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An Earl In Want Of A Wife. Laura MartinЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Earl In Want Of A Wife - Laura  Martin

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even earls can become short of funds.’

      Lizzie couldn’t even bring herself to answer. She knew Harriet was just saying these things to be cruel, but whatever her motivation there was certainly some truth in her words. Why else would Daniel be interested in a nobody like her? He was titled, handsome and charming. He could have his pick of fawning young ladies, or he could just as easily continue having illicit affairs with more experienced women. The only reason he’d ever be interested in her was her dowry. Or at least Amelia’s dowry.

      She stabbed her needle once again into the piece of fabric and watched as the colours blurred before her eyes as the tears started to form. Just once she wanted something of her own. She wanted someone to be interested in her, not just pretending so they could get closer to Amelia. All her life she had been second best, often ignored completely when her cousin was around. From a young age her uncle had made it clear she was nothing more than a burden, someone no man would want to marry. For a few moments Lizzie had indulged in a sweet dream that Daniel might like her for who she was, but deep down Lizzie knew it wouldn’t be so.

      Blinking away the tears, Lizzie looked up as the butler entered the room.

      ‘The Earl of Burwell,’ he announced.

      Daniel strode in, looking his normal composed self. There was no trace of the haunted and shaken man she’d glimpsed yesterday.

      ‘Miss Hunter,’ Daniel said, addressing Harriet, but not really looking at her. ‘And, Amelia, it’s lovely to see you again.’

      Lizzie suppressed a smile as Harriet’s eyes narrowed at the familiarity.

      ‘Thank you for calling on me again.’

      ‘I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather be.’

      Lizzie didn’t bother pointing out he hadn’t been able to get away from her fast enough yesterday afternoon. She smiled serenely at the compliment and wondered how they could get rid of Harriet so she could find out what had upset him so much. The idea of being alone with him sent a shiver down her spine. She told herself she was just curious, she just wanted to know what about the woman and small boy had spooked him, but if she examined her feelings hard enough there was also a desire to see if he would kiss her again. Although she knew their liaison was built on lies and it wasn’t really her that he wanted, Lizzie couldn’t help but want Daniel to kiss her one last time. For his lips to meet hers and for her to feel that tightening of desire deep inside her. To forget that she was plain old Lizzie Eastway and become a woman a man like Daniel could want.

      ‘I’m afraid I’ve been a little presumptuous,’ Daniel said with a wide smile.

      Lizzie marvelled at how relaxed he seemed—there was no trace of the harrowed man she’d seen yesterday.

      ‘I thought it would be the perfect afternoon to go for a ride.’

      Lizzie found herself nodding. She missed the freedom of racing along the mud tracks surrounding her uncle’s home just outside Bombay, she missed feeling the warm breeze on her face and seeing the scenery whip by. She’d always much preferred being outside to indoors. Back home her perfect afternoon had been trotting off on her own on horseback with a book tucked under her arm. She’d ride for a while, then find a spot to sit and read for hours on end until the light was fading. Amelia never had understood how Lizzie could spend so long in her own company, but for Lizzie it had been a welcome escape from a home where she didn’t really belong.

      ‘I’ve instructed my groom to be waiting in Hyde Park with two horses. If you would like, we can spend the afternoon on horseback.’

      Lizzie stood and smoothed down her skirt. It sounded like a wonderful way to spend the afternoon and if they were riding they would be alone, which gave her the opportunity to find out exactly what secrets Daniel was hiding.

      ‘I’ll go and change,’ she said, hurrying from the room.

      * * *

      Twenty minutes later they were strolling through one of the entrances to Hyde Park. Lizzie noted that Daniel was careful enough to avoid the spot where they’d seen the woman and small boy the day before, as if by not reminding Lizzie of it he could pretend the encounter hadn’t happened.

      ‘What beautiful horses,’ Lizzie said as they approached Daniel’s groom.

      One was the huge black beast that had nearly trampled Lizzie the week before. The other was a slightly more docile-looking chestnut mare.

      ‘Will you let me assist you up?’ Daniel asked.

      Lizzie nodded, feeling her heart start to race as he moved behind her. She positioned herself to mount the chestnut mare and glanced back over her shoulder. Daniel was close, almost as close as he’d been during their encounter in the Prestons’ garden. She could feel his breath on the nape of her neck and it sent delicious shivers down her spine. She could imagine him wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her back against his body and lowering his lips to her skin.

      Lizzie swallowed and tried to regain control. She wasn’t even sure if she liked him and here she was fantasising about him being entirely inappropriate in a public park.

      ‘Are you ready?’ His voice was low and seductive in her ear.

      She managed to nod before she started to pull herself up on to the horse. His hands looped under her leg and boosted her the rest of the way, lifting her as effortlessly as if she were a rag doll.

      Seated on the horse, Lizzie took a moment to regain control. Now Daniel wasn’t quite so close she felt as though she were in charge of her brain once again.

      ‘Shall we set off?’ Daniel asked as he pulled himself up on to his horse.

      Lizzie nodded and nudged her horse forward, concentrating on finding her equilibrium for a few seconds before falling into step beside Daniel.

      They rode slowly at first. This part of the park was busy and Daniel had to greet most of the people they passed. It gave Lizzie the opportunity to watch him and try to figure him out. Daniel was still very much a mystery to her. She’d seen so many sides to him she didn’t feel as though she knew the real man.

      After about ten minutes the crowds started to thin out. Lizzie knew now was her opportunity to ask him what had upset him so much the previous day. If she left it much longer, it would be difficult to bring up.

      ‘Daniel,’ she said, still wondering how to phrase her question.

      He turned to her with a lazy smile and for a few seconds Lizzie forgot entirely what she was meant to be saying.

      ‘Yesterday, just before we left the park, something upset you.’

      Daniel nodded, the smile remaining on his face, but Lizzie could tell underneath he was frozen.

      ‘What happened?’

      There was silence for well over a minute and Lizzie had almost convinced herself that he wasn’t going to answer her question.

      ‘I am sorry about how I left you yesterday,’ Daniel said. ‘It was rude and ungentlemanly. I hope you can forgive me.’

      Lizzie nodded, she’d forgiven him already, but it wasn’t his apology she wanted, it was an explanation.

      ‘Something upset you. Was it that woman who walked past?’

      His whole body stiffened and Lizzie knew she was right. He’d known the woman who’d not even stopped to speak to him. She wondered again if it was an old lover and felt an immediate pang of jealousy. Lizzie tried to shake it away, Daniel wasn’t hers to be jealous over.

      ‘It was nothing,’ he said eventually. ‘A case of mistaken identity. I thought she was someone I once knew. I was wrong.’ It was said with such finality that Lizzie knew he would say no more on the matter.

      They lapsed into silence. Daniel’s evasive answer had reminded Lizzie that she didn’t really know anything about the earl. He was charming and attentive towards her, but she had to keep

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