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Secret Lessons With The Rake. Julia JustissЧитать онлайн книгу.

Secret Lessons With The Rake - Julia Justiss

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      ‘Sally. Wouldn’t want such a pretty lady to hurt her back.’

      ‘Oh, no, sir, I wouldn’t never!’ she breathed, standing motionless as she stared up, wide-eyed, into Christopher’s handsome face.

      ‘That will be all, Sally,’ Ellie said drily, amused to observe Christopher’s effect on the little maid. Not that she could blame the girl, she thought, suppressing a sigh. Gazing into those turquoise eyes had the same paralysing effect on her, which was why she generally avoided looking directly at him.

      ‘Yes, miss,’ the girl said, flushing. Dropping a curtsy, she hurried back out.

      After several moments spent pouring tea and passing cups, he said, ‘Now, where were we? Discussing a problem with the lease, I think.’

      She grimaced. ‘And the fact that, whether I pay the increase demanded or consult a solicitor, it’s going to cost me a good deal of blunt I can ill afford. Or I can ignore it, hope my reading of the text is correct, and trust that Mr Anderson won’t set the bailiffs to tossing my girls into the street.’

      Christopher frowned. ‘He threatened that? How...unhandsome of him!’

      ‘Unhandsome indeed! But it might be a moot point. If I keep incurring so many unexpected expenses, I may be forced to close the school a-anyway,’ she finished, her voice trembling as she confessed her deepest fear—for without the school, what purpose, what future was there for her?

      ‘We can’t let a shortage of funding affect your enterprise!’ he said bracingly. ‘Why don’t you consult my solicitor? He’s already on retainer. I’d be happy to escort you there.’

      She hesitated, grateful, but unwilling to put herself under such an obligation. ‘That’s very generous. But I must warn you, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to pay you back. Lord Witlow set up a generous endowment, which I find I’m having to spend much too quickly, and I hate to approach Lady Maggie, when she’s already been so free with her time and support.’

      ‘Don’t worry over the repayment,’ Christopher said, with a dismissive wave. ‘Your backers believe in the school, and are committed to its success. They will invest whatever additional amounts are needed—and there’s always my mother. As you may recall, she’s waiting to be touched for a contribution.’

      His words were heartening, but she wasn’t sure she dared believe them. ‘I wanted to do this myself, mostly from my own resources. I didn’t want to become a charge on anyone else.’

      ‘You’re not a charge, and you don’t have to do it alone.’ Leaning closer, he put his hand over hers. ‘You have friends, Ellie. It’s their pleasure to help you—as it was yours, to help Ben Tawny.’

      Her composure shaken by the threat to the school, worry over finances and a vague but deep-seated fear for her future, it took only that small gesture to immobilise her completely. She didn’t seem able to move her hand from under the comforting clasp of his fingers. And as she gazed up at him, comfort turned to something more.

      With her control so tattered, she was helpless to resist the force of the attraction sweeping over her. Wonder about what it would feel like to have his lips on hers submerged every other thought. An urge seized her to claim just one kiss from this man she admired, a man who cared about her, a man she trusted. Because, for once in her life, she wanted that intimacy as much as his molten gaze told her Christopher did.

      His gaze never leaving hers, he leaned closer. Her pulse accelerated like a horse spurred to a gallop, while heat from deep within spiralled outward in melting waves of sensation. A powerful urgency unlike anything she’d ever experienced coiled within, seeming to press her towards...something.

      But as she sat motionless, chin raised, awaiting the contact of his mouth, he suddenly stopped. Dragging in a ragged breath, he moved away from her. She took a gulp of air herself, unaware until that moment that she’d been holding her breath.

      ‘As I said, you have friends, Ellie,’ he repeated, a slight tremor in his voice. ‘I hope I may count myself among them. If it’s convenient for you to visit the solicitor now, I would be pleased to escort you, so you might clear up the question about the lease without delay.’

      Squelching an irrational disappointment at being robbed of his touch, she told herself she should rather feel relief. Succumbing to that kiss would threaten the friendly camaraderie they’d always shared. It was disconcerting enough to discover just how powerful a physical hold he could exert when her guard was down. How urgently she’d wanted him to act upon the attraction between them.

      And that wouldn’t do at all. Having set his sights on finding a proper young maiden to marry, Christopher didn’t need to be distracted by her. She mustn’t tempt him—or herself—into a relationship that would be wrong for them both.

      But oh, how delicious it could be, her senses argued.

      Shutting her ears to that insidious voice, she focused on his offer. ‘If you are certain I wouldn’t be imposing, I could leave as soon as I give Mrs Sanders her instructions. I would prefer to discover at once whether or not I must pay the increased rent.’

      ‘Then instruct away while I finish my tea.’

       Chapter Three

      Two hours later, Christopher assisted Ellie down the narrow stairs from Mr Worthington’s office, trying not to notice the sizzle sparking from her fingers to his arm, despite the layers of gloves, shirt, and jacket.

      He had to ignore it—ignore her allure in general. There was no way he could fulfil his pledge to his mother and keep watch over Ellie without spending time with her. Besides, he enjoyed spending time with her. He’d derived a good deal of satisfaction from having been able to help her today. Somehow, he was going to have to focus only on the warm camaraderie of their friendship—and avoid a repetition of what had almost happened in her office.

      His visit to the school was the first time they’d been alone together since Summerville’s death. Doubtless, knowing on some subconscious level that there was no longer any impediment to keep him from acting on his attraction, the desire to kiss her had overcome him before common sense could restrain it. At least he’d retained enough wits to draw back. Forewarned now, he’d be more careful in future.

      Still, he was uncomfortably aware both of the strength of that desire and how quickly it had overwhelmed him—in spite of his resolve to focus on finding an innocent maid to marry. Persuading his intellect to follow that wise course was one thing. It appeared that retraining his automatic reactions would be a good deal harder.

      He’d just have to manage it. Because if he could not keep himself from succumbing to temptation, he’d have to give Ellie up. And he had no desire to end their friendship until or unless he must.

      As they reached the bottom of the stairs, he said, ‘Do you feel better, having Worthington confirm that your lease doesn’t permit raising the rent?’

      ‘I do indeed! I also very much appreciate his offer to send my landlord a letter to that effect. Although, as he suggested, I think it likely Mr Anderson is well aware of the law, and simply thought he could frighten a lone, unprotected woman into paying an additional sum.’

      ‘A letter from the solicitor will let him know you can’t be victimised in such a manner. You’re neither alone nor unprotected. I would be quite happy to call on Mr Anderson myself and reinforce that truth.’

      ‘Hopefully that won’t be necessary.’

      ‘But you promise to let me know if the man, or his agent, give you any more trouble? Truly, it wouldn’t be an imposition. Helping friends is a pleasure.’

      As her gaze jerked up towards his, he regretted a choice of words that recalled that moment in her office, reminding them both how much more of a pleasure it had almost been. His body tightened and sweat broke out on his brow as

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