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The Lady Travelers Guide To Scoundrels And Other Gentlemen. Victoria AlexanderЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Lady Travelers Guide To Scoundrels And Other Gentlemen - Victoria  Alexander

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an unmarried couple traveling alone together, well, surely you can understand the repercussions.”

      “Scandal, Miss Prendergast,” Mrs. Higginbotham said darkly. “Nothing short of scandal.”

      “We will all be ruined.” Mrs. Fitzhew-Wellmore sighed deeply. “And any chance you have for a good marriage, Miss Prendergast, will be destroyed.”

      Miss Prendergast paused, obviously to summon a measure of calm, although Derek could see it wasn’t easy for her. “My concern right now is for the safety of Lady Heloise. My reputation is the very least of my worries. I am nearly thirty years of age, and the prospect of marriage is not a consideration.”

      “Oh, but my dear girl.” Encouragement shone in Mrs. Fitzhew-Wellmore’s eyes. “You must not give up hope. I was in my thirty-first year when I met and married my dear Malcolm. One is never too old to find true love and lasting companionship.”

      “And one shouldn’t throw away the possibility simply because one has reached an advanced age—”

      Derek winced. No woman—regardless of excellent posture or unflattering attire—wished to be reminded of things like advanced age.

      “And society says you are past your prime marriageable years. Society, Miss Prendergast—” Mrs. Higginbotham pressed her lips firmly together “—is made up of people who are unfailingly imperfect and very often have their heads—”

      “Ophelia,” Aunt Guinevere warned.

      “Buried in the sand,” Mrs. Higginbotham finished, then frowned at her friend. “What did you think I was going to say?”

      “One never knows what you’ll say,” Mrs. Fitzhew-Wellmore murmured.

      Aunt Guinevere shot both ladies a chastising look, then smiled apologetically. “You must forgive Effie. Her husband was a military man, and his language could sometimes be a bit salty. Effie forgets others are more easily offended than she is.”

      Mrs. Higginbotham shrugged, but a gleam of smug amusement twinkled in her eyes.

      “So you see, Miss Prendergast,” he began, “without a chaperone you cannot possibly—”

      “Oh, we can arrange for a chaperone,” Aunt Guinevere said brightly. “In fact, I have a couple in mind who will do quite nicely.”

      “Aunt Guinevere.” Derek aimed a pointed look at her. “There really isn’t time—”

      “Nonsense, Derek,” Aunt Guinevere said. “Miss Prendergast is extremely concerned about her cousin and will no doubt go quite mad if you leave her here to wonder what you are up to and whether or not you have located dear, dear Lady Heloise. In addition, she has already vowed to follow you if need be. We really can’t have that. Why, we would certainly be to blame if something were to happen to her.” She cast Miss Prendergast a sympathetic look. “I understand completely why you would wish to go with Derek. Indeed, I think it’s quite courageous of you. If you can bear to put off departing on your quest for one additional day, the day following the day after tomorrow, I am certain the couple I have in mind will be eager to accompany you.”

      The look in Miss Prendergast’s eyes softened, and for a moment, one could see how she might possibly, under certain circumstances, be considered almost attractive. “Thank you, Lady Blodgett.” She drew a deep breath. “Three days from now is acceptable.”

      “Good.” Aunt Guinevere nodded with satisfaction. “I shall speak with the couple I have in mind tomorrow, and, with any luck at all, you will have your chaperones. You and Derek will want to meet them, of course.”

      Mrs. Fitzhew-Wellmore leaned toward Miss Prendergast in a confidential manner. “It’s always wise to meet one’s traveling companions in advance. One would hate to be trapped on a journey with a companion one finds distasteful.”

      Miss Prendergast shot Derek a disgusted glance. “I suspect that would be...awkward.”

      “You shall join me for tea at my house to meet the couple the day after tomorrow.” Aunt Guinevere announced with satisfaction. “Now that we have that settled—”

      “We have settled nothing.” Derek clenched his teeth. This was quickly getting out of hand. If he didn’t nip this in the bud right now, he’d have half of London following him around Europe. “I am not about to set off on a wild-goose chase—”

      Miss Prendergast gasped. “I beg your pardon. This is my cousin. She is not a wild goose.”

      “Very well then.” He struggled to keep his voice level. “A missing-goose chase—” Miss Prendergast’s eyes narrowed “—dragging three people, their respective mounds of luggage and servants.” He pinned her with a hard look. “How many lady’s maids do you intend to bring with you, Miss Prendergast?”

      Her chin rose. “I am more than capable of seeing to my own needs, Mr. Saunders. I can function perfectly well without a maid.”

      “Then you’re the first woman I’ve met who can.”

      “Derek,” Aunt Guinevere said sharply. “Your objections are pointless. Miss Prendergast strikes me as the kind of woman who will not be dissuaded simply to make your life less difficult.”

      “No doubt,” he said under his breath.

      “Then we are agreed.” Aunt Guinevere’s gaze met his, and a subtle but distinct look of victory shone in her eyes. Of course. In one fell swoop she would vanquish the woman who could shatter the unsteady house of cards she and her friends had built as well as the man who had put a damper on her plans.

      “That matter perhaps,” he said in a firm tone. “But there are still things we need to discuss before I leave.”

      “I was afraid there might be.” Aunt Guinevere sighed, the gleam of victory changing to one of resignation.

      Under other circumstances, Derek might feel badly about extinguishing the light in an elderly lady’s eyes, but he had already learned Aunt Guinevere and her cronies were not nearly the sweet, doddering innocents he had initially assumed.

      “Very well then.” Miss Prendergast rose to her feet. “I shall be on my way.” She turned toward the door.

      Derek hurried around the desk to escort her out. He opened the door and nodded. “Rest assured, Miss Prendergast. We will find your cousin.”

      “Tell me, Mr. Saunders.” Her assessing gaze searched his. “If I had not written expressing my concerns over the loss of my cousin and had not appeared here in person, would you still be venturing out to find her now?”

      “Without question, Miss Prendergast,” he said without hesitation. Admittedly, he hadn’t known of the existence of the Lady Travelers Society or what his great-aunt and her friends had been up to until last week. But he had already realized he would have to take this matter in hand himself if he was to save the trio from the repercussions of their activities and save his own future, as well. “And you have my word that I shall do my very best to assure the success of our endeavor.”

      “How disheartening, Mr. Saunders. I was so hoping you could do better than that.” She nodded, turned and took her leave.

      “And a good day to you, too, Miss Prendergast,” he called after her. Better to be at least nominally cordial than sound like an idiot. Unfortunately, all the brilliant responses that immediately came to mind would not have been nearly as clever when said aloud and would only have reinforced her opinion of him.

      “Excellent retort, Mr. Saunders,” one of the ladies said behind him, a distinct note of sarcasm in her voice.

      A heavy weight settled in the pit of his stomach.

      It was going to be a very long quest.



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