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Cowboy to the Rescue. Louise Gouge M.Читать онлайн книгу.

Cowboy to the Rescue - Louise Gouge M.

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his sudden grin was any indication, he rather enjoyed her flippancy. “All right, then.” He ambled over to his own horse and swung into the saddle. “I’ll put my worries to rest.”

      “If you two are finished jawing, I’d say it’s about time we hit the trail.” Maisie reined her horse away from the stable, dug in her spurs and led out with a whoop.

      Rosamond followed, urging her gelding into a slow gallop. Mindful of her own need to reclaim her riding skills, Susanna stayed back with Nate. He set a slower pace as he led the packhorse carrying their picnic baskets and gardening supplies as they rode across verdant fields toward the low-lying hills ahead.

      The early-morning air smelled of fresh grass, with the pungent odor of cattle occasionally wafting by on the breeze. Quiet lay over the scene like a cozy blanket as the sun inched above the horizon to wake up the land. Sudden birdsong erupted from somewhere nearby in a marshy ditch, their chit-chit-chit-terree stirring Susanna’s soul like a welcoming wake-up call. She glanced at Nate to see if he noticed the sound.

      “Redwing blackbirds.” He gave her that charming grin of his, with one side of his upper lip a little higher than the other, as if he knew something she didn’t.

      Indeed, how had he known what she was thinking? She answered his intense gaze with a tilt of her head and a slight smile. As much as she tried to resist it, a warm peace settled over and within her. Maybe just for today she could give herself permission to enjoy the companionship of the handsome young cowboy beside her. The handsome young Yankee cowboy beside her. Somehow she must rein in this foolishness, but she found her emotions far more difficult to control than the horse she rode.

      She glanced westward toward the distant San Juan Mountains, Daddy’s ultimate destination. What dreams had drawn him to those silver fields? He possessed all the money he’d ever need. Unlike some former plantation owners, he’d made a successful new life for himself after the war, and the family had never wanted for anything. Maybe prospecting had been a boyhood dream, and only after Mama died was he free to pursue it. The thought stung so much that Susanna quickly dismissed it. Mama’s death had made a gaping hole in Daddy’s heart, so he’d had to fill it with something. If prospecting made him happy, Susanna wouldn’t fault him for it.

      Unlike the Colonel.

      The thought brought her up short, and she unconsciously pulled on Sadie’s reins, bringing the little mare to a halt.

      “What is it?” Nate stopped and turned back to face her. “You all right?”

      There he went again, showing that gracious concern. This time his worried frown didn’t sway her emotions in the slightest. Yesterday when the Colonel had spoken of prospectors as if they were just the same as horse thieves, Nate hadn’t disagreed, hadn’t defended Daddy or her. But what had she expected? After all, an apple didn’t fall too far from its tree. In fact, if she’d told him right away that she and Daddy were headed to the silver fields, he probably wouldn’t have helped them.

      That wasn’t fair, and she knew it. He’d never asked any nosy questions about them, just helped. But she couldn’t let that sway her feelings.

      “I’m fine.” She nudged Sadie with her left heel and loosened the reins.

      The mare resumed her pace, even prancing a little bit as if eager to catch up with the other horses. Susanna held her back, and after a while, Sadie settled back into a steady pace beside Nate’s mount.

      They rode in silence for some time, following an irregular trail toward the rolling green hills where Rosamond had promised they would find a field of columbines. Susanna could see in the corner of her eye that Nate kept glancing at her, but she refused to acknowledge him. It just wouldn’t do any good to let her heart go. In fact, she should make herself as unappealing to him as she could so he would stop being so nice.

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