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The Guardian's Promise. Christina RichЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Guardian's Promise - Christina  Rich

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smiled. “In that, I fear you are correct. Have you taken your concerns to God?”

      She tilted her head in consideration. “I—I have not thought—that is, no, I have not.”

      “One thing I know.” He paused, glancing through the window he had shaped with the stones so the evening twilight could shine. “God delights in our conversation with Him. He asks we seek His face, even in small matters.”

      She dipped her chin, kicking the toe of her sandal into the ground. “Even our fears?”

      He drew in a shuddering breath. “Even our fears. Did not King David write, ‘Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me’?”

      The corners of her mouth turned upward. “‘For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.’”

      “Mira, you must seek God in times of trouble, and trust He’ll be your rock and fortress.”

      Dropping her hands to her sides, her smile disappeared. “I fear the guards will return while you’re gone.”

      He longed to reach out and hold her hand, to reassure her all would be well. He took a step from her. “I do not like leaving, either. Even if I were to stay, I am only one man. A servant. I would not be able to defend your father’s village against the queen’s men.”

      She shook her head, the bronze silk veil ornamented with tiny beads covering her hair danced at her shoulders. “But I saw you. I saw them tremble before you—”

      “Enough. Every day since I have been in your father’s house you have scorned my help and now you seek what I cannot give.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I am only a man, unworthy of your faith. Forgive—”

      Mira held up her hand and pushed past him, but not before he witnessed a tear sliding down her cheek.

      “Wait.” He followed behind her. “If we tell your father...”

      She swiped at her eyes before facing him. “No. I refuse to be the cause of his health failing any further. He’d only worry. You go, as you must. As I said before, I’m neither defenseless nor helpless.”

      He watched the gentle sway of her hips as she walked away and wondered what had just happened. Her behavior left him confused. Her lack of courage and diminishing pride proved the incident with the soldiers had pierced her sheltered innocence.

      * * *

      Clenching her fists, she paced. Why could the man not see reason? Why could he not convince her father to stay? Her father always listened to him. Always. And now that she wanted, no, needed his help, he refused.

      “Daughter, why do you fret so?” Her mother entered the courtyard. A basket of linens propped on her hip.

      Mira plopped down onto the wooden bench. She could not tell her mother about the soldiers, she’d only tell her father, but was that what really bothered her, or was it something else? She puffed out a breath of air and crossed her arms. “Rubiel told me Abba is going to accept Esha’s suit.”

      “Ahhh.” Her mother sat beside her, the basket at her feet. “You know your father is ailing. He only wants to see you settled before he weakens.”

      “I know, Ima, but why can’t I find one like Abba?”

      Laughing, her mother wrapped her arm around her shoulders. “Things were not always easy between me and your father. I dreamed of living in the palace and attending the king’s daughters. I did not wish to marry.”

      “What happened?”

      “King Jehoshaphat sent my father to Hebron to teach God’s laws. My father continued to visit over the years. When I came of age to marry, he betrothed me to a man I had never met. A year later we were married.

      “The first time I set eyes on your father was when he came to claim me as his bride.”

      Mira laid her hand on her mother’s thigh. “I always thought you loved Abba.”

      “Oh, I do, child, but not at first. At first I was angry. He was gentle and kind.” Her mother smiled as if remembering. “Patient. I was prideful, childish. Scared.”

      “It remains, Ima. I do not wish to marry Esha. I do not wish to speak ill of him either, but even Ari, as angry as he makes me, would be better than a drunkard.”

      Rising from her seat, her mother laughed again. “In this, child, I am in agreement. Ari is better suited to your spirit and he is handsome, too, yes?”

      Heat flooded Mira’s cheeks. “Ima!”

      Her mother winked. “He reminds me of your father when he was younger. You could do worse.”

      Mira sighed. “He’s my father’s servant.”

      “He will soon be free.”

      Free to leave. “He’ll be free to be the man he once was, Ima.”

      “Just remember, a contract does not create moral character. Ari is a faithful servant. He has a servant’s heart and that cannot be a disguise.”

      Could it not? Had she not seen glimpses of a different man? One who was not so humble and subservient?

      Chapter Five

      “Ariel, it is with joy I am to see you.” Caleb lay on his mat with his head propped on a bedroll. A wet cloth rested against his brow. Red patches blotted his cheeks and down his neck.

      “I see our walk caused you difficulties, adon.”

      “Bah, I am old, nothing more.” He rose onto his elbows. The cloth slid to the ground. Ari rushed forward. He picked up the soiled linen and tossed it into a basket outside the doorposts. “My thanks. Now, come, sit beside me. We have matters to discuss.”

      Ari slid his fingers through is hair before taking a seat beside Caleb. “If this is about Hebron, I do not think your health will sustain the trip.”

      A spastic cough erupted from Caleb.

      Ari patted him on the back, before offering him a drink of water. “Perhaps, you should lie back down.”

      Caleb shook his head. “No. What I have to say is important. Each day the Lord gives me is a blessing, but I would see matters settled before I die.”

      His master pulled a rolled parchment from the side of his mat and handed it to him. Ari did not know whose hands shook more, his or Caleb’s.

      The twine fell to the ground as Ari loosened the knot. Caleb’s hand rested on his forearm before Ari could unroll the letter. “Wait. Hear my heart.”

      An erratic thump beat against the wall of his chest. If he had not already been sitting, he would have collapsed. Whatever Caleb had to tell him would not be easy to accept. Worse, by the knot in his gut, it would be more difficult to reject.

      “I have no brothers. Leah a brother who is bound by other duties. I have no sons other than Nathan who will soon take Rubiel as his wife, and although well suited for her, even if he could leave his father’s house, I do not trust him to have Mira’s best interest.” He sucked in a breath.

      Ari rested his elbows on his knees, his fingers tented, the parchment resting between his hands. “Caleb—”

      “Do not deny me this request, Ariel. It has not gone beyond my notice how you care for my daughter. You are kind and generous with your patience where she is concerned. I know all too well my child can be strong minded.”

      Caleb’s view of his daughter must have been colored with a father’s love. She was stubborn and prideful.

      “She’s much like her mother was when we first married in that regard. You have not allowed her to scare you. You are not wary of her disfigurement.”

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