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Surrender To The Marquess. Louise AllenЧитать онлайн книгу.

Surrender To The Marquess - Louise Allen

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why was the Marquess staying at the hotel incognito? There was nothing unfashionable or shocking about taking a seaside holiday in the summer and a good half of the ton did just that, although this was a quiet resort and not a magnet for society’s high-fliers like Brighton to the east or Weymouth, for the more sedate of the ton, to the west.

      He was hardly outrunning his creditors and if there had been a great scandal involving him she must have noticed it in the papers, however little interest she took in society gossip. Or her mother would have written about it in the fat weekly letters that covered everything from the latest crim. con. scandals to the more obscure lectures at the Royal Society.

      So the anonymity must be because of his sister and, as there was no shame in being unwell and a large proportion of the visitors were invalids or convalescent, there must be a scandal to be hidden, poor girl. She would need handling with even more sensitivity if that were the case.

      Sara slid the Peerage back in its place on the shelf and went downstairs.

      ‘You found what you wanted, Mrs Harcourt?’

      She was so preoccupied that James’s question made her jump. ‘Hmm? Oh, yes, thank you.’

      ‘Will you be at the Rooms tonight? It is a ball night.’ Despite being shy James Makepeace loved to dance and the Assembly Rooms’ programme always included two ball nights every week during the summer season. When she nodded he asked, ‘Will you save me a set, Mrs Harcourt?’

      ‘Of course. The very first.’ Even with the Assembly Rooms’ rather limited orchestra it was a pleasure to dance. She had missed that almost more than anything during her long year of mourning. At least the very serious and straight-faced Marquess-in-disguise was unlikely to indulge in anything quite so frivolous as a seaside assembly dance.

      * * *

      Lucian was in half a mind to order a sedan chair for Marguerite to take her up the hill to Aphrodite’s Seashell, amused to see that the resort still provided them. But when he suggested it she laughed, actually laughed, and he was so delighted that he could not bear to put a frown back on her face by insisting.

      She had been so bitterly sad and angry—with him, of course. This was all his fault, according to Marguerite. Not that bas—All the spirit, all the restless enthusiasm that was Marguerite, had been knocked out of her, replaced by a listless apathy in which he could not make the smallest crack. Even the anger had faded away, which was what had truly frightened him.

      Marguerite was his only sibling and he was well aware that the difference in their age and sex had kept them apart. His childhood had been far stricter than hers—tutors, riding and fencing masters, carefully selected playmates from suitable local families had filled his days and provided his company. He could never forget that he was heir to an ancient title, great responsibilities, with a duty to the past and to the future. Marguerite had been spoiled and rather vaguely educated by a doting governess—it was no wonder that she had been hit so hard by what had happened.

      ‘As though I want to be carted through the streets like an ageing dowager,’ she said, pulling him back from his brooding, and slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, just like she used to do in the days before she ran away.

      ‘Well, take it slowly,’ he chided, not wanting to let his delight show. ‘It is a hill.’

      ‘I have to learn to climb hills again some time, otherwise everything would be abominably flat,’ Marguerite observed as she unfurled her parasol.

      Had that been a mild joke, a pun even? Perhaps this flight to the seaside had not been such a bad idea after all and he had been too impatient for results. She managed the climb well, without needing to pause for breath, and studied the shop windows as they passed with something like interest.

      Lucian took her into Aphrodite’s Seashell and let his gaze wander with seeming casualness over the women already gathered around the long table. Some were sitting with craftwork spread out in front of them, others stood chatting. Everyone looked up as he and Marguerite entered and then the ladies went back to what they had been doing without any vulgar staring. They all seemed perfectly respectable, well dressed and spoke in educated accents. Their ages ranged from about twenty to sixty, he estimated.

      Mrs Harcourt was standing at the shelves, a number of books in her hands, talking to a tall, earnest-looking woman. ‘You could either write the journal directly into a book that is already bound and do your sketches on blank pages, or do the entire thing loose-leaf and then have it bound up, which might be safer—then if there are any small corrections you want to make that page can easily be replaced. But see what you think of these, at any rate, Mrs Prentice.’

      She excused herself and came over to greet them. ‘Miss Dunton, Mr Dunton.’ She looked at him and Lucian found himself staring back into those intelligent grey eyes that, surely, held a gleam of mischief. What was there to amuse her? It did not seem to be malicious, more, almost, as though they shared a secret. And once more that inconvenient sense of attraction, of arousal, stirred. It should not have surprised him, he thought. This was a lovely woman with an intriguing mixture of assured sophistication and youth.

      He wanted to touch her, badly, and that made him abrupt. ‘I understand there is a small charge for refreshments?’

      ‘Six pence, if you please, Mr Dunton.’

      Lucian took off his glove to retrieve the loose change from his pocket book and held out the small coin, rather than put it on the counter. She extended her own hand, palm up, and his bare fingertips brushed her skin as he laid the silver on it. He suspected she knew exactly what he was about, but she was perfectly composed as she broke the contact and placed the coin on the counter. Her hand had been warm and soft to his fleeting touch and Lucian had a startling mental picture of it, pale gold on his bare skin.

      ‘Thank you, sir. At what time will you be returning to collect your sister? There is an excellent library just up the street on this side, if you choose to wait.’

      So much for any thought of waiting in the shop to observe proceedings. ‘Thank you, I will investigate it,’ he said with a deliberately cheerful, open smile when he suspected she was anticipating something more laden with meaning, an invitation to flirt, perhaps. ‘Half past four, Marguerite?’

      ‘Mmm? Oh, yes, thank you.’ His sister was already investigating the books and pamphlets. As he watched her a woman in late middle age smiled and indicated a book with a murmured comment. Marguerite took it down from the shelf and Lucian nodded to Mrs Harcourt, resumed his hat and left the shop.

      Most definitely surplus to requirements, he thought, turning to continue up the hill in search of the library. It was a surprisingly good feeling to see Marguerite confident and engrossed. He couldn’t even be annoyed that Mrs Harcourt was proving so resistant to his hints. She was a respectable lady with a position in the town to defend, no doubt, and, as a gentleman he had no intention of ruffling those feathers without a clear signal to proceed. Still, it was a pity, he enjoyed the unspoken conversation they seemed to be having. Or perhaps it was a duel.

       Chapter Three

      Two hours later Sara watched Mr Dunton—the Mysterious Marquess, as she was beginning to think of him—finally extract his sister from the shop, his arms full of parcels. She had suggested that Marguerite leave her purchases, and the shell-work project she had just begun work on, and she would have Tim bring them down to the hotel. But nothing would content her other than heaping them into her brother’s arms, despite the fact that no gentleman—let alone a marquess—should be walking around town laden like a footman.

      To judge by his expression, any number of parcels was worth the animation on the girl’s face, the colour in her cheeks. Sara knew she ought to dislike him, or, at least, be completely indifferent to him, for he was exactly the kind of man she was living her life to avoid, but she admired his care for Marguerite.

      She was still musing on the brother and sister—rather more on the brother, if she were

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