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Enticing The Dragon. Jane GodmanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Enticing The Dragon - Jane Godman

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He decided a quick change of subject was in order. “Anyway, this week will be intense. It’s always hard work just prior to the start of a tour, but Ged is right. He always is. The rehearsals are necessary.”

      Her gaze scanned his face. She was getting good at reading him. Just not too good, he hoped. There were many hundreds of years of secrets he didn’t want to reveal. “I’d always wondered what made Ged so important, but when you speak about him, I can see it. It goes deeper than affection, doesn’t it?”

      It was a scarily perceptive comment. Ged was the glue that held Beast together, but he was so much more. He was the reason they existed. Each member of the band owed his life to the giant bear-shifter. “Yeah. Ged is a good guy.” Such an understatement.

      Hollie shook her head. “Do you ever stop being enigmatic?”

      He laughed. “Only long enough to get coffee. But first, let me show you to your room.”

      There were four bedrooms, each with its own dressing room and bathroom. Hollie held up a small gym bag. “How will I ever fit all my stuff in?”

      “We have to get you some new clothes.”

      “Torque...” She groaned. “That was not my way of trying to get you to purchase me some expensive new things. You’ve given me a job. I can buy my own clothes.”

      “That reminds me, we didn’t discuss your salary. And I should probably see about giving you an advance—”

      She dropped her bag and marched toward him. Reaching up, she placed a hand over his mouth. The action started out as a joke, but it violated their unspoken “no contact” rule. As soon as her fingers touched his lips, heat blazed from the point of contact through every part of his body. He saw Hollie’s eyes widen and knew she was feeling it, too. So much more than attraction. It was their own firestorm and they were helpless against its power.

      And...he wasn’t quite sure how it happened, but his hands appeared to have developed a life of their own. His intention had been to move her gently but firmly away. Instead, his unruly body disobeyed him as he gripped her waist and pulled her closer. Now what was he supposed to do? With her parted lips so achingly close, there seemed to be only one solution to his dilemma.

      As Hollie swayed closer, the temptation to kiss her grew into a necessity. Every reason why this was a bad idea had just flown out of his head when they were interrupted by a buzzing noise.

      Hollie blinked as though she had been roused from a trance. “What was that?”

      “It’s the concierge. I’m expecting a delivery.”

      She sighed, resting her forehead briefly against his chest. “Then I guess you have to go.” The disappointment in her voice almost undid his resolve.

      “Come with me.” He took her hand. “This is for you.”

      Hollie quirked an inquiring brow in his direction, but followed him without comment. When he opened the door, the uniformed concierge handed Torque a small package. Once he had tipped the doorman and closed the door again, he gave the box to Hollie.

      “It’s a cell phone.”

      She turned the carton over in her hands. Her expression was hard to read, but Torque was caught up in that swirl of conflicting emotions coming from her once again. She was feeling regret and sorrow. Why, Hollie? What’s bothering you?

      “You are such a good man.” When she raised her eyes to his, he caught a glimpse of tears before she blinked them away.

      “Tell me.” The words were out before he knew he was going to say them.

      “Pardon?” He knew she’d heard him.

      He shrugged the question aside. Now was not the best time. “Nothing. You need a way to keep in touch with your overprotective friend.”

      “If she’s taking calls.” She placed a hand on his shoulder and pressed her lips to his cheek. “Thank you, Torque.”

      To hell with restraint. Her warm, soft mouth felt perfect on his skin, and just for a moment, he let it happen. Allowed himself that one, tiny indulgence.

      “While I’m out you can try and contact her.” He grabbed his jacket, turning back as he reached the door. “Be careful.”

      Her brow wrinkled. “About calling my friend?”

      “Until Kirk gets in touch to say the guy who set fire to the bar has been caught, you need to be careful about everything.”

      She looked sweet and vulnerable—and so incredibly beautiful—that it took every ounce of self-control he possessed to walk out the door.

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