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The Regency Season: Hidden Desires. Anne HerriesЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Regency Season: Hidden Desires - Anne Herries

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if she was beginning to realise it—and then of course he was killed. One is not certain how to behave. The Ravenscars are our particular friends, of course, and Papa thinks we should share their grief—but why should my poor girl suffer?’

      ‘I think it very hard for her,’ Jenny said. She knew more than Lucy’s mother, but could not betray a confidence. ‘Yet I know that she is feeling better each day.’

      ‘Well, we are off the day after tomorrow,’ Lady Dawlish said. ‘I think I must ask Papa to pay a courtesy visit to Ravenscar to tell them we are leaving. However, there is no need for you or Lucy to accompany him. I think it could only distress Lucy again.’

      ‘Yes, I believe so.’

      Jenny had no desire to visit the estate, because Adam was not there. She’d heard nothing from him since he’d left the area for Cornwall and wondered how he fared. If Paul had called on them, he might have brought news, but he had not been near since that last day in the Park when he’d ridden off in a fit of temper.

      Paul was suffering as much as anyone. Jenny suspected that his pain was not all due to his grief for his brother, but she had no right to speculate or to tell Lucy what she thought might be on his mind. Lucy and Paul must sort out their affairs themselves.

      Was Adam finding the rich seam of tin he needed? Or would he discover that the mine was played out and there was no alternative to his problem but the marriage he wished to avoid?

      * * *

      ‘You do not think we could blast deeper into the earth and find a new seam of copper?’ Adam asked the former mine manager. ‘I know it would cost money, but I think I could fund it—if there’s a chance.’

      ‘I think this part of the mine is played out,’ John Thawson said and frowned. ‘I did hear once that there might be tin in the old mine—the one the earl closed down years ago for lack of money.’

      ‘You’ve never seen it?’

      ‘No. It was one of the older miners. He had retired then, but swore on his oath that there was a rich seam of tin if your grandfather would open the old workings up again.’

      ‘Was the earl approached?’

      ‘He said he had no money for chasing a forlorn hope. I dare say he thought it just a tale made up to provide work for the men in these parts. Times have been hard since the mine closed down. There are very few still working and the work is jealously guarded. Men from one mine are not welcomed at another and fights break out if they try to undercut the wages.’

      ‘Yes, I see.’ Adam was thoughtful. ‘Where can I find this man—the one who saw the seam of tin?’

      ‘He died a few months ago. He was in his sixties and that is a good age for a man who has worked in the mines.’

      ‘A pity. Is there no one else who might know of the location of this seam?’

      ‘Horton had a daughter and a grandson. The boy is sixteen and illegitimate—a little wild, they say. I think Horton was fond of him—and now you mention it, I’ve seen them close to the old workings on more than one occasion. It is possible that the old man showed him what was there—or they may just be using the old mine as a place to store contraband. I think Jake is in with a gang of smugglers that frequent this part of the coast.’

      ‘I see...’ Adam smiled. ‘Well, perhaps I should speak to this young man. He may be able to help me.’

      ‘I wish he might, sir.’ Thawson frowned. ‘Would you truly consider opening the mine again if a new seam of either copper or tin was found?’

      ‘I should certainly go into it,’ Adam said. ‘For one thing work brings prosperity to the villagers—and that means they take more care of their homes and they cultivate the land better. Everything has been let go. I cannot put the estate back into any sort of order without help. Had I a fortune at my disposal I would do what I could—but the estate needs to pay for itself.’

      ‘Yes, of course. Folk blame the earl for what happened, but they don’t understand that no one can keeping pouring money into an empty hole in the ground.’

      ‘My grandfather is old and tired. He has not managed things as well as he ought, but he loves this land—and it would give him pleasure to see the people prosperous again. I shall find Jake Horton and ask him if he knows where this seam is.’

      ‘It might be best if you speak to him first,’ Thawson said. ‘If you went down the old shaft alone, you could be in danger. Parts of it may be flooded—and if they’re using it to store smuggled goods you might end up being murdered.’

      ‘Then I shall visit the Hortons at home and speak with them,’ Adam said. ‘At least there is something I can do. If there’s anything worth opening Wheal Margaret for, I would be willing to have a go. It may come to nothing, but there is always a chance.’

      ‘You never know with a mine, sir,’ Thawson said. ‘I’ll go down the newer workings myself and take a look. Now that I know someone is willing to open them up again, it’s worth exploring a bit further...’

      ‘I’ll come with you,’ Adam said. ‘Could we go today? I can call on Jake Horton this evening.’

      ‘Best leave it until tomorrow,’ Thawson said. ‘He will probably be out with the Gentlemen if it’s a moonless night.’

      Adam nodded. ‘Aye, you’re right. But I could speak to his mother. She might sound him out on the idea—and if they need to move a few barrels I’d rather give them time to do it than cause bad feeling.’

      Thawson laughed. ‘You’ll make a good master here, Captain Miller. You understand men better than your grandfather ever did—but that’s to be expected after what you’ve been through out there.’

      ‘War teaches you to respect your fellow men, the troopers as well as the officers,’ Adam said, a grim light in his eyes. ‘We might as well take a look at Wheal Sarah now, while it’s still daylight.’

      ‘Won’t be much light down there. We’ll need hard hats and lamps to see what’s what. I just hope it isn’t completely flooded.’

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