So I just sit here and say nothing?’ Anton checked.

      He glanced down the corridor. ‘Come to my office.’

      Louise did as she wanted to hear what he had to say.

      ‘I want to see if we can have a chance and I don’t think we’ll get one with you about to go on IVF.’

      ‘Oh, so I’m to put all my plans on hold because you now think we might have a chance.’

      ‘I don’t think that’s unreasonable.’

      ‘I do,’ Louise said. ‘I very much do. I’ve liked you for months,’ she said, ‘months and months, and now, when I’m just getting it together, when I’m going ahead with what I’ve decided to do, you suddenly decide, oh, okay, maybe I’ll give her a try.’

      ‘Come off it, Louise …’

      ‘No, you come off it,’ Louise snapped back. A part of her knew he was right but the other part of her knew that she was. She’d cancelled her dreams for a man once before and had sworn never to do it again and so she went to walk off.

      ‘You won’t even discuss it?’

      ‘I need to think,’ Louise said.

      ‘Think with me, then.’


      She was scared to, scared that he might make up her mind, and she was so past being that person. Instead, she gave him a cheeky smile. ‘Richard told me to have a very nice Christmas.’

      Her smile wasn’t returned.

      ‘I’m not into Christmas.’

      ‘I meant—’

      ‘I know what you meant, Louise,’ Anton said. ‘You want some gun for hire.’

      ‘Ooh, Anton!’ Louise smiled again and then thought for a moment. ‘Actually, I do.’


      Anton stood in his office for a few moments as she walked off.

      Maybe he’d been a bit terse there, he conceded.

      But it was hearing Louise talk about egg sharing with Emily that had had him on edge. From the little Louise had told him about her fertility issues he had guessed IVF would be her best option if she wanted to get pregnant. Often women changed their minds after the first visit. He had hoped it might be the case with Louise while deep down knowing that it wouldn’t be.

      He had seen her sitting in the canteen with her mother today—and it had to have been her mum as Anton could see where Louise had got her looks from—but even that had caused disquiet.

      Louise had talked this through with her family. It was clearly not a whim.

      It just left no room for them.

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