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Return of the Viking Warrior. Michelle StylesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Return of the Viking Warrior - Michelle Styles

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had Rurik to protect.

      Her stomach dropped. Rurik. He didn’t know. She had to tell Ash about their son. She glanced about her at the statues and incense burners. But not here. Not now. He’d just heard about his father’s death. She wasn’t ready to explain the full story of Rurik’s birth. It had to be done carefully.

      She struggled with a calming breath. ‘It is far more than a fit of pique over a small slight. I’m within my rights to divorce you. We haven’t shared a bed for over five years. Consider my request for time as payment of your life debt to me if you must, but give me that time. Do not seek to seduce me.’

      His eyes regarded her with a thoughtful expression.

      ‘You’re within your rights even without demanding payment for the life debt,’ he said and held out his hands. An indulgent smile played on his lips. ‘If it is what my beautiful wife wants, who am I to deny the request?’

      The tension rushed out of her shoulders. He had agreed. She had time to find the right words and explain about Rurik and what she had done. She’d make him understand.

      She tapped her finger against her lips. He had agreed, far too readily. Ash was up to something, but she knew all his tricks now. She would resist him.

      ‘Thank you,’ she said, inclining her head. ‘Thank you for appreciating the difficulty we both face. We were friends once. I would like to remain friends.’

      ‘I do appreciate the length of time, Kara. Believe me. But you seem to be nervous. There is never any need to be nervous around me. Ever. Your interests are mine. It is what husbands do.’

      He took a step closer to her and ran a finger down the side of her face, sending a pulse of warmth radiating through her. Her body swayed towards him as the ache in her lips grew.

      The door swung open and she jumped back. Her cheeks flamed. Silently she blessed whoever had opened that door and jerked her back to reality.

      Valdar stepped into the room, filling the doorway with his steady bulk. Concern was clearly etched on his face. A slow tide of warmth washed up her face and she silently thanked the gods that he had arrived when he did.

      ‘I wondered if there was some problem, Kara,’ he said, bowing low. ‘You were expected at the feast long ago. People are beginning to ask.’

      ‘It has been a long time since I’ve seen my wife. People must wait their turn.’ Ash laid a possessive hand on her shoulder. ‘A husband’s needs come first.’

      ‘We are on our way,’ Kara said, tearing her shoulder from Ash’s unnerving touch. This was not about her, but putting his stamp on his possession for all to see. Men could be so obvious. She was far from a piece of furniture or an arm ring to be squabbled over. ‘Ash needed to know about his father in private.’

      Valdar inclined his head. ‘Auda wondered if you needed help. I volunteered.’

      Kara rubbed the back of her neck. She couldn’t decide if she should hug Auda for sending Valdar or shout at her. She and Ash needed to get the boundaries of their relationship set, but Valdar was right—people expected them elsewhere.

      Ash’s eyes flicked from her to Valdar. He pursed his lips. ‘I understand entirely.’

      ‘Understand what?’ Kara snapped

      ‘Why you made the request.’ He nodded towards where Valdar glowered. ‘Obvious, Kara, very obvious. You have acquired a guard dog.’

      Kara clamped her mouth shut. Valdar and what he did with the rest of his life was the least of her concerns, but right now any excuse would do. She forced a smile. ‘There is nothing wrong with being obvious. Until you returned, I was Valdar’s bride.’

      Ash’s eyes narrowed. A sudden pang went through her. She wished it was because he was jealous about the thought of her with someone else, not just because he was possessive and proud. If Ash had cared about her, he would have returned earlier. ‘I see.’

      ‘Do you indeed?’ Valdar’s hand went to his sword.

      ‘I do.’ Ash’s went to his.

      ‘The feast, Ash,’ she said before a fight started. Before she could explain about Valdar, she had to explain about Rurik and there wasn’t time to do it properly. Valdar was right. People expected to see Ash at the feast. ‘A lot of time and effort went into making sure the feast would be memorable.’

      ‘It will now be memorable for other reasons.’ Valdar’s hand remained on the hilt without moving.

      ‘The right reasons,’ Ash corrected glaring at Valdar and keeping his hand on his sword.

      ‘Did Valdar say otherwise?’ Kara asked, moving between the two warriors.

      Neither commented. Each seemed to be poised, waiting for the other to make his move.

      The nagging pain at the back of her eyes intensified. If she was not very careful, these two warriors would be at each other’s throats. And the feast would be even more memorable. ‘Thank you, Valdar, for heeding Auda’s request and reminding me that the feast needs to begin. Ash, you will have to say a few words before everyone can eat unless you would rather someone else did.’

      Ash’s fingers relaxed. ‘Whom do you suggest? My uncle? After all, he has been entirely welcoming.’

      ‘Harald Haraldson sends his apologies.’ Valdar lowered his hand, releasing the hilt. ‘Today’s events have overwhelmed him and he is far from young.’

      Kara’s heart sank. Ash’s uncle was making a deliberate statement rather than taking to his bed in shock. He had not given up his quest for Jaarlshiem simply because Ash had returned.

      ‘And the king?’ she asked quietly. If the king had decided not to attend the feast, as well, it would send a very powerful message that his support lay with Ash’s uncle in any investigation.

      ‘He agreed with Auda and sent me. He does prefer an early night these days.’

      Giddy relief poured through Kara. The king might not come out and declare it, but he would support Ash over Harald Haraldson in any investigation. Everything might be fine after all. Harald Haraldson was powerful enough to demand an enquiry, but Ash would achieve his birthright as long as he had the king’s favour. Rurik’s inheritance was secure. For the first time since Hring the Bold’s funeral and Harald Haraldson’s declaration, Kara felt she could stop looking over her shoulder—the king was with Ash.

      ‘If he is the one asking, then we must go.’ Kara clapped her hands together. ‘One never keeps a king waiting.’

      ‘We are not finished.’

      ‘We can discuss things later.’

      ‘I look forward to that with anticipation.’

      After the feast, she’d explain about Rurik, Kara promised herself. Ash had to understand that she had a duty to their son. And she wanted to ensure he was properly brought up, not left to fend for himself with only a nurse for company as Ash had been. She remembered drying Ash’s tears once after he’d been beaten and sent out into the forest again. Later Hring had boasted about Ash’s rough-and-ready upbringing and his tales still made her blood run cold. That was not happening to Rurik.

      Ash drew his arm through hers. He smiled down at her but his eyes were hard. ‘We enter the feast together. Husband and wife.’

      Kara wet her lips and tried to quell the nerves in her stomach. ‘Together?’

      Ash gave Valdar a significant look. ‘You can hardly want people to think I had lost you...already.’

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