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Jesse: Merry Christmas, Cowboy. Lynnette KentЧитать онлайн книгу.

Jesse: Merry Christmas, Cowboy - Lynnette Kent

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      Just as her mother had subsided for a moment, Jesse’s voice came over the intercom. “Janie, sorry to bother you, but you’ll need to be in a seat with a safety belt for the next few minutes while we land.”

      At the sound of the disembodied voice, Abby became agitated again. With her arm still in her mother’s grip, Janie sat in the seat facing Abby’s and leaned forward to ease the strain on her shoulder. She couldn’t begin to imagine how they would get the hysterical woman off the plane and into a car, much less through a crowded hotel lobby, onto an elevator and settled in a hotel room.

      What a terrible idea this had been. Or, rather, how stupid she had been to accept the Codys’ invitation. She should have refused and watched Mark ride on TV.

      But instead, she’d let Mark and Nicki persuade her to “join the fun.” She’d grabbed at the chance to experience the Finals for herself, maybe the only time she’d ever attend the biggest event in professional rodeo.

      And maybe the last opportunity she would ever have to make an impression on Jesse Cody. Deep in her heart, unconfessed to anybody else, was the hope that she could maneuver some private time with Jesse. Maybe, if she was really lucky, he might see her as something other than Elly’s friend or Mark’s sister. She’d certainly shopped for that chance, running up the balance on her credit card way beyond her ability to pay it off any time soon.

      Not only had she spent too much money, but she’d dragged her mother away from the home where she felt safe and subjected her to all the terrors of travel. Sure, Mark’s chance at the championship provided an excuse, and he’d wanted Abby to be there.

      But Janie knew the truth. If it weren’t for her feelings for Jesse, she would have had the strength and good sense to keep her mother at home. How selfish could she be?

      With just a couple of slight hops, the plane touched down and claimed the runway surface. Janie barely felt the braking action as Jesse slowed their speed and approached the hangar. Only the smallest jolt signaled that they’d come to a stop.

      Jesse appeared in the doorway to the front of the plane, and Abby shrank back into her seat. “Who is that man? What does he want?”

      At least she’d finally let go of Janie’s arm. “This is Jesse, Mom. He’s a f-friend of mine.”

      Her “friend” came and squatted down by Abby’s chair. “I’m going to take you somewhere you’ll be safe.” He spoke slowly, in the soothing tone Janie had heard him use with frightened horses and puppies. “Would you like that, Abby?” He fixed his wide, steady gaze on hers.

      To Janie’s surprise, her mother nodded without looking away.

      “That’s good.” His smile was warm and reassuring. Janie could see her mother relax. “We’ve got a car waiting outside, and then we’ll go to a place where you’ll feel comfortable.”

      “I get to go home?”

      “Not right away. But Mark is waiting for you. And Janie will be there.” Jesse placed a hand over Abby’s clenched fingers. “You know Mark and Janie would never let anything happen to you. They will always keep you safe.”

      Janie smiled through her tears as her mother looked at her.

      “I know.” Abby nodded. “They take care of me.”

      Jesse nodded. “I know they do. Now, I’m going to make sure the car is ready and then we’ll get in and drive for a little while. Wait for me—I’ll be gone just a minute.”

      When he returned, events proceeded exactly as he’d promised. He coaxed Abby down the steps from the plane and then into a waiting limousine, where he offered her some water and a Snickers bar, her favorite candy. After a short trip, the limousine stopped in the drive of a towering resort building, but the crowds and noise Janie expected were nowhere to be seen.

      “The hotel allowed us to use their security entrance,” Jesse explained as he helped Janie out of the car. “We’ll take the private elevator straight to our floor.”

      Once he had persuaded her mother out of the limo, Jesse smoothly escorted them both through an empty hallway to an elevator as spacious as most rooms in their home. On the fortieth floor, the doors slid apart and Jesse led them along another wide, silent hallway, this one carpeted in forest-green and decorated with quiet elegance. When he knocked on the door at the very end, they were welcomed by a middle-aged woman with bright silver hair and a deep tan.

      “It’s good to meet you, Janie. I’m Serena Gable.” Her smile and soothing demeanor lived up to her name. Putting an arm around Abby’s shoulders, she drew the anxious woman into a large, airy suite of rooms. “Miss Abby, let’s get you comfortable.”

      In minutes, she’d convinced Janie’s mother to change into lounge pajamas and crawl between smooth, cool sheets. Her calm voice, with its hint of a Southern accent, and her quiet, efficient movements made Janie feel calmer, too. She was able to kiss her mother on the cheek and leave the bedroom without a single protest being voiced.

      “I’ll have her awake for dinner,” Serena promised as she closed the door.

      “Wow.” Janie stood in the living room of the suite, bewildered by the sudden absence of responsibility in her life. “That was amazing.”

      Jesse had waited outside the bedroom while Abby got settled. “I think your mom will be okay while she’s here. Don’t you?”

      “Sure.” But the enormity of everything that had happened in the past four hours had finally caught up with Janie. She stared at the man beside her as questions began to pop up in her brain. “How in the world did you arrange all of this?”

      “My parents talked to Mark and Nicki, trying to be sure the trip wouldn’t be too difficult for your mom.”


      “What do you mean?”

      “Why are they making such an effort?” Janie brushed her bangs off her forehead, then down again. “I mean, your dad hasn’t deigned to recognize my mother’s existence for more than thirty years. Why start now?”

      Jesse’s eyes narrowed. “That’s kind of a strange question to ask, given that all we’re trying to do is be nice to your family.”

      “Maybe so.” With her arms crossed over her chest, Janie lifted her chin. “But smart businessmen like your dad never give away something for nothing. So I want to know what your family expects from the Hansen family in return for all this generosity you’re offering.” She gave the matter a second’s thought. “Just what is it you’re trying to bribe Mark to do?”

      Jesse propped his hands on his hips. “I don’t—”

      “Or are you spending all this money simply to make him leave you alone?”

      Chapter Three

      Jesse stared at the woman who’d just accused his family of cheating and lying. “You don’t mince words, do you?”

      “I want to know the truth,” she said. “That’s all.”

      At that moment, the bedroom door beside Jesse opened. “Janie?” Mark Hansen looked at his sister, then at Jesse. “I thought that was your voice I heard. What are you two arguing about?” He crossed the living room to Janie and gave her a quick hug. “Tell me how the trip went for Mom.”

      Jesse took a step back, preparing to turn around and go to his own room.

      But Mark motioned him to stay. “Have a seat. Nicki will be here in a minute and she’ll be glad to see you.”

      Jesse hated to admit it, but Nicki’s marriage had changed how he felt abut his best friend. He didn’t feel comfortable with her these days, not since Mark Hansen had become her husband. “Thanks, but I need to return a few phone calls.”

      “Okay.” Mark assessed him with a keen stare all too

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