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The Complete Red-Hot And Historical Collection. Kelly HunterЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Complete Red-Hot And Historical Collection - Kelly Hunter

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of her ebony hair and he murmured, ‘It’s all right, Rose. Nothing’s going to hurt you...I promise...’

      At first she stiffened at the assurance, and then she relaxed.

      Relieved, Gene was glad she didn’t pull away. Despite the storm raging outside, he felt strangely peaceful as he sat there with Rose. He had a distinct sense of being introduced to an aspect of his character that he’d never before suspected. The only woman he’d ever felt remotely protective towards before was his mother. His more intimate female relationships all centred round money and sex. His desire for sex and their desire for money... Genuine intimacy didn’t feature. How could it when he’d allowed himself to become more and more distant from his feelings? Since his little sister had died the spectre of loss and heartbreak was ever-present, and in truth he feared it...

      The soft weight against his arm grew a little heavier and Rose’s quiet, steady breathing made Gene realise that she’d fallen asleep.

      It seemed to be a day of shocks and surprises, he thought wryly. Not only had the ferocity of the storm taken him aback, but the realisation that he wasn’t just enduring his visitor’s company but was actively enjoying it really rattled him. His pleasure at being able to purchase the lovely old shop building hadn’t dominated his thoughts half as much as he’d expected it to.

      He frowned. Why was that?

      Settling back more comfortably against the cushions, hardly aware that he was doing so, he drowsily let his eyelids drift closed...

      The first thing that alerted him to the realisation that he’d fallen asleep was Rose trying to disengage his arm from her shoulders. Eugene cursed...loudly. The limb had cramped painfully, and in the throes of sleep he thought someone was attacking him. His primal masculine instinct was automatic.

      When he sat up and grabbed his imagined attacker Rose yelped, and the shocked look on her face woke him up to the reality of what he was doing. His hands were tightly gripping her arms through her soft woollen sweater and she looked absolutely terrified. Albeit indignant...

      Even as he lessened the pressure of his fingers on her arm he was suddenly mesmerised by the inviting shape of her luscious mouth. Her beautiful eyes were shining like stars. Staring back into that hypnotic violet glance was like falling into another dream...one that he was in no hurry to wake up from.

      ‘Let go of me,’ Rose breathed huskily.

      Gene heard the words, but even as he registered them he was helplessly bending his head towards her. His body was heavy with desire, and only the taste of those lush tender lips would alleviate some of the insatiable erotic need he was suddenly inflamed by.

      ‘Not yet...’ he whispered, and claimed the mouth that unknowingly taunted him as if it were a choice between breathing to live and not breathing.

      If he’d had any expectations that first time he’d kissed her, then the touch of Rose’s lips beneath his had exceeded them all. Now, for the second time, the sensation was beyond wonderful. And the most pleasurable surprise came when she gasped softly, didn’t resist his urgently seeking tongue as he thought she might, but instead welcomed the heated exploration as if she needed it as much as he did.

      The hot satin interior of her mouth sent his temperature skyrocketing, and Gene’s fingers moved through her silky hair to anchor her head and explore her flavours more deeply. Again, Rose showed no sign of protesting. His heart was galloping hard and the strangest feeling washed over him. It was an inexplicable sense that he was diving too deep ever to surface again without some serious damage having been caused...

      Rose could hardly believe she was passionately kissing Gene Bonnaire. Had she unknowingly suffered some kind of bump to the head and been transported to an uncanny parallel universe where everything she’d known to be real had vanished? Who could blame her for that conclusion when the violent storm outside was growing ever more ferocious, adding to the sense that she was in some kind of twilight world? Being marooned in this isolated dwelling with a man she’d undoubtedly give a wide berth to if she met him under any other circumstances just didn’t make sense. Yet perhaps it wasn’t as unbelievable as it seemed. How could she have known that this avaricious businessman could seduce her with his unexpected displays of care and concern?

      First he’d dispensed advice on dealing with her fears. Then he’d cooked a sublime French dish that had been nothing less than exquisite. And finally...finally he’d put his arm around her and held her against him when the lightning had looked to be heralding the end of the world and she’d been terrified.

      Was that why she’d found herself willingly kissing him...? Because she was grateful for his protection? Had the feeling awakened some latent desire she’d been burying?

      Her father had always sought to protect her from harm and keep her safe, and she’d trusted him more than any other man. Was she hoping to find someone similar in her romantic life? But Gene Bonnaire was nothing like her father had been. The billionaire was known to be utterly ruthless in pursuing his desires, and he had a reputation for letting nothing stand in his way. Yet when he’d held her against his powerful chest as they’d watched the storm Rose had trusted him enough to fall asleep.

      How to explain it? All she knew was that she hadn’t been able to resist him. Everything about the man seemed to dazzle her...the way he looked, the way he smelled, his sheer indomitable maleness... The realisation confused her. It also made her wary about the danger she might be inviting. She only had to remember her ex and the way he’d blatantly lied to her to get what he wanted... Gene was another man who liked the sense of power money could give him...

      When Gene carefully separated his lips from hers, his long fingers stroking her hair back, he smiled down at her with a knowing glint in his piercing blue eyes and she knew it was time to end this craziness and return to some kind of normality.

      When she explained to him why she’d succumbed to that kiss—she’d been stressed and worried about her boss, and scared of the lightning—hopefully he would understand and not use the minor aberration against her.

      Flattening her hand against his chest, she started to move away.

      Frowning, Gene reached out to pull her back. ‘Where are you going?’

      For a moment Rose couldn’t think what to say, because his glittering blue eyes were holding her to him as securely as if they’d been bound together.

      ‘I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry.’

      ‘Why? Didn’t you enjoy it?’

      ‘That’s not the point. The point is I’m here solely on business. And you’re not responsible for comforting me just because I’m scared of lightning.’

      ‘Would your boyfriend have comforted you if he’d been here?’

      ‘What’s that got to do with anything?’

      His eyes narrowed. ‘Would he?’

      ‘I don’t have one.’ Rose lifted a shoulder in a shrug, her gaze unflinching. ‘I’m not interested in having a relationship at the moment.’

      ‘Presumably that’s because you’re concerned about your boss?’

      ‘It’s not just that. I want to concentrate on my career. When Philip leaves the antiques shop, so will I. I’ll have to find another position.’

      ‘Presumably that won’t be difficult? You’re a qualified dealer, you said.’

      She lifted her chin, as if to challenge him to doubt her. ‘I am. And if I can’t find anything suitable back home I might go abroad for a while and work.’

      It was definitely an option, but somehow she didn’t feel quite ready to take such a bold leap. She’d like to think she could make things work at home first. Anyway, the thought reminded her of what was most pertinent now.

      Meeting the diamond-bright glance that had barely left her since they’d kissed, she said, ‘Getting

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