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The Sweethearts Collection. Pam JenoffЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Sweethearts Collection - Pam Jenoff

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why not live in the present and enjoy life on the road?’ Mara suggested. Then, giving one of her customary winks, she snatched up the tools of her trade and left. As Colenso picked up the first sheets of paper, she thought about what Mara had said. There was no denying she enjoyed helping the customers make their selection, and Jago was easy to work for. He was also vigilant in keeping a look-out for anyone suspicious prowling around. And hadn’t he promised to take her to meet his sister, Karla? The thought of seeing how the rock and sweets were produced made her fizzle with excitement.

      As she cut, folded and pasted, it wasn’t long before her thoughts turned to home and Kitto. He must have received her necklace by now. Of course, there was no telling what her mamm would have told him, but she felt in her heart he would be wishing her well. Why, even at this very moment he could be searching for her. Though how would he know where to look? Then she remembered Mara saying something about her sending a card home when they’d moved away from The Lizard. She’d send him one from Bodmin, for if it was deemed safe for her to wear her own clothes then it would surely be safe to send a communication.

      The strident notes of the organ starting up brought her swiftly back to the present and she scooped all the cones she’d made into the wicker foraging basket Mara had loaned her. Everyone was being so kind, she thought as the three knocks heralding Titan’s arrival sounded on the window. Dragging on the dreaded cap, she opened the door, blinking in the glare of the afternoon sun.

      ‘Lovely out here, it is,’ Titan beamed as he took her basket and she stepped outside with him. ‘The missus is picnicking by the water with the little ‘uns.’ The thought of the giant having little anything made Colenso smile. ‘Good to see you looking happier. Thought when you’d finished at the Panam you might like to take a look round the fair. Don’t suppose you’ve seen much, having been cooped up like a chicken. Some of the fair will be moving on soon.’

      ‘I thought Mara said we’d be here a week,’ Colenso frowned, glancing over to the little round tent beside the graveyard.

      ‘You will. Mara’s is one of the most popular draws. People visit her year after year. Say her predictions always come true. Most of the villagers have been parted from their hard-earned dough though, so the big rides don’t hang around.’ He gave a devilish grin.

      ‘So why do the others stay?’

      ‘The locals have cricket matches and various other competitions arranged between local villages. The remaining stalls including the Panam will all move over to where Mara is.’

      ‘I’d love to look around later, as long as you think it’d be safe,’ Colenso murmured, automatically looking over her shoulder. When she could see no one following, she turned back to Titan. ‘Don’t you get tired of all the packing up and moving on?’ He gave a loud belly laugh that boomed above the sound of the organ and the noise already emanating from sideshows they were passing.

      ‘The missus and I get a rest when we haul up at Penzance at the end of the season. Take any available work to put food on the table.’

      ‘Do you stay in your van over the winter then?’

      ‘Yep, neither of us could imagine living in brick. Well, here you are, delivered safe and sound,’ he grinned, handing back her basket. ‘Afternoon, Jago,’ he called. The vendor waved, then turned back to the buxom woman he was serving. Sporting her Sunday best, she was clearly doing her utmost to charm him.

      ‘’Ow much can I get for a farthing?’ a tiny voice asked. Colenso looked down to see a grimy urchin, sporting tattered rags and staring at her hopefully.

      ‘Is that your pocket money?’ she asked. The boy looked uncomfortable.

      ‘Found this on the grass,’ he admitted, holding out a small coin. ‘I never ’ad no sweets afore.’ Seeing him glancing wistfully at the glistening rock, she gathered up a couple of the crooks and popped them in a cone. Delightedly, he snatched it from her and ran off, fearful she might change her mind.

      ‘Putting me out of business, are you?’ Jago grunted, shaking his head.

      ‘You can take it out of my wages,’ she said recklessly.

      ‘Expecting to be paid as well as looked out for, are we?’ he tutted, then changed the subject. ‘It’s good to see you looking happier. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, there’s a group of children over there clamouring to be served.’

      ‘Seems to me everything around here clamours,’ she replied as the church bells began pealing their daily competition against the organ.

      The afternoon passed in a flurry of activity, the tantalizing smell of lemon and mint mingling with the spicy gingerbread tempting her taste buds. Colenso sighed, eager for the time when she could learn the secrets of making the sweet confections. Whilst the livestock auction was taking place on the green, Jago went for a break, leaving her to refill the containers. Who would have believed they could get through so many, she thought, filling yet more cones with an array of assorted sweets. As she stepped outside the Panam to check everything looked enticing, a shot rang out making her jump. Heart beating wildly, she scurried back behind the stall.

      ‘’Tis only the rifle range over there, lover,’ the man from the Hammer Bell Striker called, gesturing behind him. ‘Got moved cos of all the noise,’ he groaned, raising his bushy brows.

      ‘Oh, er, thank you,’ she murmured, glad for once his attraction was quiet with no menfolk queueing to test their strength. The ringing of the bell when it was hit set her teeth on edge, although luckily it didn’t happen that often. The crack of rifles would be an entirely different matter though.

      The excited hullabaloo of the crowd returning signalled that the auction had ended, and to her relief she saw Jago approaching.

      ‘See it’s our turn for the rifle range,’ he sighed. ‘Oh well, they’ll be moving on soon.’ As customers began clustering around the Panam, Colenso turned her attention back to helping the children make their important choices. As they often asked what the sweets tasted like, she decided to sample every single one of the confections to give them an informed opinion. The glistening candy coats made her mouth water and during a lull she popped one of the striped bullseyes in her mouth. She was just savouring the tangy, lemon flavour when Titan appeared.

      ‘Not slacking again, Col? Have to dock those wages of yours,’ Jago teased as she went to move from behind the stall.

      ‘Blame me, Jago. I offered to show Col around before the rides start packing up,’ Titan said, taking her basket from her.

      As they wandered through the stalls, he swung it easily back and forth and Colenso couldn’t help comparing it to the way her father had let her carry her laden basket to the works.

      ‘I had no idea the fair was so big or so dangerous. I mean, how can she bear it?’ Colenso shuddered, stopping by a stall where a tall woman dressed as a red Indian squaw stood without flinching as knives were thrown onto the board around her.

      ‘Don’t worry, Blade’s being doing that for years,’ Titan laughed. ‘He’s a true showman and makes it look more terrifying than it is. Besides, Lottie would have his scrotum for supper if he ever hit her.’

      ‘Oh,’ she murmured, moving quickly on to the next stall, only to wish she hadn’t when she saw a lady with bright painted lips under which a mass of black facial hair hung. She was perched on a stall and smiling. The effect was decidedly weird.

      ‘Only a penny to find out if the lady’s beard is real,’ a man sporting a topper and red-striped jacket grinned, showing a mouthful of yellow stained teeth. So that really was a female? Colenso couldn’t resist taking another look. ‘Go on, stroke it, find out what it’ll feel like when you can grow one, boy,’ he invited, holding out the long beard. ‘Oh, hello Titan, didn’t see you there,’ he added his expression changing.

      ‘No, I’m hard to spot,’ Titan chuckled, taking hold of Colenso’s elbow and moving her on. ‘As you can see, some stalls are more tasteful than others. And more fragrant,’

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