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Her Perfect Cowboy. Trish MilburnЧитать онлайн книгу.

Her Perfect Cowboy - Trish  Milburn

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worms they used as bait, couldn’t make herself put them on the hooks, and was seriously creeped out by the slimy feeling of the fish.

      “Hey,” he said when he finally spotted her.

      Just relax. “Hey. Looks like a hot job.”

      Liam glanced at the gate that led into the arena. “Yeah, but I’m just about done. Actually, if you’ll help me, I’ve only got one more board to attach.”

      She gave him an “Are you crazy?” look. “I’m not exactly dressed for manual labor.”

      He smiled as he took in what she wore. “Oh, I don’t know. Looks way more sensible than what you wore here the last time.”

      She shook her head. “What do you need?”

      He picked up a board and settled it against the frame of the wooden gate. “If you’ll just hold one end steady, this will only take a moment.”

      India was careful not to brush against the gate with her white pants as she held the board with one hand and steadied the gate with the other.

      True to his word, a few quick strikes of the hammer and Liam had the opposite end affixed. When he turned and grabbed the end she held, his warm hand grazed hers. It was only a momentary touch, but it was enough to cause India’s breath to catch. She feared he noticed it when he looked up and his eyes met hers.

      He was close, much too close. As casually as she could, she released the board and took a couple of steps away. “Looks like you all have gotten a lot done today.”

      “Yeah, we’ll be done with the arena repairs by Monday.” Liam finished attaching the new board before he came to stand next to her, propping one booted foot on the bottom slat of the gate. “We’ll paint after that, then get the barns ready to hold the animals.”

      She glanced toward him as he pushed his hat back off his forehead. He was sweaty and dirty, and that should have turned her off. Instead, it was having the opposite effect.

      “I thought you were here just to supervise,” she said.

      “I’m not the type to stand around doing nothing,” he said. “I’d be bored out of my mind. Plus, this way we get things done quicker, and it costs you all less money.”

      Why did he have to sound so reasonable, so nice? Why couldn’t he just be a dumb lug who had nothing appealing about him but a good-looking face? It’d be so much easier for her to stop thinking about him then.

      She let her gaze roam over the entirety of the fairgrounds, picturing how they would set up the vendor booths. At the far end of the grassy area, she spotted a large, black horse with a short rider. It took her a moment to realize it wasn’t an adult.

      “Is that Ginny?”

      “Yeah. She’s letting Inky stretch her legs after being cooped up in the trailer for several hours.”

      “That animal is huge. Don’t you worry she’ll get hurt?”

      “Ginny’s been on horseback since before she could walk. That’s how it goes when your dad is a rodeo rider.”

      India barely knew the child, so the surge of anxiety over seeing her astride such a powerful animal surprised her.

      “Hey, maybe Ginny can teach you to ride,” Liam said.

      India started shaking her head before Liam even finished speaking. “Oh, no. I’m not getting anywhere near that animal. Horses can sense that I’m scared to death of them.”

      “You’ve really never been on a horse?”

      India shifted her attention away from where Ginny seemed to be effortlessly maneuvering the horse. “Nope. And I don’t intend for that to change any time soon.”

      She liked her life just like it was, with everything mapped out. She wasn’t as married to perfectionism as Skyler, but India still knew what fit her lifestyle and what didn’t. Running a rodeo and learning to ride a horse had never been on her radar screen.

      But neither had a sweaty, dirty cowboy who tempted her to second-guess what she’d always known she wanted.

      * * *

      “REMIND ME AGAIN WHY I’m friends with you,” Skyler said as she dragged herself out of the car after India and Elissa. “This is a heinous hour for human beings to be up.”

      India smiled at her friend, who’d never been an early riser. “Because we need to measure for the booth spaces, and I’d like to do it before it’s a thousand degrees outside.”

      “Plus there are those little things called jobs we all have to go to later,” Elissa said. Unlike Skyler, Elissa was quite fond of early mornings.

      Skyler stuck her tongue out at both of them, eliciting laughs from her best friends.

      “You all certainly sound happy this morning.”

      India halted in her tracks and jerked her gaze toward the sound of the male voice. Liam—and his deep, sexy voice—sat in a lawn chair beside the RV she’d seen the day before.

      “Oh, hey. I didn’t think anyone would be out here yet,” India said. In fact, she’d been banking on it. But it looked as if Liam was using the RV as more than an on-site office. “Sorry if we bothered you.”

      “Not at all. Just enjoying a cup of coffee before it gets too hot outside to drink it.” He lifted a cup. “Would you all like some?”

      “No, we’re fine,” India said.

      “Actually, I’d love some coffee,” Elissa said. She shot India a grin that said India was in trouble. “And Skyler might be a little nicer if we get some caffeine in her.”

      India stared hard at Elissa, silently promising payback, before her friend shifted her gaze and walked toward Liam as he stood. She extended her hand. “I’m Elissa. I’m the fun friend in this motley trio.”

      Liam laughed as he accepted Elissa’s hand, gifting her with a smile even wider than any he’d aimed in India’s direction.

      Something greedy churned inside India, making her want to break the contact between Elissa and Liam. Her jaw clenched before she forced herself to relax. Truth be told, Liam was more up Elissa’s alley, anyway. She obviously found him attractive. And if he didn’t think Elissa was drop-dead gorgeous, then he was blind.

      Once they finished shaking hands, Elissa gestured toward Skyler. “This is Skyler, but you can call her I Don’t Do Mornings.” When Elissa gestured toward India, she noticed the conspiratorial grin she wore as she and Skyler made eye contact. “And you’ve met Fuddy Duddy.”

      “Fuddy Duddy?” India crossed her arms. “I fail to see how I deserve that nickname.”

      Liam put up his hand, palm out. “I’ll leave the nicknames to you ladies and get your coffee.”

      When Liam disappeared into the RV, India eyed Elissa. “What are you doing?” she asked under her breath.

      “Being friendly.”

      India bit her lip. She knew that Elissa being friendly usually led to her going out on a date. Her friend didn’t sleep around, but she knew how to have a good time. And India had never heard any of Elissa’s dates complain, either.

      “Damn, he’s even hotter in person,” Elissa said.

      “Shh.” India shot a nervous glance toward the RV’s open doorway.

      “What? It’s true. He’s got to know it. I’d venture a guess that even Skyler noticed, half-asleep as she is. Right, Skyler?”

      “He’s not exactly ugly.”

      “Oh, my God, I can’t believe you two.” India turned on her heel and headed away from them. She was tempted to get in her car and leave them behind. They could think about the wisdom of pushing her in a direction she didn’t

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