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Her Secret Twins. Janette ForemanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Her Secret Twins - Janette Foreman

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his pickup.

      She followed him. “Where are you going?”

      “To find some cell service to call my hotel.”


      “To cancel my reservation.”

      He heard her feet skid to a halt on the gravel. “You’re leaving already? You’re mad that I didn’t tell you about the kids and yet you’re already leaving?”

      “Hardly.” He hopped into his truck and shut the door, staring down at her through the half-rolled window. “Just the opposite. I’m coming out to the farm.”

      Her brows shot up. “I don’t think so. You’re not staying here.”

      “You’re right, I’m not. I’ll be in the employee cottage.”

      She stared at him.

      “What? It’s still standing, right?”

      “Yeah, it’s still standing. But it needs work. I don’t think you want to stay there.”

      “There you go making decisions for me again,” he said. “I’m not worried about the work. Just want to be close to my kids.” He stuck his key in the ignition and turned it, revving his engine to life. “See ya in a few.”

      Kallie didn’t look happy, but she’d just have to be okay with it. Starting today, she was going to see a whole lot more of Grant Young. He wouldn’t let his kids grow up like he had—without a relationship with their dad.

      The white broken line down Interstate 90 stretched to the horizon. Grant hadn’t expected to see this section of South Dakota prairie again so soon. But when you had to drive to the next exit in order to find a cell signal, that’s what you did.

      Once he sat on the side of the road, just after the off ramp, he called the hotel and canceled his reservation. Then he called the hosts of every clinic he’d planned to give this summer to cancel until further notice. Until he could figure out what was going on in his life.

      Even with his phone calls completed, though, he wasn’t ready to go back to the farm. Not just yet. He still needed to process this new load of information for a few more minutes. He wound up calling his sister, Jill.

      “Well, that’s just about the craziest news I think I’ve ever heard,” Jill said.

      “Yeah.” Grant ran his finger along the edge of his pickup’s radio, wiping away dust that had collected there since he’d last detailed this old thing. “I’m still stunned.”

      “Me, too. And I’m just your sister. I can’t imagine how you feel.” She paused. “So, I’m not trying to be rude here—but are you sure they’re yours?”

      Grant shrugged, even though he knew no one could see him except the rolling prairie out his open window. “They have brown eyes and brown wavy hair. The more I think about it, the more I’m realizing Peter looks a lot like me in that picture of us. You know, the one that used to hang in Mom and Dad’s hall.”

      “Are you going to get a paternity test?”

      His brows scrunched. “Do I need to?”

      “I would.”

      “Why would Kallie tell me they’re mine if they aren’t? She doesn’t accept help from me, and she clearly doesn’t want me here. The only reason I even found out is because Frank left me in his will.”

      Which certainly made him wonder. He’d been added as a beneficiary when he and Kallie got engaged, but he figured with their breakup he’d been taken off—like normal ex-fiancés. Had it slipped Frank’s mind or had he left Grant in the will on purpose, so he’d learn about the kids one way or another?

      Reality hit him hard and heavy. “What rights do I even have to them anyway? We’re not married. I know they’re mine, but I’ve been absent all of their life. They know and trust Kallie, and that’s it.”

      “Not knowing about them isn’t entirely your fault, though. She should have told you,” Jill said. “Listen, I was talking with a friend of mine here in Norfolk, who’s going through something kind of like this, and he said fathers have rights, too. You’ll have to check South Dakota laws, but I think all you have to do is establish you’re their biological father. Then you’ll have all the rights and responsibilities of a parent.”

      His sister, hairstylist-turned-lawyer all of a sudden. “Like child support and visitation?”

      “Yeah, and like, custody.”

      Custody. Wow, this was getting real. And fast.

      He exhaled. Turned his gaze to the setting sun. “This is a lot to process, Jill.”

      “I’m sure it is.” Jill paused. “Just promise me one thing.”


      “Don’t let Kallie push you out of their lives again, okay? You’ve already lost precious time you can’t get back. Make the most of the time you have now.”

      Grant exhaled. “That’s my plan.”

      “Okay. Hey, Grant?” Jill’s voice softened. “Congratulations. I’m excited to meet them. I’m sure Mom will be, too.”

      A smile slid up Grant’s face. “Thanks. That means a lot.”

      When he hung up, he started his pickup. Jill was right. Kallie had already denied him access to important milestones. He wouldn’t let that happen again.

      He didn’t know all the details yet, but as surely as he drove back to Bitter Creek Farm, he was bound and determined to never let Peter and Ainsley go.

Paragraph break image

      After finishing supper and bathing the children, Kallie strapped Peter and Ainsley into the stroller and trekked down to the cottage.

      As she’d expected, she found Grant’s truck parked out front, and Chief sitting on the front porch, soaking up the sun and taking in the change of scenery. He ran to greet them as they neared, and Kallie gave him a few quick rubs behind the ear.

      Peter squealed and pointed at Chief, and Kallie managed a smile. Her kids held a wonder for the world that she’d lost in recent years. What would it be like to feel that way about life again?

      The door to the cottage swung open, Grant leaning on the doorframe. Bella scurried over after him, greeting the kids and Kallie. “Well, hey there, neighbor,” Grant said with a wink. “Welcome to my humble abode.”

      The smile slid off Kallie’s face. Just how long was he planning on staying?

      But her lack of enthusiasm didn’t seem to faze him. “Come in.” He approached the stroller. “Hey, bud.” He unstrapped Peter and lifted him into his arms.

      But Peter squirmed and reached out for Kallie, trying to wriggle from Grant’s grip.

      “Like I said, he’s pretty shy around strangers.”

      Grant bounced Peter a little, probably in an attempt to cheer him up. “We won’t be strangers for long.” He turned and headed into the house, calling for Chief and Bella to follow him. Kallie stifled a sigh as she unstrapped Ainsley and followed. Stopping by the cottage was probably the wrong thing to do, but if she hid from whatever issue was building between her and Grant, then it would grow and grow. Much better to nip it in the bud right now, rather than let it get out of control.

       You can’t control everything…

      She didn’t want to think about Grant’s words, so instead, she stepped inside and focused on the cottage’s aged surroundings.

      “I think this place will work well.” Grant glanced back at her before surveying the room. “Though I might need to borrow some sheets until my online order gets here.”

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