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Exclusive!: Hollywood Life or Royal Wife? / Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! / Sex, Lies and a Security Tape. Jackie BraunЧитать онлайн книгу.

Exclusive!: Hollywood Life or Royal Wife? / Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! / Sex, Lies and a Security Tape - Jackie Braun

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it is al dente.’

      ‘Can I do anything?’ she asked, enjoying the sight of him intensely focused on his cooking.

      ‘Yes. Why not pour us some more wine?’ He flashed her a devilish grin, his teeth gleaming white against his tan. ‘I assure you this will be the best pasta you have ever tasted, cara mia. I am an expert.’

      ‘And modest to boot,’ she giggled, as she busied herself pouring from the bottle of red wine that sat on the counter.

      ‘I see little point in being modest when one knows one is the best,’ he said, dropping fettuccine into the pot with a flourish.

      ‘I promise to give you an honest opinion,’ she said, eyes flashing with humour as she handed him his glass.

      ‘Thanks. Now, join me here and watch the maestro at work.’

      Rolling her eyes in amusement, Victoria poured the other glass then stood next to Rodolfo. The sauce smelled delicious. She could detect several fragrances, including basil. But the rest she could not identify. ‘What is that?’ she asked, sniffing.

      ‘None of your business,’ he responded, tweaking a strand of her hair. ‘It’s a secret recipe.’

      Victoria made a moue with her mouth as he circled his arm around her and stirred the pan with a wooden spoon with his free hand. Then he dropped a light kiss on the top of her head. She looked up and their eyes met.

      ‘Not now,’ he said, shaking his head wryly. ‘I’m afraid this is the critical moment.’ Taking his arm away, he grabbed the pot, tipped the pasta out into a large sieve, then replaced it on the stove and stirred in some olive oil.

      Victoria looked on, amazed at how professionally he handled things. Next he was tossing the pasta back in the pot and adding the savoury sauce.

      ‘There,’ he said, mixing with two large spoons, ‘ready to serve, signorina.’

      Removing the large pot from the stove, he took it over to the table and placed it on a mat, serving large portions onto ceramic plates.

      ‘Here you go,’ he said, placing it before her. ‘Now, eat while it’s hot, or it’ll be no good.’ Then he served himself and, sitting down opposite, raised his glass.


      ‘Salute,’ she responded, raising hers.

      ‘Buon apetito.’

      Carefully Victoria twiddled some pasta onto her fork, thankful that she’d learned to eat it properly. As she dropped it into her mouth she let out a tiny groan of appreciation. ‘It’s simply delicious,’ she murmured once she could speak. ‘I was hoping I could find something wrong with it, but frankly I would be lying. It’s perfect.’

      ‘Grazie.’ He smiled, inclined his head, and began eating.

      For a few moments they ate in silence, enjoying the scrumptious dish. Victoria thought suddenly that she could go on doing this for ever and never be bored. He was so charming, so amusing, so easy to be around. Then she pulled herself up with a jolt. This was a ridiculous way of thinking. Here she was, spending a few days in this man’s company. She mustn’t allow her imagination to run away with her.

      Rodolfo watched her across the table, thinking that he had rarely spent such a pleasant, easy-going evening. Victoria was unpretentious, lovely and natural. It was a big change from the sophisticated models he usually shared his time with.

      By the time they’d finished dessert both were extremely relaxed with one another.

      Coffee was taken out on the balcony, followed by a small glass of limoncello, an after-dinner drink. It was past ten o’ clock when suddenly Victoria’s mobile phone rang.

      Rodolfo passed her handset to her.

      ‘That’s weird. Anne already called me. Hello?’

      ‘Hi, babe.’

      ‘Who is this?’ she asked blankly.

      ‘Why, baby-pie, it’s Bill—from Hollywood. I’m Janie’s boyfriend. Remember her? She told you about Dr Browne when you were feeling stressed. I heard you were hanging out there on an island, with some prince or other. Guess you won’t be using Dr Browne’s services any more, but I could get you some special candy and deliver it personally to you, if you like.’

      A chill gripped Victoria and she stared out to sea, swallowing. ‘I don’t want anything. And how did you get my number?’

      ‘Wouldn’t you just like to know? Thought you might like to make me a little gift. After all, the newspapers worldwide are lining up looking for folks to give ’em a good story about you. You’re a hot item right now, babe. Thought you might like to do a deal, honey.’

      Victoria froze. She glanced at Rodolfo moving around the kitchen area, discreetly staying away while she took the call. This couldn’t be happening. What would he say if he found out who was ringing her?


      ‘Look, I can’t talk right now,’ she muttered nervously, playing for time. She had to think, had to decide what to do—maybe talk to Anne and see if she had a solution to the dilemma.


      She never would have believed it was happening.

      ‘Okay. You’ve twenty-four hours to make up your mind, honey-bunch. After that all bets are off.’ He hung up.

      Victoria sat motionless, her hand trembling. What was she to do?

      Once he realised she’d hung up, Rodolfo came back outside. ‘Nothing important, I hope?’ he said, and raised a questioning brow.

      ‘Uh, no. Nothing, really. Just—’ She cut off, unable to lie, yet unable to tell him the truth. How could she explain that she was being blackmailed by a drug dealer who, by some mysterious means, had found out her whereabouts? She wanted to scream with frustration—would have done anything to be able to pour out her troubles to Rodolfo, to tell him the truth and be done with it.

      But that was impossible.

      He must never know how far she’d got into trouble. He’d been so kind and tolerant. But what if he knew this? He would be disgusted by her. The thought made her shiver.

      ‘Are you cold?’ he enquired, coming to sit next to her and slipping his arm about her.

      ‘No, no, I’m fine,’ she lied, swallowing.

      ‘Victoria, I think you know that I want you very much,’ Rodolfo said, letting his fingers thread through her golden mane of hair.


      ‘There’s no need to say anything. Just let me lead the way.’

      She hesitated. Then he rose. Unable to resist, she did too. She wanted this man more than anything, even though she knew that there was no future with him. But somehow it didn’t matter. What she needed now was to be in his arms, to feel him hold her, forget the nightmare taking place in her public life and give way to her inner desires.

      Slowly they moved through the living room and into the bedroom of the extensive apartment. Rodolfo closed the door, then turned her towards him.

      ‘Cara mia, you are so lovely,’ he whispered, his lips leaving a trail of kisses on her temple, her neck, and down to her breast. Her heart was beating so fast she didn’t think she could breathe. Then his hands began slipping off her top. In one quick movement he loosened her bra. It fell to the floor and she stood before him, her golden hair falling over her naked breasts.

      ‘Bellissima,’ he murmured, leading her to the bed and laying her down among the pillows.

      Soon they were lying naked next to one another. Victoria’s pulse raced as she thought of what she was about to do. This was the first time she’d been to bed with a man. Would Rodolfo be disappointed at her lack of experience? But it was too late to

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