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Finding The Texas Wolf. Karen WhiddonЧитать онлайн книгу.

Finding The Texas Wolf - Karen Whiddon

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need your help to neutralize the terror group. Time is of the essence. While the president has been fully briefed and continues to be, he’s not sold on the idea of declaring war on West Latvia.”

      She nodded, watching him closely. “Have they given you a time frame?”

      “Yes. Seven days. If war is not declared and troops deployed, they plan to infect Houston. If they release this virus into the general population, we’ll lose a couple million people in one day. No, Carmen Vargas. We need you in the field. You and I are going to try to infiltrate the terrorists. Our job is to unmask them and take them down from the inside.”

      She nodded. “This job is sounding more interesting by the minute. How do you propose to do that?”

      When he grinned, the flash of his white teeth made her fangs ache. “I have my ways. We’ve got people who’ve been working undercover. You and I are going to pose as people interested in joining the terrorist cell.”

      “I thought you didn’t know who they were affiliated with.”

      “We don’t. Not yet. They may be part of a larger group, or might have splintered off from one.”

      “With a name like Sons of Darkness, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it’s a bunch of teenaged kids,” she said. “Except for the virus.”

      “Except for the virus,” he repeated. “I think we can pretty much rule out teens. Even if one of them turned out to be some sort of genius, I’d think they’d want cash rather than war declared on some small European nation sandwiched between Estonia and Lithuania.”

      “West Latvia,” she mused. “I believe some of my ancestors came from that area, but I’ve never been there.”

      Though he nodded, his mind was elsewhere. When he looked up to find her watching him, he grimaced. “Sorry. I’ve been going over the plans. Are you ready to get started?”

      She nodded. The rush of anticipation that filled her was unlike anything she’d experienced in centuries. “I am. Tell me what you want me to do.” She frowned. “But first I need to check on my friend.”

      If he hadn’t known better, Rick would have thought Carmen was stalling. He stayed with her, right on her heels, as she proceeded to search the bar for her missing friend. They made two complete sweeps of the crowded place, upstairs and down, before she finally admitted defeat.

      “This is so not like her,” she said as they walked out the door. “She’s really reliable. Always where she says she’s going to be. I hope she’s all right.”

      “Try calling her,” he suggested.

      “I have. Several times. Calls are going straight to voice mail. I left her a message—well, two now.”

      “That’s worrisome.”

      “Maybe.” She lifted one shoulder in an elegant shrug. “And maybe not. Maddie’s always forgetting to charge her phone. It’s entirely possible that it’s dead and she has no idea.”

      He spoke without thinking. “She sounds like a scatterbrain.”

      “She’s not.” Rushing to defend her friend, Carmen sounded fierce. “We all have our own little character flaws. It’s not such a big deal.”

      “Maybe not,” he agreed, glancing at her sideways. “What’s yours?”

      His question appeared to puzzle her. “Mine?”

      “Your little character flaw. I’ll tell you mine if you’ll tell me yours.” He couldn’t believe he was flirting with her, but then again, how could he not. They needed to get past this awkwardness with each other for the undercover roles they were going to play.

      “I don’t have any flaws,” she snapped. A second later, she appeared to realize what she’d said. “I’m pretty damn near perfect,” she elaborated, laughing. “As I’m sure you are, too.”

      As he gazed down into her smiling face, something shifted inside him. Damned if she wasn’t alluring. He hadn’t expected this sudden craving to hit him so strongly.

      Outside in the alley, he led the way across the street to where he’d parked. “Do we need to move your car somewhere?”

      This made her chuckle again. “No. I walked here.”

      Her statement almost gave him pause, considering that some of the neighborhoods nearby could be dangerous late at night. But then he remembered she was a Vampire. Anyone messing with her would get the shock of their life.

      She settled into the passenger seat of his black Tahoe, even using the seat belt. He couldn’t help but notice how her every movement contained a sensual sort of grace. “What now?” she asked. “Where do we go from here and what’s the plan?”

      Now was as good a time as any to tell her. At least they weren’t inside the crowded bar. “We’re posing as a married couple,” he said, starting the engine at the same time.

      “Married?” One elegantly arched brow rose. “That’s the one thing I have absolutely no experience with. I’m not sure I can be convincing.”

      He glanced at her and grinned. “Just follow my lead, darlin’. That’s all you have to do.”

      From the momentary look of confusion on her face, he guessed she wasn’t sure how to react to the endearment. He hadn’t called anyone darlin’ in years, not since his fiancée had died. But since he and Carmen were going to pretend to be spouses, he figured using it would be particularly apropos.

      “Sounds good, sugar plum,” she drawled, dead-faced.

      He laughed—he couldn’t help it. It had been a long time since he’d been around a woman who could make him laugh. Pity she was a Vampire. But then again, he wasn’t looking for a mate. “I think we’ll work fine together,” he finally said.

      When he glanced at her again, her beautiful face wore a ghost of a smile.

      “Here’s how we’re playing this,” he said, all serious again. “Word has gone out in a certain group of people that the Sons of Darkness are looking to hire someone with a biology background. They’re willing to pay big bucks. You happen to perfectly fit the bill.”

      “A biology background?” she snorted. “That’s putting it mildly.”

      He continued on as if she hadn’t spoken. “Your credentials and employment are right there for them to look up. You’ve never done any work with law enforcement, so there’s no reason they’d suspect you.”

      “Maybe not, but what’s my motivation? I’m well paid. I like my job. Why would I want to join their organization?”

      Bracing himself, he gave her a sideways look. “You’ve just lost your job. That’s your motivation. Plus, we’ve set it up so that anyone looking will believe you’re massively in debt. You need to find work and find it fast.”

      “Lost my job?” She might have become a statue, she went so still. “Are you serious?”

      “It’s only temporary. We’ve got someone who pulled a few strings to make this happen. I’m sure you’ll be fully reinstated once this is over.”

      Glowering at him, she sighed. “I’d better be. I love my job and I’m damn good at it.”

      “I’m sure you are. But look at it this way,” he said. “You’ve got a chance to save the world. How many can say that?”

       Chapter 3

      Maddie could only stare. This guy, this journalist, had no idea what he’d just asked her to do. She couldn’t, she wouldn’t, and she needed to figure out a way to tell him that wouldn’t arouse suspicion. Betraying her own kind, not to mention

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