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An Uncommon Duke. Laurie BensonЧитать онлайн книгу.

An Uncommon Duke - Laurie Benson

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study Gabriel was able to breathe normally. Being close to her always left him restless, as if his body were fighting the knowledge that he was better off without her.

      After pouring himself a glass of brandy, he returned to his desk and put his feet up. Their meeting had gone better than he’d anticipated. He knew only something of great importance would compel her to request an audience.

      He considered various scenarios before recalling last night. It was no surprise she wanted to address it. He was impressed she thought they should do it together. However talking with Andrew about what was improper to say to Nicholas fell solely on his shoulders. He would be the one to explain to his brother that it was not appropriate for a boy of five to call his horse Casanova. Nicholas would be Winterbourne some day. He needed to begin learning now what it meant to embody the respectable title.

      Yes, a talk with his brother was in order. It also gave him the opportunity to hear how the interrogation was progressing.

       Chapter Three

      As the melodic sounds of the orchestra filled the crowded ballroom of Devonshire House, Olivia stepped through the movements of the quadrille without hearing a single note. Since her conversation with Gabriel, she wondered if she had made the right decision in approaching him about having another child. Oh, she still desperately wanted another child, but after his reaction to her request, she wasn’t certain she could bear to be in his company long enough to conceive one.

      He had been horrid—and his comments continued to pierce her heart.

      I expect it to be an exasperating task, but it must be done.

      The sooner we attend to this, the better.

      If she had any hope of having another child, she needed to lock away her contempt for him. Maybe then the thought of Gabriel touching her wouldn’t make her want to injure his manhood—permanently. She would never conceive a child if she did that.

      ‘I hope it is not my company that has caused that expression to darken your lovely face,’ commented Comte Antoine Janvier.

      Pulling her attention back to her dance partner, Olivia smiled apologetically. ‘Of course not, I fear I am not very good company this evening.’

      With a few final steps the quadrille ended.

      ‘Perhaps a glass of champagne shall lift your spirits,’ he said, escorting her off the crowded dance floor towards one of the many drawing rooms.

      As they crossed the threshold, he took two glasses from a passing footman and handed one to Olivia. She took a long drink and he arched a dark brow.

      ‘Shall I fetch another, or would you care for mine?’ he asked, tilting his glass towards her.

      The warmth of a blush rose up Olivia’s neck and she turned away. Her gaze settled on the portrait of the previous Duchess of Devonshire. ‘Forgive me,’ she said, returning her attention to her friend. ‘You are being very kind, considering I have not been an ideal companion.’

      He gave a careless wave of his hand. ‘It would be tiresome if you were always plein de vie.’

      Olivia grinned. ‘I wasn’t aware you thought I was full of life.’

      ‘There is a sense you find enjoyment in your surroundings, but I suppose you can be as selective as you wish with the entertainments you attend since you are the Duchess of Winterbourne.’

      ‘Yes, there are advantages to the title.’ Being married to her husband was not one of them.

      ‘I notice you and His Grace rarely accept the same invitations.’

      Their friendship was still new. If he wanted to know how wide the rift was between her and Gabriel, Olivia was certain any of the gossips in attendance would be happy to recount the tale of what had driven them apart. It was something she never discussed with anyone, except Victoria. ‘His Parliamentary affairs keep him busy into the evening. Oh, look, more champagne.’ Olivia didn’t wait for Janvier to procure her another glass. She took one off the tray of a passing footman and replaced it with her empty one.

      A low chuckle escaped Janvier’s lips before he took a sip from his glass. ‘Not something you wish to discuss. I understand. Let us change the subject. Tell me, have you heard Mrs Siddons may return to the stage soon?’

      ‘I have.’

      ‘Do you suppose you will attend one of her performances?’

      ‘It would be a shame to leave my box at the theatre empty for such an anticipated return. I don’t suppose you are an admirer of hers?’ she asked with an amused smile.

      ‘What kind of man would I be if I were not?’

      ‘Would you care to join me on opening night?’

      Janvier leaned forward, placing his lips close to her ear. ‘I would like nothing better.’

      His warm breath fanned her neck and an uncomfortable shiver travelled down her spine. Pretending she had an itch, Olivia stepped back and scratched her left shoulder.

      He studied her over the rim of his glass. ‘But the royal box would probably be occupied opening night. That would mean there would be such a crush. You would not mind?’

      She gave a slight shrug. ‘A crush is no bother, if the entertainment is worthy.’

      Janvier’s dark eyes twinkled mischievously. ‘Then I would be honoured to join you.’ He scanned the salmon-coloured room. ‘I am surprised your Regent is not here this evening.’

      ‘Georgiana told me the poor man is suffering from the gout again. If it is as severe as last time, it would not surprise me if he missed Mrs Siddons’s performances altogether.’

      * * *

      By the time she arrived home, Olivia was certain she had drunk enough champagne that she could endure Gabriel’s presence in order to have another child. He said he would come to her tonight. Now, she was ready for him.

      After sending Colette away, she stretched out on her bed in an excessively large, white-linen nightrail. Her bare feet were cold on top of the blankets, but she reasoned it would be over quickly, and there would be no chance of Gabriel’s scent remaining on her sheets.

      What was taking him so long? He was home. She’d heard his muffled voice along with that of Hodges through the door that connected their rooms over an hour ago. His strong knock made Olivia jump. Bringing her hands to her chest to steady the pounding of her heart, she called for him to enter.

      The door opened slowly and it was difficult to see his expression in the shadows of the room. ‘Why is it so dark in here?’

      ‘I thought you would prefer it this way,’ she replied, relieved her voice did not give away her nervousness.

      Gabriel closed the door behind him and walked further into the room. He was still dressed impeccably for an evening out. Turning this way, then that, he spun in a circle. Finally, he spotted her. ‘Are you well?’

      ‘Of course.’

      ‘Are you not cold?’

      ‘No,’ she lied.

      There was a hesitation, then he cleared his throat. ‘It’s late. Perhaps we should discuss this in the morning.’

      He was leaving? After all this time agonising and waiting for him, he was leaving? How much was she expected to endure? She jumped off the bed and ran to the door, blocking his way. ‘I thought we had an agreement.’

      ‘We do...I mean we did.’

      ‘You’ve changed your mind?’

      Gabriel held up his hands, appearing as if he couldn’t bear to touch her. ‘I simply thought we could do this tomorrow.’

      ‘Oh, no, we will do this now or not

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