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The Military K-9 Unit Collection. Valerie HansenЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Military K-9 Unit Collection - Valerie  Hansen

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who works in our biomedical lab. All she recalled was a few dates and Boyd dumping her because he claimed she was too smart. I also spoke to Munitions Specialist Lara Dennie. She admitted to having had a crush on him but said she’d dodged a bullet when he’d ignored her. Those women were both on a classified list that only authorized personnel should have had access to.”

      “Then how would Lieutenant Jenks...?”

      “Unknown. Just like so many other facets of what’s been going on around here.” He made the turn onto the side road leading to the preschool. Not only did Zoe perk up when the building came in sight, so did Star.

      Linc gave a low chuckle. “I think my K-9 is glad we’re picking up her little buddy. Look at her.”

      “I see.” Zoe’s laugh carried tones of fondness for the dog that would have surprised Linc coming from anyone else. “It’s a pleasure to have her around, particularly when her favorite person is Freddy.”

      “Whoa.” Linc had to grin. “I am supposed to be the one and only person Star is interested in. I told you not to spoil her by making her too social.”

      “Phooey. I didn’t make her anything. You and I both know she had a soft side all along. Just because she wags that stubby tail more when Freddy and I are around is no reason to blame us.”

      “Oh, no?”

      “No.” Zoe pointed to the curb. “Just pull over right here and I’ll run in to get him.”

      “We’ll come with you.”

      She didn’t say it, but he saw the objection in her eyes and body language. She obviously did not want an escort, although why was puzzling. She had just told him she wanted him close, yet she was acting as if he’d insulted her. “What?” he asked.

      Zoe was shaking her head the way a trainer did when a particularly dense canine didn’t pick up instruction quickly enough. “It’s perfectly safe here. You’ll be in the car and your dog will alert if anything’s wrong.” She pushed open the passenger door and hopped out. “Stand by, Sergeant. I’ll be right back.”

      Because he had scanned the approach and the yard already, Linc felt reasonably certain Zoe would be fine. After all, he hadn’t been assigned to become her Siamese twin, he’d merely been told to keep watch and try to convince her to trust him.

      Well, mission accomplished, he thought cynically. Sergeant Sullivan trusted him implicitly. Remembering that kiss, he wondered if that was more of a problem than if she had held him at arm’s length.

      Linc saw her climb the front steps and knock. It took several seconds for the door to open and Zoe to be admitted. Then it shut tight. Good. The women inside were properly protecting their charges. It was a shame they had to worry so much but that was better than being too lax.

      Moving back and forth in the seat behind him, Star was acting anxious. “Settle down, girl. She’ll be back soon.”

      The dog continued to fidget. When she let out one of her impressive rottweiler barks, Linc took her seriously. Just because he hadn’t seen or sensed a problem didn’t mean Star was wrong.

      He stepped out of the SUV, fastened a lead on his K-9 partner and gave her the command to jump down. She took off so fast and pulled so hard that Linc almost lost his footing. Her nose was to the ground now, the hackles on the back of her neck and shoulders bristling. He might not know what she was after but as long as Star did, Linc was going to let her search.

      They crossed a sparse lawn, rounded the preschool and made the corner, then slowed. Star froze as if she were a hunting dog, signaling a hidden pheasant. She sniffed the air. Then the bare dirt. A fenced play area stopped them from continuing right next to the building, so Linc urged his dog to backtrack. She didn’t refuse, but he could tell she wasn’t happy about the redirection.

      A child’s laughter reached them both. Star began to strain. Linc kept her controlled so she wouldn’t race around to the front and flatten some poor kid with her enthusiasm, probably Freddy. “Easy, Star. Heel.”

      The look the K-9 gave him was so full of frustration and angst it was almost comical. She’d probably led him to the play area because she knew children had recently been out there and was disappointed when he’d pulled her away.

      A female voice called, “Linc? Sergeant Colson?”

      Zoe. He was about to answer when her words morphed into a scream.

      With every nerve firing and every muscle taut, Linc raced back toward his vehicle. Zoe! Someone wearing a jumpsuit and a baseball cap had hold of her and was grappling for control while brave little Freddy pounded tiny fists against the man’s legs.

      Linc drew his gun and shouted, “Security! Hands up.”


      Zoe fought for her child with all her strength, all her heart, every maternal instinct she had. Nobody was going to harm her little boy as long as she had breath in her body.

      The man’s hold tightened, pinning her arms so she couldn’t get a good swing at him. Remembering her training, she bent lower and tried to use his own momentum to pitch him over her head. Instead, she found herself hurtling toward the ground when he suddenly released her.

      Everything was happening so fast that the surrounding scene was a blur. A male shouting, a dog barking and Freddy... The moment Zoe regained her senses enough to act she reached for her beloved child. Freddy leaped into her open arms with such force he knocked her backward. Gasping, she pulled him close and showered kisses all over his tear-streaked face.

      Feet wearing combat boots thundered past. “Linc?”

      There was no immediate answer. It had to be him. He had not waited for her in the car the way he’d promised, yet he must have remained close by. She knew he’d never have abandoned her. Not in a million years. So where was he?

      Fierce barking and growling at the side of the house was her answer. Star! That was the dark-colored blur she’d seen passing as she fell. The K-9 was in attack mode. Hopefully, this time Linc was there to back her up.

      Freddy began struggling to free himself. “Too tight, Mama.”

      “I’m sorry, honey.” Zoe managed to get to her feet without letting go of the boy’s hand. As soon as she was certain she was stable, she scooped him up. “I was so worried about you. Why didn’t you run away like we practiced?”

      The child pouted. “Uh-uh. He was hurting you.”

      Zoe buried her face against his little neck and fought back tears. “I understand. I’m not mad, Freddy. Honest, I’m not. I know you were doing what you thought was right.”

      Assuming Linc had captured her attacker, Zoe was slack jawed when he and Star returned alone. The dog seemed okay this time, but Linc’s beret was missing and he was rubbing the back of his head.

      “Linc? Are you hurt?”

      “Mostly my pride,” he said gruffly. “Star had him until somebody conked me in the head and she let go to come check me.”

      “Is she supposed to do that?”

      “No.” He cast a disparaging glance at his dog. “We’ll be doing some retraining ASAP.” Then he turned back to Zoe. “I’m sorry we didn’t apprehend the suspect. This is the most physical attack he’s made on you so far.”

      Zoe was kneading her neck. “Yeah. Tell me about it.” She watched as Linc crouched to examine his dog, presumably checking for unseen injuries. “What’s she chewing on?”

      Linc commanded the K-9 to release. She placed a soggy piece of fabric in his outstretched hand. He stood and displayed it in his palm. “What does that look like to you?”

      “Part of a dark blue jumpsuit

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