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A Daughter’s Return. Janet Barton LeeЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Daughter’s Return - Janet Barton Lee

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nephew, who had been born two weeks before Christmas, and the weddings of several of her mother’s boarders.

      Here it was, 1897 already—a new year and a whole new life for her and Jenny. What would the Lord have in store for them this year?

      Rebecca entered the suite her mother had given them and still couldn’t believe the space they each had. Compared to the tiny apartment in the tenements she’d left only a few months ago, the suite seemed huge and sumptuous. Her room was done in the blues and yellows she loved and the colors in Jenny’s were her favorites—pink and lavender. After living in the colorless tenements, she loved having color around them once again. The two rooms were connected by a bathroom they shared—a real luxury after having to share a bathroom with everyone on one floor of the building they’d lived in.

      “What do you think, Jenny? Are you going to like living here at Granma’s?” she’d asked that very morning. Rebecca had smiled, realizing she’d begun to say granma like Jenny did—without the d.

      “Oh yes, Mama.” Jenny’s eyes had sparkled. “I love being with Granma every day and I like all the others here, too,” Jenny had said. “And you won’t be so sad anymore. We’re going to have good days now, aren’t we, Mama?”

      Rebecca’s breath had caught and her heart twisted in her chest at Jenny’s words. Suddenly, she’d realized her child’s daily moods in the past had been a reflection of her own. O Lord, please forgive me. Again.

      Determination had risen up strong and swift and Rebecca had bent down, gathered her young daughter in her arms and hugged her tight. “Yes, Jenny. We are going to have much better days from now on.”

      If she had a bad day, she’d make sure she didn’t drag her daughter down with her. “I love you so much!”

      “I love you, too, Mama.” Jenny’s small hands patted her on the back.

      Rebecca was always amazed at how comforting her daughter’s hugs and pats could be.

      Now, she crossed her room and went through the bathroom to sit on the side of Jenny’s bed. She gave her a gentle shake and kissed her forehead. “Wake up, sleepyhead. We need to wash up and go see what Gretchen and Maida are cooking for dinner. Something smells really yummy downstairs.”

      Jenny stretched, smiled and opened her eyes. “I hope she’s making chocolate cake!”

      “Oh, I’m sure Gretchen will make something you’ll like.” Dessert was a real treat for Jenny. Living in the tenements, Rebecca could rarely afford any kind of indulgence for them. She’d done well most days to provide the basic meal, which had been awfully skimpy at times. She still found it difficult to believe she didn’t have to worry about where their next meal would come from. “Let’s go wash your face and hands.”

      Once they’d both freshened up, Rebecca took her daughter’s hand and left her room. What a wonderful feeling not to have to lock her door or worry about someone breaking in. She and Jenny swung hands and then the child giggled, let go of Rebecca and ran to the staircase.

      “Jenny, not so fast!” Rebecca watched in horror as her daughter grasped the newel post and swung a leg over the side, leaving her in a kind of lopsided position as she started to slide. “Jenny! No!”

      Jenny’s descent built up speed while Rebecca ran down the stairs on legs that had suddenly gone weak, terrified she wouldn’t reach her in time. The front door of Heaton House opened and Benjamin Roth, one of the boarders, walked in. Rebecca yelled, “Ben, catch her, please!”

      She saw him glance up and run to the bottom of the staircase just as Jenny flew off the end and plopped into his arms. Her child’s delighted giggle helped Rebecca breathe once more as she reached the foyer, took her child from him and hugged her close. She looked up at the man who’d kept her from getting hurt. “Oh, Ben, thank you!”

      He let out a huge breath. “You’re welcome. That was a bit frightening.”

      “I was terrified.” Rebecca turned her daughter’s face to hers. “Jennifer Dickerson! I told you not to ever slide down the banister. You nearly scared the life right out of me and Mr. Ben.”

      She set her daughter down and grasped her hand. “You deserve a paddling for disobeying me, Jenny!”

      “What’s all the commotion about?” her mother asked, hurrying down the hall from her study.

      “Granma!” Jenny reached out to her grandmother, sounding as if she’d been saved from the sound spanking Rebecca knew she needed.

      Rebecca relinquished her to her mother and let out a huge sigh before explaining. “Jenny decided to slide down the banister and Ben caught her right before she flew across the foyer, Mama.”

      She still trembled at the thought of what might have happened had Ben not arrived when he did.

      “Oh, my sweet Jenny, we don’t want you to get hurt. Granma has a rule in this house. Never, ever slide down the banister. You won’t try it again, will you?”

      Rebecca watched her blond-haired, blue-eyed child shake her head.

      “You promise?”

      Jenny hesitated only a moment before nodding.

      “Now what do you need to say to your mama?”

      “I’m sorry, Mama.”

      Rebecca felt torn between hugging her close again and punishing her for disobeying. “I forgive you. But you still deserve a spanking. You slide down again and you’ll get one, you hear?”

      Jenny’s head bobbed up and down once more.

      “You received a reprieve this time, sweetheart,” Mrs. Heaton said, patting her granddaughter’s back. “I’m not sure you will a second time. May I take her to the kitchen to check on dinner, dear?”

      “I suppose, but no treats before dinner.”

      “Of course not.” She turned and headed for the kitchen. “You heard your mama, Jenny. You have to wait until after dinner for dessert.”

      “I know, Granma.”

      Rebecca shook her head, let out a shaky breath and looked up at Ben. Her trembles had only now begun to subside. “Oh, Ben, I am so glad you came home when you did. My legs felt like water as I tried to hurry down the stairs and I was sure I wouldn’t make it down in time.”

      “I wasn’t too sure I’d be in time, either.” He ran a hand through his blond hair, then chuckled and shook his head. “She thought it was great fun.”

      “And it is. I tried the same thing when I was around her age.”

      “Was anyone there to catch you?” His blue eyes twinkled as he waited for her answer.

      “Thankfully my papa heard Mama yell, much the same as I just did, and he caught me.”

      “Then what happened?”

      Rebecca chuckled. “The outcome was about the same as now. Mama came running down the stairs and Papa said almost the exact same things Mama told Jenny.”

      “Like mother, like daughter?” He grinned at her.

      She thought for a moment and then sighed. “I’m afraid so. I pray she’s not as rebellious as I was when she gets older.”

      “Well, it appears you turned out fine. I’m sure Jenny will, too.”

      “I pray so. I hope our move hasn’t changed life at Heaton House too much for all of you.”

      Ben grinned. “You and Jenny have livened things up a lot around here. It’s wonderful to see your mother so happy. So don’t worry about changing life around here. We’re all enjoying whatever changes you and Jenny have made.”

      “Thank you, Ben. Still, I probably should be making her take her meals in the kitchen, but Mama will have none of it.”


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