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The Man She Should Have Married. Patricia KayЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Man She Should Have Married - Patricia  Kay

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told him that?”

      “Why not? It isn’t as if no one else knows. There must have been a hundred people involved in looking for Thea.”

      “I know, but—”

      “Don’t you want to know what he said?”

      Olivia sighed. “What did he say?”

      “He said if you have any more trouble with Vivienne—anything at all—to call him. He said he would be happy to represent you, if it ever came to that.”

      “Why would he say that?”

      “Why?” Eve said. “Because he’s a nice guy.”

      “No, that’s not what I meant. Did you somehow suggest I might take legal action against Vivienne?”

      “Liv, you know I wouldn’t do that. It’s just that he’s a lawyer. That’s the way lawyers think.” Eve smiled. “He also asked if you were dating anyone.”



      “What did you tell him?”

      “I told him you hadn’t been, but I thought you might be ready.”

      Olivia guessed she couldn’t be mad at Eve for that. But still, she felt uncomfortable.

      “Don’t you want to know his reaction to that?”

      Olivia rolled her eyes. “Whether I do or not, I’m sure you’re going to tell me.”

      “He asked me if I thought you’d go out with him.” Eve grinned. “See? I told you he was interested in you.”

      Olivia wasn’t sure what to think. “And what did you say?”

      “I told him I didn’t know, that he’d have to call you and find out on his own.”

      Olivia had begun to feel as if everyone, Eve included, was pushing her in a direction she wasn’t sure she wanted to go. Unfortunately, she also didn’t know how to stop this momentum.

      “What’s wrong now?” Eve said.


      “Look, no one’s forcing you to do anything. If you don’t want to go out with Austin, just say no when he asks.”

      Olivia bit her lip.

      Eve frowned. “What?”

      “I don’t know. I guess I’m just feeling a bit pressured.”

      Eve threw up her hands. “I don’t understand you, Liv. What’s the problem? Honestly, I don’t care if you go out with Austin...or anyone, for that matter. I just thought that’s what you wanted.”

      She hadn’t said, make up your mind, but Olivia knew that’s what Eve thought. And actually, she’d have a right to feel that way. Because Olivia had been blowing hot and cold. Trouble was, she just wasn’t comfortable moving back into the world of dating. In fact, it scared the you-know-what out of her to even contemplate dating again.

      She made a face. “I’m sorry, Eve. You’re right. And I’m not mad at you or anything. I guess I have to make up my mind what it is I really want right now.”

      “Yeah, you do.”

      Olivia took a deep breath. “And I will.”

      “Good. And, Liv...”


      “Austin’s a good guy. You could do a lot worse.”

      “I know.”

      “But if you decide you’re not interested in him, it’s okay. I won’t be upset with you. Just...be nice. Let him down gently.”

      “I promise I will.”

      “Okay, good.” Eve looked at her watch. “And now I think it’s about time to go get our kiddos.”

      As the cousins headed toward the theater, Olivia’s thoughts were all over the place, and she wasn’t sure about much. But one thing she was sure about was how her life was changing, whether she wanted it to or not.

       Chapter Four


      “Yes, sweetie?” Olivia finished tucking Thea into bed. Eve and the twins had left for home earlier, and Olivia had just finished giving Thea her bath.

      “Nathan and Natalie have two daddies.” She pronounced Natalie’s name “Natlee.”

      Gazing down into her daughter’s brown eyes, Olivia felt her heart swell with love. “I know.”

      Thea’s forehead knitted in thought. “Why do they?”

      Olivia sat on the side of the bed and took Thea’s hand. “I explained that to you, honey. It’s because their daddy Bill married someone else and now their mommy is married to their daddy Adam.” Olivia had decided this was the only explanation Thea could understand right now. When she got older, Olivia would explain the situation properly.

      Thea thought about this for a few minutes, then said, “My daddy died.”

      Olivia swallowed. “Yes, he did.”

      “But he loved me a lot.”

      “Yes, honey, he did. Your daddy loved you so much.”

      “Mommy, tell me the story about my daddy.”

      By now Olivia had to blink back tears, but she managed to keep it together and launch into the familiar story of the handsome daddy who was very brave and very strong and who had loved his little girl more than anyone else in the world. “And your daddy is now watching over you from Heaven,” she finished with a tender smile.

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