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Cowboy Seeks a Bride. Louise Gouge M.Читать онлайн книгу.

Cowboy Seeks a Bride - Louise Gouge M.

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O’Brien, would you do me the honor of accompanying me on a picnic?” He winked and waggled his eyebrows, probably trying to cheer her.

      With a giggle of her own, or maybe it was a laugh of relief, Marybeth set her hand on his arm. She would show young Miss Laurie Eberly and Rand just how brave she could be by making as little of the snake incident as possible. “Why, Mr. Northam, I would be delighted.”

      * * *

      At Marybeth’s sassy response, Rand almost fell over in relief. Thank You, Lord. She might have fainted, but she got right back on her feet. More than that, as they’d stared into each other’s eyes for those brief seconds, he could see her determination to overcome the incident. Was he flattering himself to think he’d helped in some way? Not that it mattered. This little city gal had spunk, and it made him all the more resolute to keep on courting her. Even if they didn’t end up getting married, he wanted to be her friend.

      Yet as he held her hand to help her kneel back down on the blanket, he remembered her real purpose in coming to Colorado was to search for her brother. Had she deliberately lied to his parents so they would pay her traveling expenses? He mustn’t let her pretty face and nice manners hide a lying heart, something he refused to bring into his family.

      How odd that in the past few years he’d fended off a half dozen local gals who’d tried to capture his interest, honest Christian girls he just didn’t happen to care for enough to court. Yet the bride his parents had chosen for him could end up being a disappointment to them. He already felt a little disappointed that she hadn’t inquired about Susanna’s health today.

      On the other hand, he couldn’t imagine how it would be to have only one family member still living and yet not know where he was. Rand loved his brothers and sister more than words could say. Even when they fought or just disagreed, they were always there for him. Dad and Mother, too. From what Marybeth had said about her father, her family hadn’t been blessed in that same way. Maybe if Rand learned more about her and them, he could unravel the mystery of her character.

      One thing was sure. After he took Marybeth back to Mrs. Foster’s house, he would start his search for Jimmy O’Brien by writing to the sheriffs in Wagon Wheel Gap and Del Norte. In fact, if he had a little more confidence in his ability to avoid temptation, come Monday morning he would ride over to Del Norte and speak to Sheriff Hobart in person.

      Laurie took charge of the picnic basket and dug out a sandwich to hand to Marybeth. “You ever go fishing?” She handed one to Rand before taking a bite of a third one.

      “Ahem.” Rand gave her a scolding look. “Shall we pray before we eat?”

      Laurie had the grace to bow her head without protest, while Marybeth, who hadn’t taken a bite yet, gave him an approving smile. “Yes, please.”

      After a quick argument with himself over whether to mention the snake, he decided the Lord deserved their thanks for keeping Marybeth safe. He should have prayed right after Laurie shot the varmint. Dad said a Christian man needed to take spiritual leadership in any situation when a minster wasn’t present. Rand and his older brother tried to follow Dad’s example now that he was away from home.

      “Father, we thank You that Laurie shot the snake before it could cause any harm.” No need to belabor the point, so he hurried on. “We thank You for this food and the hands that prepared it. And thank You for making this beautiful day for us to enjoy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

      He opened his eyes to see Laurie chowing down, while Marybeth was staring at him with teary eyes...and a smile. A feeling as warm and pleasant as the day spread through his chest.

      “Let’s eat.” He bit into the sandwich, and flavor burst in his mouth and set it to watering. “Oh, man,” he said after he’d chewed and swallowed. “I don’t know what Rita puts into her mystery sauce, but nobody can beat her roast beef sandwiches.”

      “Not even Mrs. Foster?” Marybeth raised one eyebrow and gave him a teasing smile.

      “Shh.” He held a finger to his lips. “Don’t tell her I said that.”

      She gave him another one of those cute smiles and he felt a slight tickle in his chest that he couldn’t quite identify. “I can see that cooking is a source of great competition among the ladies.” Turning to Laurie, she said, “How about you? Do you like to cook?”

      “Not much.” Laurie shrugged. “It’s more of a chore than fun. I’d rather be fishing.” She glanced over at her pole, still stuck in the riverbank with its line trailing downstream. “Or breaking horses.” A glint in her eye warned Rand that mischief was coming. “Do you ride? ’Cause if you do, I have just the horse for you. Name’s Malicia.”

      “How kind of you.” Marybeth’s expression was pure innocence, except for a slight twitch of her lips, revealing to Rand that she wasn’t fooled by Laurie’s offer. “Unfortunately, I’ve never had the pleasure of learning to ride.”

      “Too bad.” Laurie finished her sandwich and excused herself to tend to her fishing pole. When she was out of earshot, Marybeth rolled her eyes.

      “Malicia, eh?” She laughed softly. “Malice? I don’t need to speak Spanish to figure that one out.”

      Rand chuckled. “The Eberly girls don’t have any brothers, so they have to do all the work around their ranch, including breaking horses and mucking out barns. They don’t think much of women who can’t keep up with a man. They do everything from herding cattle to cooking mainly because they don’t have the luxury of being pampered like city girls.”

      The instant the words left his mouth, he knew his mistake. Marybeth’s eyes dimmed briefly and her lips pinched together into a grim line. “Hmm.”

      Before he could correct his mistake, Laurie whooped.

      “Got a big one on the line.” She gave the pole a little jerk to set the hook, struggled briefly with her unwilling prey and then pulled the large trout up on the grassy bank. “Will you look at that?”

      Marybeth got to her feet, snatching up a knife from the picnic basket and striding toward the scene. “That’s a fine fish, Laurie. Must be at least two pounds. I’ll be glad to clean it while you catch another one.”

      Laurie stared at her briefly, gave Rand a quick glance and held out her still hooked catch. “Sure. Here you go.” Her tone of voice was friendly, but her eyes held a challenge. Rand wanted to tweak her nose for being so contrary with this city girl who’d already shown a healthy bit of grit by dismissing the snake episode.

      Marybeth deftly unhooked the squirming silver trout and plunked it down on the grass. With the skill of a butcher, she gutted it in no time, tossed the innards into the river and scraped off the heavy scales that marked it as a fairly mature fish. “Did you bring a creel?”

      Her eyes already wide with surprise, Laurie gave a brief nod. “On the back of my saddle.” She tilted her head in the direction of her horse.

      Marybeth hesitated only two seconds before approaching the large gelding. After putting the fish into the wicker creel, she untied the basket from the saddle and carried it to the river, dunking it into the water as though she knew exactly what she was doing.

      Laurie once again glanced at Rand and nodded her approval.

      Rand lay back and rested his elbows on the woolen blanket, content to watch the girls, whose cooperative efforts suggested they were having fun catching and cleaning the fish. Marybeth had surprised and impressed him in a big way. In spite of her city upbringing, she didn’t appear to be the least bit pampered, and if he knew what was good for him, he’d better not make any more remarks to suggest that she was.

      * * *

      Marybeth studiously avoided letting her face reveal the triumph she felt over showing she wasn’t afraid of unpleasant tasks. Pampered, indeed. Maybe she couldn’t ride a horse or even feel comfortable going near the large beasts beyond riding in a buggy. Yet before enrolling in the academy, she’d spent

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