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bureekiheadlightsヘッドライトheddo raitoignition点火装置tenka soochiindicator方向指示器hookoo shijikipointsポイントpointoradiatorラジエーターrajieetaareverse gearバックギアbakku giaseat beltシートベルトshiito berutospark plug点火プラグtenka puragusteeringステアリングsutearingusteering wheelハンドルhandorutyreタイヤtaiyawheel車輪sharinwindscreenフロントガラスfuronto garasuwindscreenウインドウウォuindoo wosshaawasherッシャーwindscreenワイパーwaipaawiper

      no thoroughfare

      stopping permitted

      drive slowly

      closed to pedestrians

      centre line


      bicycle crossing


      pedestrian crossing


      stop line


      minimum speed


      two-step right turn for motorcycles


      safety zone

       Staying somewhere

      Japan offers a wide choice of places to stay, from western-style hotels to traditional Japanese inns. Capsule hotels offer minimum sleeping space on multiple levels, but have all the facilities and are good value for money.

シングルルーム shinguru ruumusingle room
ダブルルーム daburu ruumudouble room
洋室 yooshitsuwestern-style room
和室 washitsuJapanese-style room
大人の人数 otona no ninzuunumber of adults
子供の人数 kodomo no ninzuunumber of children
カプセルホテル kapuseru hoterucapsule hotel
旅館 ryokantraditional Japanese inn
宿坊 shukubooa stay in a shrine/temple
ユースホステル yuusuhosuteruyouth hostel

How much is it per night/per week?一泊/一週間いくらですかippaku/isshuukan ikura desu ka?
Do you have a room for tonight?今夜泊まれますかkon’ya tomaremasu ka?
with bathお風呂付きofuro tsuki
with showerシャワー付きshawaa tsuki
with a double bedダブルベッド付きdaburu beddo tsuki
with twin beds and an extra bed for a childツインベッドと子供用のエクストラベッドtsuin beddo to kodomo-yoo no ekusutra beddo
Is breakfast included?朝ごはんは含まれていますかasa-gohan wa fukumarete imasu ka?
Have you got anything cheaper?もう少し安いのはありますかmoo sukoshi yasui no wa arimasu ka?

シングル/ダブルルームを予約したいんですがshinguru/daburu ruumu o yoyaku shitain desu gaI’d like to book a single/double room
何泊ですかnampaku desu ka?For how many nights?
一泊です/…泊です/…から…までですippaku desu/…haku (paku) desu/…kara…made desuFor one night/…nights/from…till…

満室です manshitsu desu shimasuWe’re full
お名前をお願いします onamae o onegai shimasuYour name, please
…の確認をお願いします …no kakunin o onegaiPlease confirm…
メールで meeru deby e-mail
電話で denwa deby phone

      The Japan National Tourist Organization and Tourist Information Centre can help with finding accommodation. Visit www.jnto.go.jp.

I booked a room……の部屋を予約しました…no heya o yoyaku shimashita
in the name of……の名前で…no namae de
Where can I park the car?どこに車を停められますかdoko ni kuruma o tomeraremasu ka?
What time is…?…は何時ですか…wa nan-ji desu ka?
The key please鍵をお願いしますkagi o onegai shimasu
Room number…部屋番号は…heya bangoo wa…
I’m leaving tomorrow明日発ちますashita tachimasu
I reserved the room(s) online部屋をインターネットで予約しましたheya o intaanetto de yoyaku shimashita
Does the price include breakfast?朝食込みの料金ですかchooshoku-komi no ryookin desu ka?
Is there a hotel restaurant/bar?ホテルにレストラン/バーがありますかhoteru ni resutoran/baa ga arimasu ka?

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