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Colton's Deep Cover. Эль КеннедиЧитать онлайн книгу.

Colton's Deep Cover - Эль Кеннеди

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having her over for dinner tonight wasn’t such a bad idea, after all. Amelia Phillips continued to remain a mystery, and his inquisitive nature didn’t mesh well with riddles. It drove him absolutely crazy that he still couldn’t get a real handle on his beautiful new nurse. That he had no idea why her face took on that haunted expression when she thought nobody was looking. He hadn’t felt comfortable grilling her here, while they worked side by side, but perhaps she’d be more willing to open up outside the professional confines of the clinic.

      Perhaps tonight he would finally get some answers from the elusive Amelia.

       Chapter 2

      Chloe had never been more nervous in her entire life as she drove through the double gates of the Colton ranch. The main house was visible in the distance, a large homestead that managed to combine the stately elegance of a manor with the rustic charm of a ranch spread. It wasn’t the size or beauty of the home that made her anxious—she was no stranger to expensive accommodations—but the homey, inviting feel of it. The yellow glow seeping from the windows, the tire swing hanging from one of the trees in the front yard. It was the kind of place she’d always envisioned raising a family in, and the thought brought a sharp pain to her heart.

      Her hands trembled on the steering wheel of the used Toyota hatchback she’d purchased last week. Why on Earth had she agreed to have dinner with the Coltons tonight? When Derek had invited her to his family’s Thanksgiving dinner last week, she’d had no problem politely declining. So why had it been so hard to say no to Sawyer’s request? Why had she allowed a tow-headed kid to break down her defenses?

      The thought of Sawyer Colton deepened the ache in her chest. Lord, that kid was a real charmer, not to mention precocious, sweet and wise beyond his years. But every time he came around, which was often, she experienced a wave of longing so powerful that tears stung her eyes. She liked to imagine that her own boys would have grown up to be exactly like Sawyer.

      Focus, Chloe.

      Choking down a lump of sorrow, she continued up the driveway, but halfway to the main house another fit of anxiety rippled through her and her foot came down on the brakes. A minute. She just needed a minute to collect her composure.

      Flipping down the sun visor, she studied her reflection, inspecting her left cheek. Makeup looked good. No hint of the four-inch scar beneath it.

      Still, simply knowing the imperfection existed made her feel self-conscious as hell.

       “You think you’re so beautiful, don’t you, Chloe? Pretty, pretty Chloe.”

      A tornado of pain, fury and bitterness spiraled through her as Felix’s cruel voice echoed in her head.

       “All those men flirting with my beautiful wife. You liked it, didn’t you, pretty Chloe? You like feeling beautiful?”

      Hot tears pricked her eyelids. She tried desperately to block the memories, but they barreled into her mind like a freight train. Felix had been so enraged that night, yet again blaming her for something beyond her control.

       “Let’s see if men still find you attractive now, shall we?”

      A phantom burst of agony exploded in her face, mimicking everything she’d felt when the blade of that scalpel sliced into her cheek.

      Sucking in a ragged breath, Chloe forcibly shoved the horrific memory from her mind. She couldn’t fall apart right now. Not in her boss’s driveway, for Pete’s sake.

      Exhaling slowly, she moved the gearshift to Drive and steered toward the main house. After she’d parked the car, she grabbed her purse and the apple pie she’d picked up at the bakery in town, then climbed the large porch and rang the bell.

      Footsteps thudded. A second later the front door swung open and an attractive redhead appeared before her. Chloe instantly recognized Emma Colton, Derek’s younger sister and a field agent with the FBI. They’d met when Emma had interviewed Violet Chastain at the clinic after the actress’s attack.

      “Amelia,” Emma said, sounding genuinely happy to see her. “We’re thrilled to have you.” She opened the door wider. “Come in.”

      Chloe stepped into the spacious front hall and shrugged out of her coat. Emma took it from her, hanging it in the closet by the door.

      “I brought dessert,” Chloe said, holding out the pie dish. “Sawyer mentioned something about brownies, but I figured I’d bring something, anyway.”

      “Thanks. That was really sweet of you,” Emma answered with a smile.

      Chloe glanced around, admiring the wood-paneled walls and pretty oil-painted landscapes hanging in the space. “You have a lovely home.”

      Emma grinned. “Technically you should be saying that to Derek. He owns the ranch now.”

      “Really? I had no idea.”

      “He doesn’t advertise it. My brother is a doctor first and a rancher second, but Mom and Dad left him the homestead in their will because Derek’s always been the most responsible Colton in the bunch.” Emma anticipated Chloe’s question before she could voice it. “Don’t worry, there’s no hidden resentment or anything—I think Gunnar and Tate were as relieved as I was that we didn’t have to take on the responsibility of this place.”

      Emma led her into the great room, which featured endless ceilings, comfortable brown leather couches and a stone fireplace. Derek’s teenage sister, Piper, sat on one of the sofas, holding a blond-haired toddler in her arms. On the floor, Derek’s brother Tate was sprawled on the thick rug next to a second toddler. Although the two little boys were identical, they clearly had their own distinct personalities—the one on the couch was content to sit calmly in Piper’s arms, while the terror on the floor busied himself with a set of colorful blocks, shrieking in delight each time Tate leaned over to tickle him.

      “Violet Chastain’s twins,” Emma said, noticing Chloe staring. “We’re babysitting Mason and Hudson tonight so Violet and Gunnar can have some alone time at the cabin.”

      Chloe tore her gaze from the adorable little boys, ignoring the rush of longing that filled her belly. She focused on Tate, who greeted her with a warm smile. “Hey, Amelia. Where’s Mr. Perfect?”

      She shot him a blank look.

      “Derek,” Tate clarified with a crooked grin. “You know, the perfect doctor, perfect brother, perfect everything.”

      The amusement dancing in Tate’s aqua eyes told her it was all in good fun, but it didn’t surprise her that Derek’s siblings called him Mr. Perfect. The man epitomized perfection—handsome, talented, kind, sexy. Derek Colton was the real deal, no doubt about it.

      “He’s not here?” she said, frowning.

      “Derek doesn’t live in the big house,” Piper spoke up as she intercepted the toddler’s chubby hand before he could grab a hunk of her wispy blond hair. “His house is next door.” The teenager glanced at Tate. “He texted me just now saying he’s on his way.”

      “Have a seat,” Emma said to Chloe. “Can I grab you a drink? Wine, beer, iced tea?”

      “An iced tea would be great.”

      Chloe felt a tad awkward as she settled on the couch opposite Piper and folded her hands in her lap. This was her first official social visit since she’d moved to Eden Falls, and though she’d met all of Derek’s siblings before, being surrounded by so many people at once was daunting. As an only child, she’d always wished for a brother or sister, someone to laugh with and spill her secrets to, someone other than herself who she could rely on.

      Her discomfort grew the longer she sat there, watching the scene before her. Tate teasing Piper, the happy squeals of Violet’s twins and Emma’s throaty laughter as she returned to the room with Sawyer hot on her heels.

      Sawyer grinned when

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