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Unbridled Billionaire. Dani WadeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Unbridled Billionaire - Dani Wade

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that my Presley snared the catch of the county in thirty minutes, in that dress, you must think I’m really stupid.”

      Presley wasn’t sure what set off her normally dormant outrage. The stress of the day. Kane’s blackmail. Or everyone’s obvious disbelief even as Kane insisted they were interested in each other. If you had to sell it that hard, might as well not sell it at all.

      Without thought Presley stomped forward, invading her stepmother’s personal space. “What I think is that you couldn’t care less how your actions affect me or anyone else who has to put up with your antics.”

      “Well, I knew that my very smart stepdaughter would smooth everything out,” Marjorie whined.

      “Excuse me?” Suddenly all the tension and upset of the night became too much and Presley was the one who couldn’t control her voice. She made a desperate attempt to contain the words but couldn’t keep them back. “You bargained with an animal you knew didn’t belong to you, but that’s okay because Presley will figure it all out?”

      Marjorie blanched. “I know you love the horse, but money is—”

      Presley stepped uncomfortably close, lowering her voice. “Not something you have an unlimited amount of anymore. And if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I’ll do everything in my power to have Grant break Father’s will. Do you understand me?”

      “He couldn’t.”

      “He’s a great lawyer. I’m sure he could manage it for me.”

      Something in her expression must have scared Marjorie, because she focused on Presley’s face and remained silent for a long moment. Finally she gave a stiff nod, then blinked, and the flighty society lady was back in action. “No need to be so serious, dear. This is a fun night. For you more than most, am I right?”

      It was no use. All the anger and frustration flooding Presley’s veins had nowhere to go, no way out. Some days she thought running around in endless circles with her stepmother would never end. Why her father had subjected her to this particular hell, she’d never know.

      And despite the threat she’d just made, she had little expectation of any change. The next shiny diamond to cross Marjorie’s path would catch her attention and block out all reason.

      Leaving Presley with another six-foot-four-inch problem to solve—a magnitude totally out of her league.

      Kane’s response didn’t exactly put her fears to rest. “I assure you, Ms. Macarthur, Presley and I have gotten off to a very good start. And we will be seeing a great deal of each other in the future.”

      His words should have heaped another helping onto her pile of worry. Instead anticipation tingled in her stomach, warming her from the inside out. This was wrong. All wrong.

      Presley preferred situations she could control.

      “That settles that, then,” her stepmother offered with a toothy grin.

      Marjorie’s problems always disappeared. Presley’s merely grew. And she had a feeling she was way out of her depth on this one.

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