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Once Upon A Kiss...: The Cinderella Act / Princess in the Making / Temporarily His Princess. Michelle CelmerЧитать онлайн книгу.

Once Upon A Kiss...: The Cinderella Act / Princess in the Making / Temporarily His Princess - Michelle  Celmer

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Vicki crossed her arms and looked smug. She held a finger over her lips. Annie wished she could dive behind the sofa. Her heart rate increased as Sinclair’s movements grew closer. By the time he reached the door, her heart was pounding so hard she worried the whalebone stays in her bodice might burst and release her braless breasts just in time for his entrance.

      “Come in, Sinclair.” She heard his mom from outside the room.

      “Why’s everyone acting so strange?” His deep voice sent a ripple of anticipation—richly mingled with dread—right through her.

      He rounded the corner and looked up, at her. Frozen to the spot and unable to think at all, let alone utter a word, she watched his reaction. Astonishment, sure. Disbelief. Her face heated as he took in her hair, her earrings, the subtle makeup Vicki had painstakingly applied. Then his gaze dropped lower, almost imperceptibly grazing her cleavage and the nipped-in waistline of the dress. Her breasts swelled against the snug neckline, responding to the desire that flashed in his eyes. Or was that alarm?

      “Annie, you look stunning.” His compliment sounded cool and composed, as if he’d expected to see her standing there dressed for the party.

      “Vicki isn’t well,” she rushed to explain. “And they didn’t think you’d go if you were alone, so they insisted that I …” She wanted to let him know this wasn’t her idea.

      “Vicki’s loss is my gain.”

      His expression was unreadable. She reminded herself it was simply a polite response, something he might say to a friend of his mother’s. No doubt he didn’t want to betray his horror to the others or they’d suspect there was some reason he felt uncomfortable going with her. Beyond the obvious reason that she was supposed to be waxing the furniture, not waltzing with the boss.

      “It seemed such a shame to waste the invitation.” Katherine picked a speck of imaginary lint from his spotless tux. “And why shouldn’t Annie get to have some fun for a change? You will make sure she has a good time, won’t you?”

      “Of course.” He didn’t take his eyes off Annie. “It would be my pleasure.”

      There was an oddly flat tone to his voice.

      I’m sorry. She tried to say it with her eyes. He must be appalled at the prospect of spending the evening with her. Maybe he thought she’d try to rekindle the flame of lust that had singed them both so badly.

      “Why don’t we all have a gin and tonic?” Vicki moved toward the drinks cabinet.

      “No, thanks.” Sinclair and Annie said it in unison. A moment of awkward silence turned into a nervous laugh. “We should get going,” said Sinclair. He probably wanted to get out of there and get this whole charade over with as quickly as possible.

      Annie gathered her impressive skirts. Hopefully she wouldn’t trip over them and fall flat on her face. She headed for the side door, through the kitchen, but Katherine pulled open the formal front door they rarely used. “This way tonight. You look far too elegant to sneak out the side door.” She now had to negotiate the rather uneven brick steps, and an equally hazardous slate walkway, and was almost breaking a sweat by the time they reached the driveway. Sinclair’s black BMW gleamed golden in the low rays of sunlight sneaking through the tall hedges. She walked toward it until she realized there was a silver Bentley sitting a little farther up the drive.

      “We’re being driven to the event.” He spoke coolly. “Mom is always very cautious about drinking and driving.”

      A uniformed driver emerged and held open one of the rear doors. Annie’s spirits sank when she realized they wouldn’t be alone even long enough for her to plead innocence in this whole caper. She managed to climb in, pulling her long skirt behind her and arranging it around her legs.

      Sinclair entered on the other side and sat next to her. The rear seat was spacious enough to leave room for another person between them, but the space quickly filled with tension.

      The driver climbed into his seat and started the engine, then started to speak with a heavy Brooklyn accent. “I’ll be waiting there for you tonight, so you can leave any time you want. Sounds like quite the party, from the talk at the depot. Everyone wants a limo tonight. We could have rented this one three times over.” Annie pictured people scrambling to rent fabulous limousines before the town ran dry of them. Who knew such problems existed?

      Sinclair glanced sideways at her. Probably wondering why she was there instead of Vicki.

      “Vicki complained of a headache since lunch.” She felt the need to explain in a way that wouldn’t reveal the whole situation to the rather chatty driver. “She seemed really keen for me to come.”

      “She’s never had so much as a hangnail in all the years I’ve known her.” He met her gaze. Her breath hitched at the warmth in his dark eyes. “I suspect she has an ulterior motive.”

      “I was wondering about that.” She fingered the beading at her waistline. “It was all her idea.”

      “Doesn’t surprise me in the least.”

      Annie hesitated. It was hard to be secretive and frank at the same time. But she did wonder if Sinclair had laughingly told Vicki about their … misadventure. “I didn’t say anything to her at all, about, you know.”

      He frowned for a moment. “Of course you didn’t.” She waited for him to say that he’d also kept quiet. “She probably has her own agenda. Maybe she’s trying to avoid someone who’ll be there.”

      Annie nodded. “Could be.” She couldn’t figure Vicki out at all, but if she’d teased her about liking Sinclair, she wouldn’t be surprised if she’d done the same to him.

      Apparently he wasn’t going to reveal anything either way.

      He looked breathtakingly handsome in his tux. The crisp, white shirt collar emphasized the hard, bronzed lines of his chin and cheekbones. She’d have loved to drink in the vision of him but had to make do with surreptitious glances.

      She risked another sneak peak, enjoying the set of his broad shoulders against the luxurious leather seat of the car. “Your mom looks better every day.”

      “Yes, thank God. She really does seem to be on the mend. The doctors said it will be months before she’s fully recovered, though. Her liver and kidneys shut down and her immune system almost gave up. She’s very lucky to be here. This whole thing with the cup is keeping her at home, too, which is good. Normally she’s traveling all over the world, which the doctors told her not to do until her immune system is up to speed. I’m sure that’s the only reason she’s not in Scotland storming the baronial halls of that particular Drummond.”

      Annie laughed. “I can’t believe how much stuff is in that one attic. It could take a lifetime to go through it.” She glanced at the driver. Maybe it wasn’t wise to reveal their treasure trove to a total stranger.

      “That’s good. It will keep Mom safely in Dog Harbor longer.” His wry smile sent a flash of warmth to her heart. He settled his broad hand on the soft seat and for a second she imagined it resting on her thigh, only inches away, hidden beneath the dress’s layer of silk.

      “It’s downright strange how well that dress fits you. Almost like it was made for you.”

      “Weird, huh? The original owner would have worn all kinds of undergarments to get it this shape. I just have a narrow waist.” She shrugged. “It seems wrong to wear something that’s really an antique. It must ruin the fabric. But Vicki kept saying that clothes are for wearing, not storing in boxes. And she is an antiques dealer so I suppose she knows what she’s talking about.” At least she wasn’t trying to steal them and sell them on eBay.

      “I agree. And maybe it was made for you, if the unseen powers of the universe that my mother’s grown so fond of are really at work.” His dark gaze sent a shiver of strange emotion though her. Did those same mysterious forces throw them into each others’ arms? Maybe they were meant to be together and Vicki was

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