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The Lawman's Redemption. Danica FavoriteЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Lawman's Redemption - Danica Favorite

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that she didn’t understand that she was his business? With the way her eyes sparked, he didn’t think so. Mary knew exactly what he wanted—to talk about Ben. Though he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t interested in the raven-haired beauty who could give as good as she got.

      However, this time, as much as he’d like to further a more personal acquaintance with Mary, he would keep it all business. His heart was not going to get in the way of apprehending Ben.

      “Like I told Polly, I would like to get more involved with the church community. It’ll be my pleasure to escort you both. Surely there’s room for one more.”

      Mary’s shoulder’s sagged. She looked defeated—for now. But Mary wasn’t one to give up easily, and that was something he liked about her.

      “If you insist.” The words sounded so forced, he almost felt bad for her. And if her feelings were the only thing on the line, he’d have relented.

      “Oh, Mary, have a little fun for a change.” Polly took her friend by the arm and gave Will a smile. “Don’t mind her. She’s always too busy thinking about her responsibilities to remember that she’s young and supposed to enjoy life.”

      Will regarded Mary carefully. Again, he was struck by the way her personality seemed to be in contrast with the sort of woman Ben carried on with. Ben Perry only concerned himself with the party and would have never wanted to be tied down by responsibilities.

      He’d like to be able to accept what she said at face value, except something in the sensitive part of his gut, the part where he’d been shot, still said that Mary was hiding something. Only it didn’t keep him from wanting to bring a smile to her face.

      They crossed over toward the church, and Polly deftly slipped her arm out of Mary’s and moved to the other side of him, leaving him between the two ladies. Despite Polly’s cheerful chatter, he could still feel Mary seething. Perhaps at the picnic, he could explain to Mary that he didn’t mean any harm. As long as he obeyed his aching gut and kept his mission close to his chest.

      When they arrived at the church, a large wagon was already parked in front, and several young people milled about, laughing. A young woman spied their approach and waved.

      “I’m so glad you came! You’ll never guess who’s here. Jasper Jackson!”

      Will’s ears perked up at the name. He’d done some security work for Jasper’s father when they had a bank in Denver. When the Jacksons moved to Leadville, Will had opted to take a deputy position in Century City to be close to his parents. Though they’d parted on good terms, Will had to wonder if the reunion would be positive after Will’s disgrace. Surely word of his failure had gotten back to the Jacksons.

      His musings had put him behind in the conversation, drawing him out at the mention of his name.

      “And this is Will Lawson. He’s a...friend...of Mary’s.” Polly’s emphasis on friend, along with her wink, told Will exactly what Polly thought of his association with her.

      He tipped his hat to the woman and murmured the most polite “How do you do?” he could muster.

      “Quite well,” the woman said, then turned to Polly. “Can you help me with the food?”

      As Polly and the young woman walked away, giggling, Will was painfully aware of being alone with Mary.

      Despite the tightness in his throat, he looked over at her. “I’m sorry if I said or did anything to have given her the wrong impression. I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

      Her cheeks tinged pink, and the tightness in her jaw softened. His apology was enough to loosen the tension between them. Maybe the rough start they’d gotten off to could be redeemed.

      “You can make it up to me by not coming to the picnic.” Her tone was all sweetness, but just like he knew her earlier acceptance of his presence was forced, there was nothing sweet about Mary’s demand.

      Good thing he wasn’t very sweet, either.

      “Then I guess we’re sworn to be enemies.” He took her hand, gave it a well-placed kiss, then turned to join the others.

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