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Warriors In Winter: In the Bleak Midwinter. Michelle WillinghamЧитать онлайн книгу.

Warriors In Winter: In the Bleak Midwinter - Michelle  Willingham

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are many ways a beautiful woman can spend the hours of her day.’

      She sent him an exasperated look, knowing exactly what he was implying. ‘No, thank you.’

      His voice deepened as he sheathed his blade. ‘I can teach you what you wish to learn, Brianna.’ The seriousness on his face made her stop walking, as she realised he was no longer teasing. ‘But only if you swear to me that you won’t hunt this man down alone. Put your anger into the training, and you may find that it eases your grief.’

      His offer surprised her. Her own father and uncles had refused to let her near the weapons. ‘Why would you agree to this?’

      ‘I spent the year after Cristina’s death fighting in any battle I could. Releasing the anger is better than holding it in.’

      Brianna studied his dark brown eyes and saw the truth of his words. The physical aspect of training would make her feel better, even if she ended up destroying the weapon. She wanted to punish herself with exertion, until at night she fell into a dreamless sleep. And then, perhaps, she wouldn’t feel the emptiness.

      She shivered against the winter air, and the snow had begun to accumulate around them, coating the pine branches in a frosted white. Arturo picked up the basket and nodded for her to accompany him back to Laochre. ‘In return, I ask that you take me to visit the lands nearby. I want to see what I can of this country, before I return to Navarre.’

      It was a reasonable request, one she could grant easily. ‘All right. Until Liam and Adriana marry.’

      Though he inclined his head in agreement, she worried that spending a great deal of time with Arturo was not a wise idea. Even while walking with him, a dormant part of herself stirred, as if awakening from a long slumber.

      Being trained by this man would be a dangerous game indeed.

       Chapter Two

      The next morning, the ground was covered in several inches of snow. Brianna stood back within the inner bailey, watching the soldiers spar. Most were fighting with light colc swords, and they wore armour made from leather. All of the men, including Liam, took part in the training. But her attention was drawn to Lord de Manzano. He held a lighter sword made from Damascus steel. The blade was beautiful, and he stood speaking with Connor MacEgan, Rhiannon’s father, who had already begun working with the men. Though Connor had lost the use of one of his hands, it made no difference at all in his fighting. He went from soldier to soldier, speaking to each man and offering adjustments to improve their skill.

      When he spied her, Connor came forward and smiled. ‘I didn’t expect to see you here, Brianna. Have you seen Rhiannon this morn?’

      She shook her head. ‘Not yet.’ But from the guarded look on the man’s face, she suspected something was amiss.

      ‘If you see her, tell her I was looking for her.’

      Brianna agreed but didn’t miss the way his eyes searched the fortress. Her cousin’s confession yesterday, about the love charm, made her wonder if something had gone wrong.

      A few moments later, she saw Liam’s bride walking along the far side of the castle. The young woman’s eyes held the evidence of a sleepless night, but she walked toward Brianna and greeted her.

      ‘Are you all right?’ she asked Adriana.

      The woman nodded. ‘I’m still getting accustomed to this place. It was just some troubling dreams.’ Though she tried to smile, Brianna noted a tension in her demeanour.

      ‘My brother said you wanted to learn how to protect yourself. I’ll join you this morn, for I want to improve my own skills.’ Adriana waved a hand to Lord de Manzano, who ended his sparring match and sheathed his sword.

      When he strode toward them, Brianna saw the thin sheen of perspiration on his skin. The tunic he wore was shapeless, but she’d caught a glimpse of muscles within the cloth. There was no doubt the man was a strong fighter, like her uncles.

      Murtagh had been competent, but his skill was in building. He’d ignored his father’s wishes and had spent his days laying stone around the castle and working with the king to improve their physical barriers against enemies. Had he trained with the others, he might have been better prepared to fight during the Lochlannach raid.

      A silent grief enfolded her mood, and she remained solemn when Arturo bade them a good morning.

      ‘We’ll move away from the others,’ he said. ‘Otherwise, you’ll distract the men.’ He led them away, pressing his palm against the small of Brianna’s back. Though it was an innocent gesture, awareness of him slid through her skin. She could smell the faint aroma of soap, as if he’d bathed before dawn. His dark hair was pulled back in a cord, and he walked with an air of confidence.

      ‘You should learn the knife first,’ he suggested, ‘before the spear. If a man tries to attack you, it’s the easiest weapon to seize.’

      He stood before his sister to demonstrate. Adriana smiled at her brother, and when he grasped her arms, she retaliated by slipping her hands to his waist. Within seconds, the blade was pointed at his throat.

      Lord de Manzano released her and beckoned. ‘Now it’s your turn.’

      Brianna took the young woman’s place and he instructed her. ‘I’m going to seize your shoulders. Your task is to unsheathe the knife at my waist.’

      Brianna tried, but her hands were locked at her sides. ‘How? I can’t move my arms.’

      Adriana moved beside her. ‘Men have weaknesses when it comes to women. Put your hands upon his chest, as though you want him to hold you.’

      Brianna obeyed, but when she touched Arturo, she grew aware of his hardened chest and the muscles that were like stones beneath her palms.

      ‘Slide your hands down his torso and look at him as though you are enjoying his touch,’ Adriana instructed.

      Brianna hesitated. She wasn’t at all accustomed to using feminine wiles against a man. When she looked into Arturo’s dark eyes, she didn’t like the attraction that sparked between them. Slowly, she moved her palms down his body and saw the flare of interest in his eyes.

      Her breath caught, and in a suspended moment, she recognised her answering response. It had been so long since she’d felt a man’s touch. And God forgive her, she’d missed it.

      ‘When you reach his waist, hold your hands there for a moment before you strike. In one motion, you’ll have to take his blade and lift it to his throat.’

      Arturo’s hands tightened around her shoulders, and Brianna reached for the blade at his waist.

      ‘You have to know where the knife is,’ Adrianna corrected her. ‘If you search for it, he’ll know your intent.’

      Brianna held steady and drew one hand around Arturo’s back, the other hand seeking the weapon. In his arms, she felt the heat of his skin, the dark seduction of his gaze. He watched her with the eyes of a man who knew how to touch a woman and evoke her passion. As if he had all the time in the world.

      Shaken by the direction of her thoughts, her hand closed upon the hilt and she forced it upward, aiming for his throat. She moved too quickly, and the blade nicked his chin.

      ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised, lowering the blade and touching his chin. It was a shallow cut, but she felt terrible for it. ‘I didn’t mean to hurt you.’

      He caught her fingers, moving them aside. ‘It’s nothing, cariño. Don’t trouble yourself.’ He leaned in to her ear and whispered, ‘Unless you want to kiss it better.’

      She jerked away from him so fast, he might have been on fire. But he only laughed at her while his sister shook her head in exasperation. ‘Pay him no mind, Brianna. Arturo is, and always has been, a terrible flirt.’

      She spoke to him rapidly in Spanish, and from her tone,

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