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A Pony Express Christmas. Rhonda GibsonЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Pony Express Christmas - Rhonda  Gibson

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down at Molly. She still wanted to make sure the child was settled before she continued with her own life. No child should ever be left alone in this world.

      Leah stepped up onto the porch. Making sure Molly was safe had become of utmost importance. If this Jake was her uncle, then Molly and Leah’s time together would soon be over. Leah felt a tug at her heart and it wasn’t comfortable. She was going to miss the little girl.

      Jake reappeared and took the bag from her. His gaze darted to Molly before he went back into the house. Had she seen a flicker of recognition on his face? Surely not. Even if Molly was Jake Bridges’s niece, Molly’s father had said his brother had never met the little girl.

      He dropped the bag inside the door and then held it open for Leah and Molly to enter. Warm air stung Leah’s chilled face. She looked about the spacious room. One half was a sitting area and the other looked like a dining room. The smell of coffee teased her tired senses as a door opened on the other side of a long kitchen table and a heavyset woman entered.

      Seeing the two of them standing in the doorway, the woman rushed across to Leah and grabbed her hand, pulling her farther into the house. Her warm hands felt wonderful against Leah’s ice-cold one. “Come on in, child. You must be chilled to the bone.”

      Leah allowed the woman to guide her toward the table. She noticed that the young rider who’d almost run them down was already seated. He held a steaming mug in his hands.

      “I’ll go get you a cup of coffee. That will warm you up and then you can tell us all about yourself.” The woman left the room before Leah could respond.

      “We weren’t expecting anyone to arrive on the stage today.” Jake pulled out a seat for her before he sat down.

      The young rider added, “I’m surprised the stage came this far out with the snow falling and another storm on the way.”

      Both men stared at her as if waiting for her to speak. Leah didn’t know what to say. Did she want to confide in total strangers?

      How did she tell them that she and Thomas had agreed to meet in South Platte and then get married in Julesburg, Colorado? That Thomas had promised her a fine home and lots of room to raise flowers during the spring and summer months.

      He’d sent stagecoach tickets and money for both her and Molly to travel to the pony express station in South Platte. Leah remembered feeling blessed that her future husband was a generous man. She’d followed his written instructions and taken the very next stage out as winter had already hit Colorado and there would be no further chances for her to arrive before summer.

      However certain she had been about the plans she’d made, discussing her personal business with strangers went against the grain and she found herself reluctant to divulge any private information. Did she really want to share all that? She took a deep, fortifying breath.

      The older woman returned and placed a steaming mug down in front of Leah. “Here, drink this. It will make you feel better in no time.” She was a short, plump woman with bright blue eyes. “I’ll have your cider out in a few moments, Jake. Would the little one like a cup of hot apple cider, too?”

      Molly nodded. Her doe-like eyes studied everyone about the table. Then she ducked her head and hid her face behind Leah.

      “That would be lovely. Thank you.” Leah patted Molly on the back.

      The woman smiled and hurried back into what Leah assumed was the kitchen. For some odd reason, Leah had figured Jake to be a coffee-drinking man but it was obvious that the older woman knew he’d want apple cider.

      Uncomfortable silence filled the room. Leah leaned down and unbuttoned Molly’s coat. She pulled the little stocking hat from the girl’s head. Soft blond curls floated about her angelic face. No one spoke as Leah removed the gloves from Molly’s hands. She looked into the little girl’s warm brown eyes. “Better?”

      Molly nodded and tucked her thumb into her mouth once more. At four years old, she should have already stopped sucking her thumb, but with both her parents gone, Leah didn’t have the heart to take away that single comfort from the little girl. She pulled Molly up onto her lap.

      Leah picked up the hot cup and took a sip. She was surprised that the coffee tasted so rich and full. She’d been traveling for days, and most of the places the stage had stopped had served weak coffee with hardly any flavor. She almost sighed out loud as its warmth slowly filled her chest and stomach.

      The woman returned with a metal pot that she set on the table and two more steaming mugs. The smaller one she placed in front of Molly. “Here you go, little one. This should help warm you up.” A gentle smile graced her lips as she looked at Molly.

      The sweet fragrance of apples drifted from the cup. Leah noted it was only about half full and didn’t steam like her coffee or Jake’s larger drink. She picked up the cider and handed it to Molly. It was warm to the touch, not hot. “Thank you.” She offered a wobbly smile.

      The older woman dropped into a chair at the head of the table. “You’re welcome. I’m Agnes Frontz. Me and my husband, Charles, run this pony express station. He’s at the general store picking up supplies but will be back in time for supper.” She pointed to one of the two men. “This here is Will. He’s one of the pony express riders that lives here when he’s not working.”

      The rider tilted his head in her direction. He looked no more than sixteen years old. His blue eyes sparkled in her direction as if he knew something she didn’t.

      Agnes moved on to the big man. “And I believe you’ve already met our stock tender, Jake Bridges.”

      Her heart sank. Leah looked at the big man. Light blond hair and brown eyes the same shade as Molly’s looked back at her. She’d planned to find Molly’s uncle but had hoped to delay her separation from the little girl for as long as possible.

       Oh, Lord, please give me the strength to leave Molly in the care of her uncle.

      * * *

      Jake nodded at Leah before lifting the sweet cider to his lips and drinking deeply from the cup. He held her deep crystal-blue eyes over the rim. She had to be one of the prettiest women he’d seen in a long time. What was she doing out here in the middle of nowhere?

      Her voice shook as she said, “It’s nice to meet you all. My name is Leah Hollister.”

      “What brings you to our neck of the woods?” Mrs. Frontz asked.

      Leah raised her head and looked Mrs. Frontz in the eyes. “Thomas Harris and I are to be married.”

      Mrs. Frontz poured more coffee from the metal pot into Will’s cup. “Is he coming for you dear? With the weather it might take a while, but you’re welcome to stay here and wait for him, if you’d like.”

      Jake watched Leah’s lids slip down over her eyes as she shifted in her seat.

      “I’ve some unfinished business before I let him know I’ve arrived.” Her gaze rose to Jake’s face, as if her business had something to do with him, before lowering once more. “But I’m sure Mr. Harris will be happy to pay for my room and board when he arrives.”

      The little girl slurped her drink and giggled. She was a cute thing but didn’t look much like her mother. Jake wondered how long Mrs. Hollister had been a widow.

      His first impression of her had been that she had good looks but no brains. Who else but a clueless city girl would stop in the middle of the yard like that and look about like a lost lamb? Hadn’t Mr. Edwards, the stage coach driver, told her that this was a pony express station? That riders came in fast and hard?

      Mrs. Frontz stood and picked up the coffeepot. “Don’t you worry none about that. I’m sure the Harris men will take care of everything.” For a moment she stared at Leah, the coffeepot extended away from her body, a questioning look in her eyes. Jake saw Leah’s shoulders stiffen almost as if she dreaded giving the answers Mrs. Frontz required. She barely hid her surprise when Mrs. Frontz turned to the kitchen,

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