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Regency Beauty. Sarah MalloryЧитать онлайн книгу.

Regency Beauty - Sarah Mallory

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a rider approaching from the direction of Lesserton. Major Coale. In a panic she considered jumping back over the stile and hiding until he had gone by, but it was too late; he had already seen her.

      ‘Good morning, Miss Pentewan.’ He raised his hat to her. She felt a little rush of pride when she saw his short hair. His cheeks were still free of a beard, too. There was no sign that he planned to revert to his former shaggy appearance. ‘I am on my way to enquire after young Master Buckland.’

      ‘He is doing very well, Major, thank you. The doctor says he may leave his bed tomorrow.’

      He professes to dislike society, she thought. Perhaps he will be satisfied with that report. He will touch his hat, turn and ride away again.

      ‘I am glad to hear it.’ He kicked his feet free from the stirrups and jumped down. ‘Are you walking back to the house now? May I join you?’

      ‘I … yes, of course.’

      She waited until he was beside her and began to walk on, very slowly, the grey mare clopping lazily along behind them. After a few yards the major stopped.

      ‘Is this how you usually walk, Miss Pentewan? I am surprised you ever get anywhere.’

      ‘Yes—no, I …’ She trailed off, her gaze dropping to his booted feet. ‘I thought, your leg …’

      ‘I am not a cripple, madam.’

      Mrs Graddon’s words flashed into her mind and she recalled when she had offered to cut his hair and he had got up from the table to summon his servant. There had been no dragging step, no sign of a limp then.

      ‘Does the wound not pain you?’ she asked him.

      ‘Not at all, unlike this dawdling pace.’

      She gave a little huff of irritation.

      ‘I beg your pardon. I was trying to be considerate.’

      His hard look informed her quite clearly that he did not appreciate her efforts. She put up her chin.

      ‘If the wound has healed and there is no pain, why, then, does it affect your step?’

      ‘Habit, I suppose. What does it matter? I do not go into society.’

      ‘But that might change.’

      ‘I think not.’

      She gave up the argument and walked on at her normal pace. The major matched her stride for stride and Zelah hid a smile. A little furrow of concentration creased his brow, but he was no longer limping.

      ‘Your journey back was not too tiring, Nicky did not suffer overmuch?’

      ‘Not at all. The new road is very smooth.’ She waved her hand at the lane. ‘It puts our own track to shame.’

      ‘My engineer used a new method of road-building: smaller stones, tightly packed. It seems very good, but we shall see how well it wears.’ His glance shifted to her skirts and the band of damp around the hem. ‘You have not been keeping to the roads, I think?’

      She laughed. ‘No, I have crossed a couple of very muddy fields. It was such a lovely day I could not bear to remain indoors a moment longer.’

      ‘I suppose Nicky requires a great deal of attention. Your time cannot be your own.’

      She was surprised by his concern.

      ‘You are not to be thinking I begrudge him a moment of it, nor Maria, but sometimes one likes a little time alone—but I have had that now,’ she said quickly, sensing his hesitation. She added shyly, ‘This last stretch is the least interesting, and I am always glad of company for it.’

      The house was in sight. She called to the gardener’s boy to take the major’s horse to the stables and led him in through the front door, sending a footman running to fetch Maria.

      ‘Please come into the morning room, Major. My brother-in-law is out and will be sorry to have missed you, but my sister will be here directly.’

      ‘Must I see her? I would rather you took me directly to see the boy.’

      ‘You know I cannot do that. Besides, my sister will want to give you her thanks in person.’

      He gave a little pout of distaste but the scar at the left side of his mouth distorted it into a full grimace. He muttered irritably that he wanted no thanks. Zelah felt a smile tugging her lips.

      ‘You sound very much like a sulky schoolboy, Major.’ She heard the door open and turned. ‘Ah, Maria, here is Major Coale come to visit Nicky, if you will allow it.’

      Maria hesitated at the door, then smiled and came forward.

      ‘Major Coale, I am so delighted to meet you at last. I have heard so much about you from my son and I have been longing to thank you in person for taking such care of him.’

      Watching him take her outstretched hand and bow over it gracefully, Zelah was aware of a little stab of jealousy that he had never saluted her in that way.

      ‘My husband is in Lesserton at present, Major, and I am sure he will regret that he is not here to greet you. However, he is looking forward to seeing you next week at dinner—you received my note, I hope?’

      ‘I did, ma’am, and I am delighted to accept.’

      ‘Reginald is at a meeting,’ said Zelah. ‘There is a dispute over the boundary between the villagers’ land and that belonging to Lydcombe Park. Have you heard about it?’

      ‘Yes,’ he said indifferently. ‘I recall Netherby telling me something of it when he came to call.’

      ‘Did he not tell you of the meeting?’

      ‘He did, but it’s no business of mine.’ His tone was final and Maria was quick to change the subject.

      ‘Goodness, how the morning is flying! I am sure Nicky is anxious to see you, sir. Zelah, my love, perhaps you would escort Major Coale upstairs?’

      ‘Oh—but I was about to retire to change my gown. It became sadly muddied during my walk …’

      ‘Well, the major has already seen it and Nicky will not notice.’ Maria laughed aside her objections. ‘I must go and relieve Nurse—little Reginald will be waking up soon and demanding to be fed.’ She turned to smile at the major. ‘I shall say good-day to you now, sir, and look forward to seeing you here for dinner next week.’

      Silently Zelah led the major away. The slight hesitation in his step had returned, but whether it was due to the exercise or the awkwardness of meeting his hostess she did not know and would not ask. Nicky’s face lit up when the major walked in.

      ‘I knew you would come!’ Nicky greeted him enthusiastically.

      ‘Did you doubt it, after you wrote me such a very polite letter?’

      ‘It was Zelah’s idea. She helped me write it.’

      ‘But the sentiments were all Nicky’s,’ she said quickly.

      The major turned towards her, amusement warming his hard eyes.

      ‘Including the invitation to call? I am quite cast down.’

      Zelah flushed scarlet, but she was saved from finding a response by her nephew, who had spotted a packet protruding from the major’s coat pocket.

      ‘Is that a present for me, Major?’

      ‘It is, sir. It is the travel backgammon set from Rooks Tower. Hannah told me how much you enjoyed using it so I thought you might like to have it. She sends you her best wishes, by the bye.’

      Nicky gave a little crow of delight and immediately challenged the major to a game.

      ‘Oh now, Nicky, I am sure Major Coale is far too busy—’

      ‘Major Coale has a little time to spare,’ Dominic interrupted

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