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because I was wondering if he’d leave enough of Lord Tonbridge’s largesse for the other guests.’

      Reason enough for someone as caring of her employer’s welfare as Mrs Falkner.

      She put down her plate. ‘If you are ready, we will say our goodbyes to Mrs Garge.’

      He wasn’t only ready, he was looking forward to it far more than he should.

      * * *

      ‘Is something troubling you?’ Caro asked after a few minutes of walking along the High Street in what seemed like a brooding silence.

      Mr Read glanced down at her with an apologetic smile. ‘I beg your pardon. I am wool-gathering when I ought to be paying attention.’

      ‘Is it those young men?’

      An arrested expression crossed his face. ‘How did you guess?’

      ‘You were watching them very closely, I thought. Without appearing to do so.’

      His lips thinned. ‘A bunch of young hotheads. I worry that their idle chatter will lead to something more dangerous.’

      He sounded so serious her heart gave a little thump. ‘Dangerous, how?’

      ‘With the new law that allows for a search without a warrant, an ambitious man in authority might use it to his advantage, by reporting them. Or they might indeed be guilty of planning something untoward, in which case the authorities should be notified.’

      ‘You think they are?’

      ‘It is hard to tell. I plan to take great care that Tonbridge’s interests are secure.’

      It all sounded so ominous. ‘The ducal family is well regarded in these parts. Merry treats her employees well. With their interest in the Haven well known, surely there is no cause for alarm in that direction?’

      ‘Likely not,’ he said more cheerfully. ‘I apologise if my ruminations have given you reason for anxiety. I have always been a fellow who likes to plan for the worst and be surprised when it doesn’t happen.’

      She couldn’t help smiling. He sounded much like herself in that regard. ‘So you do not think there is imminent danger?’

      ‘I do not.’

      She believed him. Trusted him to tell her the truth. Which was a little disconcerting since she trusted so very few people and he, of all those she knew, was in a position to cause her and Tommy the most harm. Again that frightened little clench of her heart. She quelled it firmly. If he had not realised the identity of Tommy’s father by now, it was unlikely he would do so in the future. She really must stop jumping at shadows.

      With new resolve, she took a deep breath and broached a subject she had been wanting to discuss with him for a couple of days and had not had the courage. ‘There is something I have been meaning to ask.’

      His eyes crinkled at the corners in a most attractive way as he smiled at her, his head cocked slightly in enquiry. ‘And what would that be?’

      ‘There is a dance arranged for Wednesday evening. Tonbridge took out several subscriptions to allow my ladies a supervised opportunity to meet some of the local young men. Since our attendance isn’t always looked on with favour by some of the higher sticklers in the community, Tonbridge always acted as our escort and there was little they could say.’ Oh, dear, she really was beating around the bush. It was really not done for a woman to invite a gentleman to a dance. ‘I was wondering...’

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