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Taming the Texas Rancher. Rhonda GibsonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Taming the Texas Rancher - Rhonda  Gibson

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hurried to their table. “Well, I declare. Daniel and Levi Westland, and who is this lovely young woman?”

      Daniel made the introductions. “Mrs. Steward, this is Miss Hannah Young.”

      Bertha handed each of them a menu. “Nice to meet you, Miss Young.” She wiped her hand on a flour-covered apron, and then extended it for Hannah to shake.

      “Please, call me Hannah.” She took Bertha’s hand and smiled. “I’m not a big fan of formality.”

      The older woman laughed. “I like her, boys.” Then she turned her attention back to Hannah. “You must call me Bertha. What would you like to drink?”

      Hannah laid the menu to the side. “I’d like a cup of hot tea, if it’s not too much trouble.”

      “No trouble at all. Boys?” Bertha tucked a graying strand of light brown hair behind her ear.

      Daniel felt a grin ease onto his face. All his life Bertha had called him a boy. Even though he was now thirty-three, she still saw him as the six-year-old who used to beg her for cookies. “Coffee, black, please.”


      “I’ll have the same as Daniel.”

      “I’ll be right back.” Bertha hurried away to fill their drink orders.

      Hannah studied the list of foods. “If everyone is as nice as her, I’m going to like it here.” She lowered the menu and grinned at Daniel.

      He noticed the paper menu shook slightly. Was Hannah Young nervous? Scared?

      “They are.” Levi laid his menu down and grinned across at him. “Well, are you going to tell her? Or shall I?”

      The teasing in his brother’s eyes irritated Daniel. “Don’t you have someplace else to be?” He hoped his brother understood he wanted him to leave, without him actually coming out and saying it in front of Hannah.

      Levi’s dimples winked. “No. Since I haven’t eaten today, I’ll stay here and have lunch with you two.” He smiled at Hannah and sat up straighter in his chair.

      Daniel gave him his most irritated look. There were times when he wanted to strangle his little brother, and one of them was now.

      Bertha arrived with the drinks and took their orders of roast beef stew and fresh bread. Daniel was aware of Hannah’s gaze upon his face. He felt heat enter his neck and cheeks.

      “I’ll have your food right out.” Bertha gave them all a big, toothy smile, took the menus and headed back toward the kitchen.

      Daniel gulped his coffee, scorching his tongue in the process. He sputtered and grabbed for his napkin. More heat filled his face and neck. Could this day get any worse?

      “Since my big brother seems to be having a hard time getting the words out, I’ll explain why we both need brides.” Levi picked up Hannah’s hand and held it in his. He made a show of looking deeply into her eyes.

      Daniel made a mental note to throttle his baby brother when they got back to the ranch. “I—”

      Before he could say anything more, Levi interrupted. “Back in December, our mother made a declaration that whichever son got married and had the first grandchild would inherit our family ranch.” His solemn gaze met Daniel’s, the teasing light no longer there.

      Hannah gasped and pulled her hand from Levi’s grasp. Her eyes grew large and her breathing became rapid. Was she going to have a spell right there?

      Daniel could only imagine what was going through her mind. Her green eyes screamed shock and disbelief. He’d planned on telling her once they were married and settled comfortably in his new house. Why did his mother’s words have to sound so cold when spoken out loud?

      His bride-to-be cleared her throat before taking a delicate sip of her tea. She lowered the cup. “I see.”

      Did she really? Daniel didn’t think so. The Westland Ranch should rightfully be his. He was the oldest, worked the hardest and he’d poured his blood, sweat and tears into the land. Daniel doubted any woman could understand.

      Hannah turned her gaze to Levi. “In your letters to Miss Summer, did you tell her why you wanted to get married?”

      He nodded his head, his gaze focused on his coffee cup. Daniel could almost hear his brother thinking that he shouldn’t have written that part of his letter. If he hadn’t, Millicent Summers might have arrived, too.

      Hannah cleared her throat again, drawing his attention from his brother. “So why didn’t you tell me?” Her soft voice held a sharp edge.

      Daniel captured her gaze with his and sighed. “Would you have come?” He didn’t think so, and in this instance supposed he hadn’t been truthful with Hannah. He sent a silent prayer heavenward asking forgiveness.

      His not being honest and her stubbornness would probably cause him to lose his ranch. Lord, please help Miss Young and me work through this. I don’t want to lose my ranch.

      * * *

      Had she mistaken God’s gentle nudge to answer Daniel Westland’s ad? Hannah studied his handsome features. Strong jaw line, firm chin and the prettiest green eyes she’d ever seen. All that aside, Hannah had to ask herself, would she have still come had she known his real reason for taking a wife?

      Truth be told, she probably wouldn’t have. Getting married was one thing, but expecting a child immediately afterward was another, unless they were in love. And they were not. It was bad enough when her fiancé had left her at the altar. What would have happened had they gotten married, she came up with child and then he’d decided he didn’t love her and left?

      Hannah had thought she was doing God’s will when she’d answered Daniel’s ad. Now she had to wonder about that, as well. If she had known why he was looking for a bride, and it had still been God’s will for her to come, Hannah knew she would have obeyed the voice of her Lord.

      Heat filled her face as she realized that a number of minutes had passed since his question. She raised her chin and answered, “I would like to think that if God had deemed it so, I would have.”

      Bertha chose that moment to make her way to their table. She balanced three plates of food, a small basket of bread, silverware and a pot of tea on the large tray she carried.

      She set the tray on the empty table next to theirs and then skillfully positioned everything before them. The rich aroma of the stew floated to Hannah as Bertha worked. When she had everything where it should be, she grinned. “Will there be anything else?” she asked.

      “I think that about does it. This smells wonderful, Bertha. Thank you,” Levi answered for them all.

      Daniel nodded his thanks as well, but kept his eyes trained on Hannah. “Just holler if you need anything,” Bertha replied, leaving to greet a couple who’d entered the restaurant.

      After saying a quick prayer of grace over their meal, Daniel continued their conversation. “Now you can see why we have to get married today.” He picked up his spoon as if to say the matter was closed.

      “No, I don’t.” He started to protest and Hannah raised her hand to stop him. She struggled to keep her voice strong and even. “I will not get married without being courted or without love. Your mother said you have to get married and have a child. I never agreed to her terms, even if you did.” She picked up a piece of bread and tore it in two.

      Hannah focused on the bread. What if he said, “Fine, I’ll order a new bride who will do what I tell her to”? Would Levi be willing to court her, as he’d declared earlier? Hannah instantly rejected that thought. She refused to come between brothers, especially since, from what she could gather so far, their mother had already placed one invisible barrier between them. Hannah wouldn’t do the same.

      The desire to get up and walk out pulled at her. She fought the need to run. But where would she go? If only she could return to

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