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Finally a Bride. Renee RyanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Finally a Bride - Renee  Ryan

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mesmerized, as he listened to Molly applying one of her “formulas” to a personal problem? He used to find her process of applying mathematical equations to life’s troubles charming.

      He wasn’t charmed now.

      Garrett only had himself to blame for this disaster. He should have followed his instincts and spoken with his sister himself, rather than trust Molly to handle the problem.

      “You and Fanny will work this out,” he said, determined to see it come to pass. “This is probably just a case of cold feet on her part.”

      “I’m not so sure.” Angry shock leaped into Reese’s gaze. “She said she had to follow her heart.” Shadows swirled around his eyes, dark and dangerous. “Follow her heart,” he repeated, spitting out the words one by one. “What’s that supposed to mean anyway?”

      “I have no idea,” Garrett admitted, feeling uneasy and puzzled over the phrase. Something tickled at the back of his mind, a distant memory, but he couldn’t capture the thought fully so he focused on what he could address. He would find out what was going on in his sister’s mind, from the source herself, sooner rather than later. In the meantime...

      “Reese, don’t give up on Fanny. I’m sure she’ll be back, maybe even later today, retracting everything she said.”

      “I don’t know, Garrett.” Reese inhaled a ragged breath. “She sounded quite convinced she was making the right decision.”

      Perhaps. Perhaps not.

      Garrett would know more once he spoke with Fanny.

      Naturally, he’d make certain she was all right first, and would determine she wasn’t hiding something about Reese that none of them suspected. If all was in order, and this turned out to be just a whim on Fanny’s part, well, then, Garrett would take it upon himself to talk some sense into her.

      For now, he kept his face blank, even as he struggled with the suspicion that Molly’s interference may have played a role in this debacle. It was very likely that somehow, with her own brand of twisted logic, she’d influenced Fanny to break off her engagement—as she’d done twice herself.

      If he was right, if he found out Molly had said or done something to cause Fanny to beg off, Garrett wouldn’t let her off easily. She wasn’t going to smile and simper and charm her way out of this one.

      No. This time, Molly would answer to him.

      Chapter Three

      Molly found her parasol precisely where she’d left it earlier in the day, leaning against the building outside Mrs. Singletary’s favorite millinery shop. Breathing a sigh of relief, she picked it up and backed away.

      “Oh.” She found her progress halted by a wall of solid muscle. “Oh.”

      She jerked forward, stumbled awkwardly, dropped the parasol.

      A familiar pair of hands secured her balance with a firm but gentle hold.

      Molly froze, stunned by the realization that she knew who had a hold of her. Garrett.

      Garrett. Even if he hadn’t prevented her previous fall earlier in the day, she recognized the clean, woodsy spice of his shaving soap.

      Before she could thank him, he turned her slowly to face him.

      Their gazes locked.

      Her mouth went dry as dust. He was so unbelievably dashing, standing with that relaxed looseness he’d earned from years of riding the range on his family’s ranch.

      They continued to stare at one another.

      The bristling intensity of the moment seemed too deep to fathom. Garrett had a look on his face she hardly recognized. He was absolutely...furious. Furious, with her.

      But why? What had she done?

      Nothing, that’s what, which meant he was upset about something else, something that couldn’t possibly have to do with her. And yet, he was glaring at her as though she’d done him precise harm.

      She lifted her chin, refusing to cower. Or be the one to break the silence first.

      “What? No suitors clamoring for your attention this afternoon, no hordes of men enthralled by your startling wit?” He looked her over with an insolent, thorough glance. “You’re losing your touch, Molly.”

      The aggravation in his voice slid a chill across the base of her spine. What had brought on this dark mood of his? Since when did Garrett care if she had admirers? So shocked by his behavior, it required several attempts before she could respond calmly. “I don’t know what you mean.”

      “Don’t you?” His lips twisted. “We both know you take great delight in leading men around by the nose, then casting them aside when you’re through with them.”

      “I most certainly do not.” Now he was just being mean. And that wasn’t like Garrett, past or present.

      Why this antagonism? It seemed so...so...personal. There hadn’t been anything personal between them in years.

      As the daughter of a seasoned lawman, Molly knew when to stand and fight, and when to beat a tactical retreat. The latter was in order, but Garrett still held her.

      “Let me go,” she whispered, keeping her voice free of emotion. “Please.”

      His hands abruptly released her. Palms facing forward, Garrett stepped back, though he kept his gaze locked with hers, watching her closely. “Where’s Mrs. Singletary?”

      “Having tea with a friend.”

      “Ah.” The answer seemed to satisfy him, but the anger was still there, simmering just beneath the surface.

      She found her own anger rising to meet his. “I fear I am one full step behind. Tell me.” She kept her voice even, her tone as cool as his. “What have I done to offend you?”

      Pulling in a deep breath, he looked away. She saw the conflict in him, the rough tug of emotion he struggled to keep under control. He shifted his stance. Shadows from the awning overhead curtained his face, hiding his eyes from her now.

      “Fanny has broken off her engagement with Reese.”

      “She—” Molly’s hand flew to her throat “—what?”

      “You heard me.”

      No. No, no, no. That couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t. Thinking back to their last conversation, she sought to recall every word that had passed between them.

      What had she said to her friend? Surely, Fanny hadn’t misunderstood her advice. “I need to speak with her.”

      She set out down the sidewalk.

      Garrett stopped her with a light grip on her arm. “She won’t see you.” He released his hold when she glanced pointedly at his hand. “Even Callie can’t get her to come out of her room and talk this over rationally.”

      This was awful, absolutely terrible and so unlike her friend.

      “Oh, Fanny,” Molly whispered softly. “What have you done?”

      “What do you think she’s done? She’s followed your lead.”

      Garrett blamed her for this? “I would never wish the pain of a broken engagement on anyone, not ever.”

      “Is that so?” He didn’t seem convinced. “Then why did Fanny tell Reese that their union didn’t...add up?”

      His words wrapped around her, replacing her previous sense of outrage with bone-deep guilt. “She...she actually said that, that she thought they didn’t...add up?”

      “Let me guess.” Garrett towered over her, glaring down from his superior height. “You gave her one of your formulas to apply to her situation.”

      Molly stiffened,

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