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Accidental Fiancee. Mary MooreЧитать онлайн книгу.

Accidental Fiancee - Mary  Moore

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it and laid it on his arm. “It is good to see you again, my dear. The new gown was definitely worth the wait. You look beautiful.”

      Silence fell again in the room and Grace blushed. She raised her eyes to his and he hoped he saw his amusement reflected in hers.

      She removed her hand from his and finally smiled at him. She turned back to his sisters. “Lady Wright, Mrs. Hale, we are happy to make your acquaintance, as well.”

      The tension in the room eased considerably and Lord Weston nodded his approval over Lydia’s head. Grace’s poise was phenomenal and he knew she would do well in London. He knew then, too, that he would not find it an onerous task to have her on his arm for the next few weeks.

      Maggie joined in by walking to Grace and hugging her. “I am so happy you are to be part of our family.” Her smile was genuine.

      Grace’s aunt began seating everyone again, and motioned for Grace to pour tea for herself and Lydia.

      Brandon went back to the mantel, where he could watch all the faces in the room. But his first notice was of Grace’s new gown. It was dark blue with tiny white stripes. The sash at her waist was also white; he noted that she eschewed the Empire style, at least with this dress. A wide white stand-up collar completed the confection. At her age, she was able to wear colors, and in her new gown she looked somewhat regal. He liked it.

      Lydia had not spoken a word since her opening remarks, but she had ended up next to Maggie, and Brandon knew his sister would do everything in her power to make the girl more comfortable. “This is a beautiful home. We were commenting on it earlier.”

      “Thank you,” she murmured shyly.

      Grace smiled at Maggie and winked at Lydia. “We must be perfectly honest with you, Mrs. Hale. Lydia had never been to the town house before two days ago. I have been in London several times and have come to love my mother’s touch everywhere. The entry hall is my favorite. I hope you may soon see the way the chandelier lights up the tapestries in the evenings. And I must introduce you to Max before you leave. He is my knight in shining armor!” She smiled at each of them.

      Brandon watched as she effortlessly protected Lydia and let her love for the house show in her words. That his favorite room was the same as hers did not surprise him.

      “But my father rarely comes to Town, so it is almost as new to Lydia as it is to you. Our betrothal,” she said, as she looked at Lord Weston and blushed, “happened rather unexpectedly. Our true purpose in coming to London is to bring Lydia out.”

      “Oh, I see,” Maggie said, smiling at them both. “This shall be a most exciting Season. Lady Lydia will be the reigning belle, and with your wedding, Society may never be the same!”

      Finally, his sister Elizabeth spoke again. “I see we have much more to do than I’d originally realized. I am very glad we pushed for this hasty introduction. We have much to discuss. I think the sooner we get some of the details settled, the sooner we can begin our planning.”

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