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A Place of Refuge. Janet Lee BartonЧитать онлайн книгу.

A Place of Refuge - Janet Lee Barton

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to be taken up anywhere.”

      They spent the rest of the morning with Kathleen trying on outfits, including a warm coat Elizabeth had assured her she didn’t need.

      “I have another newer one, Kathleen, and I like it better. This one is just going to hang in my closet or be given to someone else.”

      The coat fit perfectly, as did everything else, and all Kathleen could do was thank Elizabeth once more. As she tried on one outfit after another, Elizabeth ran back and forth between rooms to find the accessories that went with them. It was almost too much to take in.

      By the time she and Elizabeth joined the others in the foyer to go to the museum, Kathleen felt as if she were the most blessed person on earth. Hard as it’d been for her to understand why things never seemed to get better for her sister’s family, now she couldn’t understand why things had changed so drastically, in the best possible way, for her. All she knew was that the Lord had blessed her beyond anything she’d ever imagined.

      * * *

      When Luke saw how happy Kathleen looked as she and Elizabeth came downstairs, he was very glad he’d written enough that he could take the afternoon off.

      “Are you ready? Are your shoes comfortable?” he asked Kathleen.

      “I’m ready and yes, my shoes are comfortable. Elizabeth gave them to me and she broke them in well.”

      “That was nice of her.” Luke smiled and nodded at Elizabeth. He’d been sure the women at Heaton House would take care of any shortage in Kathleen’s wardrobe. They seemed to have plenty and were always bringing in more from a shopping trip on Ladies’ Mile.

      “They look comfortable and that’s good, because you’re going to be walking a lot.”

      They all left the house and he fell into step beside Kathleen as the group headed for the trolley stop.

      “This is a very nice neighborhood,” she said. “I thought it would be, since Heaton House is so beautiful, but I haven’t been out since the night I was brought here.”

      “Gramercy Park is a good neighborhood. It’s an old one, but very well kept as you can see. The park is nice, too. We’ll have to show it to you one day.”

      “There’s a park?”

      “Yes,” Elizabeth said from behind her. “It’s a small private one, open only for those living in the neighborhood. It really is a kind of oasis of sorts and you can’t get to it without a key.”

      “It sounds lovely.”

      The trolley to the museum arrived and Luke made sure to be right behind Kathleen as they stepped up into it. He had their fare paid before she could open her reticule.

      “That’s all right, miss. You’re paid for,” the driver said.

      Luke wasn’t sure how she would take him paying for her but it didn’t take long to find out. He found empty seats for them and motioned for her to take the one by the window.

      As soon as they both had sat down, she turned to him, her eyes flashing. “Thank you for getting my fare for me, Mr. Patterson. But I have a job and I don’t expect you or anyone else to pay my way.”

      “Please don’t be upset with me, Miss O’Bryan.” He smiled down at her. “I know you haven’t worked this week and I don’t want you to go short until you get your next pay. Forgive me if I’ve insulted you.”

      Kathleen closed her eyes and gave a little shake to her head before releasing a sigh. “I’m sorry if I’ve insulted you after all you’ve done for me, Mr. Patterson. You and Mrs. Heaton know I didn’t arrive with much and I realize you are only trying to help me. Please forgive me for being so prideful.”

      His heart twisted in his chest. This woman... “There is nothing to forgive you for, Kathleen. Not a thing. And if you want to pay me back, you can—after you get paid again.”

      Then she smiled at him and said, “Thank you.”

      “You’re welcome.” The tightness in his chest eased somewhat but he felt awful for injuring her pride. He’d have to be more careful from now on.

      “Mrs. Heaton told me you write dime novels.”

      He was relieved that she’d changed the subject. “I do. Do you like to read?”

      “Yes, although I haven’t done much of it in a while. Where do you usually set your stories?”

      “Oh, all over. Out West at first, but lately, I’ve been setting them closer to home.”

      “Does Mrs. Heaton have any copies in her library?”

      “I believe I gave her some.”

      “Then I’ll have to borrow one.”

      He wanted to tell her he could give her copies of her own, but he didn’t want to upset her again. “Let me know what you think. Not everyone likes dime novels.”

      “I look forward to reading your work.”

      “I hope you enjoy it.” Luke felt nervous—would she like his writing? He hoped so.

      They’d arrived at the stop right outside the museum and he stepped into the aisle to let Kathleen out. Once out of the trolley, the group gathered to go inside. He hoped Kathleen liked the museum as much as he did.

      As they toured the museum, Luke saw again why the Metropolitan was one of his favorite places. Though it was full of all kinds of art, the paintings interested him the most. With the special Michelangelo collection on exhibit, they spent most of their time looking at these works.

      From the look on Kathleen’s face, he was sure she was as enthralled with the paintings as he was.

      He knew she was when she whispered, “I’ve never seen anything like this. The Lord certainly gave him a talent, didn’t He?”

      “He did. I think I could spend several days straight, right here, looking at his work.”

      “I’m so sorry we aren’t going to see everything in the museum today. Now I know why Ben wanted to get an earlier start.”

      “Oh, we’d never be able to see it all in a day, Kathleen,” Elizabeth said from behind them.

      “And I might not have been able to come if I hadn’t had a chance to get some writing in. Besides, it gives us a reason to keep coming back.”

      “Oh, I would love to come back.”

      “You will.” Luke smiled down at Kathleen. He’d certainly like to bring her again.

      Hours later when they decided to call it a day, they went outside to find the weather had turned much cooler.

      “Why don’t we go to the nearest drugstore soda fountain and get some hot cocoa?” Ben asked. “It’ll warm us up for the ride home.”

      Everyone agreed and before long they were all sitting at a round table sipping the sweet chocolaty drink. He watched as Kathleen interacted with the others. She seemed to be enjoying herself and so was Luke. He couldn’t remember when he’d had such a good time on one of their outings.

      * * *

      Kathleen had never had an outing quite like the one that day, with men and women going together as a group. Everyone she knew was too tired to do much more on a weekend than get ready for the next workweek.

      Which was what she proceeded to do when they got back to Heaton House. But she’d been surprised to find that her laundry had been done for her. She’d hurried downstairs in search of Mrs. Heaton. They hadn’t discussed her rent yet, but Kathleen knew she couldn’t afford to have someone do her laundry and she needed to let Mrs. Heaton know.

      Kathleen found her in her study, sitting in front of the fireplace. “May I speak to you, Mrs. Heaton?”


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