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Courting The Forbidden Debutante. Laura MartinЧитать онлайн книгу.

Courting The Forbidden Debutante - Laura Martin

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wouldn’t blurt out everything that was in her head. ‘Although Georgina is being a little reserved.’

      ‘Unlike you,’ Georgina muttered under her breath, giving Caroline a dig in the ribs.

      Mr Robertson gave her an amused look. ‘May I escort you somewhere, ladies?’ he asked. ‘And perhaps on the way I can answer some of your questions.’

      ‘I am just popping to the retiring room,’ Caroline said quietly. ‘But, Georgina, why don’t you go with Mr Robertson and I will come join you in a moment.’

      With her mouth parting in disbelief, Georgina shot a warning look at her friend.

      ‘I’ll only be a minute or two,’ Caroline said cheerfully, walking away.

      Left alone with Mr Robertson, Georgina turned on him suspiciously.

      ‘Were you following me?’ she asked.

      ‘Do many men follow you?’

      ‘Not so brazenly,’ she muttered, feeling completely set up by Caroline and needing to take her annoyance out on someone.

      ‘I find it pointless to be subtle,’ Mr Robertson said, with that confident smile lighting up his face and causing Georgina to lose track of her thoughts for a moment.


      ‘You lied to me,’ he said, leaning in a little closer. Georgina felt her pulse begin to quicken as his arm brushed innocently against hers.

      ‘No, I didn’t.’

      ‘You said a woman should never be alone with a man...’ he paused ‘...yet here we are.’

      Quickly Georgina looked around the hallway. Damn him, he was right. They were alone, not out of any machinations on her part, but alone all the same. If some particularly nosy matron caught them here in the hall together, then rumours would start to fly. No matter that a few minutes ago there had been more than half-a-dozen people escaping from the heat of the ballroom, milling around the spacious hallway, now it was just she and the mysterious Mr Robertson.

      ‘You should leave,’ she said, keeping one eye fixed on the door from the ballroom. ‘Before anyone catches us together.’

      ‘Tell me,’ he said, not making a single move to depart. ‘What would happen if we were found alone out here?’

      ‘My reputation would be ruined and my father would marry me off quickly and quietly to any man that would have me.’

      ‘We can’t be having that,’ Mr Robertson said, taking her gently but firmly by the arm and pulling her around the corner just as two elderly women exited the ballroom, discussing the musicians as they headed in the same direction Caroline had disappeared in.

      Georgina found she was holding her breath, hoping they wouldn’t pause and glance in the opposite direction and see her pressed into a corner with an entirely inappropriate gentleman. Only when they were safely out of sight did she realise quite how close she was standing to her companion.

      ‘Safe?’ he asked, moving to one side so he could check over her shoulder. He was close, his body barely a few inches from hers, and she could feel the heat of him emanating through the layers of his clothing. It wasn’t a contrived closeness, though—in fact, he barely seemed to register her and certainly wasn’t moving in to try to touch her or kiss her.

      An unfamiliar disappointment started to uncurl inside Georgina. Most men would have used this situation to their advantage and, while normally that irritated her beyond belief, she realised with surprise that she wouldn’t have minded Mr Robertson moving in for a kiss. Of course she would have rebuffed him, but the attempt would have been nice.

      ‘We need to leave,’ Georgina said, pulling herself together. ‘Separately.’

      He looked at her then, a gaze that seemed to take in every inch of her body, and she fancied she saw something change in how he was standing.

      ‘As you command, my lady,’ he said, executing a mock bow. ‘But only if you grant me one favour.’

      With her heart pounding in her chest Georgina nodded, wondering when she had reverted back to a giddy eighteen-year-old.

      ‘Allow me to call on you tomorrow.’

      She’d expected him to ask for a kiss and had been prepared to offer him her hand. Momentarily thrown, she found herself nodding before she’d thought through the request.

      ‘Then I will take my leave a happy man,’ he said, catching her hand in his own and planting a kiss just below her knuckles.

      With a quick glance to ensure they were still alone Mr Robertson walked away, returning to the ballroom without looking back. Georgina still hadn’t moved when Caroline exited the retiring room two minutes later and quickly had to find her composure before her friend guessed something had happened.

       Chapter Three

      ‘Mercenary,’ Ben Crawford commented as he took a long slurp of tea from the delicate china teacup. In his hands the drinking vessel looked foreign and out of place, but Crawford didn’t seem to notice.

      ‘What’s mercenary?’ Sam asked, rising from his seat to help himself to another portion of smoked haddock from the serving plate on the sideboard. His normal breakfast consisted of porridge and some bread—it seemed a strange luxury to be eating fish for breakfast.

      ‘You are.’

      Raising an eyebrow, he waited for his friend to continue, tucking into his breakfast while the silence dragged out.

      ‘I know you want to get your revenge on the old Earl, but compromising his daughter—that’s dark, even for you.’

      ‘I’m not...’ Sam began to splutter, then paused, swallowed his mouthful, took another sip of tea and continued to talk. ‘I’m not planning on compromising the daughter.’

      ‘You went halfway there last night. All I heard the entire evening was how scandalous Lady Georgina was acting over a ne’er-do-well stranger.’

      ‘I only danced with the girl.’

      ‘And led her off into dark corners.’


      ‘They have different rules here,’ Crawford mused, his voice dipping. ‘No dragging your intended off over one shoulder and holding a pistol to their head until they capitulate into marrying you.’

      ‘Because that happened all the time in Australia.’ Sam paused, leaning back in his chair, rocking on the back two legs in a motion that he knew irritated his friend. ‘I’m not going to compromise Lady Georgina,’ he said firmly. ‘I merely need an acquaintance with her to gain me entry into her house and a little familiarity with the family.’

      ‘So you’re not going to punish the father by ruining the daughter?’


      The thought had briefly crossed his mind, if he was being completely honest, but Sam, despite his past conviction, thought himself as an honourable man. It was one thing to seek vengeance against the man who had ruined his life, quite another to drag an innocent into it all merely because she was his daughter.

      He hadn’t expected to like her. She was the daughter of the man who’d nearly destroyed him and he’d been fully prepared to have to pretend to enjoy her company to get close to her. But in reality he’d found her interesting and, in truth, perhaps a little too alluring. It was the way she’d looked at him with those intense green eyes, the heat he’d felt deep inside when his arm had looped around her waist, the overwhelming urge to kiss her he’d had to fight as they’d waited in the hall together. All in all he knew he shouldn’t like her, but he did, and it made him resolve not to involve her more than was absolutely

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