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Mission: Seduction. Candace HavensЧитать онлайн книгу.

Mission: Seduction - Candace Havens

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Rafe’s hand and told him, “Tonight, we party.”

      Greg mumbled something, but she couldn’t hear him over the growing din of noise.

      Last Resort had been turned over to the California Tan team, and they’d decorated it as a colorful, twinkling paradise. There were lights, food and plenty of giveaways. The party planners had even hired bikini-clad girls to dance inside giant plastic balls that rolled around on the surface of the pool. They spun into one another like some kind of bubble derby.

      Everything organized about these parties was to entice buyers to pick up loads of product. Many guests at these events were circuit sponsors. If it wasn’t for them, Kelly would be counting pennies and still working at her local surf shop. Her parents were well-off, but she and her sister had always been determined to make it on their own.

      The Beach Bums band was set up on a makeshift stage. One of their best-known ballads filled the air.

      Rafe held her loosely and she slipped her arms around his neck. Emboldened by his voice mail message left for her sister, Kelly felt totally confident. She opened her mouth to tell him the truth, but his gaze scorched her. Pressing herself into him, she laid her cheek on his chest.

      “Things seemed heated when I walked up,” he said.

      She didn’t want to talk about Greg. She had a lot to think about and right now all she really wanted to do was lose herself in Rafe. Being here with him, like this, gave her an unexpected sense of calm. It was strange, given they’d just met face-to-face, that he should feel like home to her. She had that same feeling about Last Resort, but it was as if he were the missing piece of the puzzle.

      For a few seconds she thought about what it would be like to settle down with someone like Rafe. To give up the travel, the competitions, the adrenaline rush.

      Already she was making a home for herself on the island—a home Rafe completed with his mere presence. Of course, she couldn’t actually say that to him. The poor guy would freak and run away faster than a cheetah.

      “Sorry, didn’t mean to interfere with your business,” Rafe said apologetically.

      “No. That’s how Greg and I talk over things these days. He gets on my nerves, and I’m sure I do the same to him.”

      “From the way he looked at you, the two of you are more than friends.” His tone was guarded, cautious.

      Lifting her head, she met his gaze. His face was a blank mask.

      “We were, a long time ago. But that proverbial boat launched and sank almost simultaneously. We’re better business partners. This is nice,” she said as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

      “It is.” They swayed together perfectly in tune with each other.

      She must tell him the truth, Kelly thought. This would be a good time. Maybe in public he wouldn’t get upset at her for her deception about Mimi.

      “Rafe, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” She kept her head down, too much of a coward to look him in the eye.

      “I have something I need to talk to you about, too,” he said, “but let’s wait until we’re alone. I really just want to enjoy—uh—hanging out with you.”

      Don’t give in to temptation. Be honest with him and rip the bandage off.

      But his hands stroked the base of her spine and she gave a happy sigh. One night with Rafe might be the only one she ever had. Realistically, once he did know the truth, he might not forgive her.

      It was selfish and stupid, she admitted, but she’d dreamed about him for so long. Never knowing how it felt to—

      “Hey, stop hogging the marine.” A brunette—one of the California Tan girls—interrupted their dance.

      Oh, come on. The image of punching the girl’s cute, perky nose filled Kelly with a giddy type of euphoria. Unfortunately, the consequent lawsuit accompanied by an arrest record and plastic surgery bills would not.

      “Marine, am I hogging you?” Kelly leaned back, gazing sweetly at Rafe.

      A boyish grin spread across his face. “Oh, no. I’d say it’s me who’s hogging you.” He kissed her softly on the lips.

      Hissing in a breath, it took her a moment to register the contact. Then his tongue slid across her teeth and she was lost.

      He deepened the kiss, and her body rocked forward. The length of hardness against her belly sent her senses reeling. His hands pressed into her lower back and she had an urge to wrap herself around him.

      “Whatever!” The brunette stormed off, her high heels clicking against the wooden dance floor.

      “I don’t think she’s very happy with either of us,” Kelly murmured against his lips.

      “Don’t care. Thanks, by the way, for the save.”

      Was the kiss a save? Was it simply for show?

      “Rafe, I’ll always be happy to rescue you from the evil half-naked bikini witches of the world.”

      The music changed to a faster beat, but they kept moving slowly, their arms around each other.

      “That kiss—it...” He paused, as if he had to choose his words carefully.

      “Was in the moment and it was nice,” she finished for him. And it gave him the out. Though he’d made a good attempt to reach her sister and explain how he now felt, he didn’t know that she knew that.

      “Very nice,” he said. “But I meant for it to be a quick peck. Then our lips met and I lost control. I’m sorry.” He didn’t look apologetic; if anything, his blue eyes blazed hotter.

      Kelly smiled. “Don’t you dare apologize, Rafe. I enjoyed it every bit as much as you did.”

      “But your sister,” he said sadly.

      Happily, it was exactly as she thought. “Rafe, there’s a connection between us. You know, stuff happens sometimes. We went with it. Don’t be upset.”

      The last thing she wanted was for him to regret their first kiss.

      “I’m not upset, that’s kind of what I wanted to talk to you about, and I think maybe we shouldn’t wait. Do you mind if we take a walk on the beach?”

      It felt as if the ground had dropped out from beneath her and she rebounded again.

      This is it. Tell him.

      Her mouth went dry and her heart skipped a beat. Taking his hand, she led him away from the party. She slipped off her heels and waited while he took off his shoes and rolled up his jeans. Then they walked side by side across the sand.

      “I’m trying to get in touch with your sister but she won’t return my calls.” He exhaled the words on a long breath as they neared the water.

      “Oh? I told you, right? That when she gets on a shoot, time flies. She’s the worst at returning calls, texts and emails.” That was true at least. “Perhaps I can help.”

      He laughed. “I don’t think so. I’m not going to say too much right now. I need to speak to your sister first. It’s the right thing to do. But I wanted you to know that kiss was more than a save to me. I’d like to do it again.”

      Kelly blushed with the news.

      “Hmm. Me, too—a lot,” she said.

      He squeezed her hand. “But that can’t happen until I reach your sister and explain.”

      “Got it,” she said, though her mind raced to find a way to solve this situation. If she told him the truth now, he might never want to talk to her again. That would break her heart. If she let him get to know her, the real her, maybe he wouldn’t get so mad when the truth came out. “You’re an honorable guy. I kind of adore that about you.”

      At least one of them

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