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Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year. Кэрол МортимерЧитать онлайн книгу.

Historical Romance – The Best Of The Year - Кэрол Мортимер

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are you saying? Do you not wish to marry me?’

      ‘I love you,’ Madeline whispered. ‘I am...’

      ‘My lady, we are waiting,’ Captain Mardle’s cry broke her thoughts. ‘Your servant needs urgent attention for he is bleeding and once more unconscious.’

      ‘I must go,’ Madeline said. ‘I cannot desert Sally when Thomas is hurt. They have both been so good to me.’

      ‘Yes, you must go with them. You go to your London house?’

      ‘Yes. We sent a messenger yesterday and they will be expecting us.’

      ‘Very well, I shall follow you, as soon as this unpleasant business has been reported to the proper authorities.’

      ‘Please...we must talk again?’

      ‘I shall come to your house, Madeline. This must be settled between us.’

      ‘Yes, I know,’ she whispered. ‘Forgive me.’

      Leaving him to return to his own vehicle, she walked over to her chaise and was helped in by Captain Mardle, who then returned to Hal.

      ‘I must report this business to the nearest magistrate, sir.’

      ‘I shall come with you,’ Hal told him. ‘My groom will place the body in the chaise and I’ll ride Thomas’s horse. I would not have you suffer from what you did this night, sir. You saved a lady I care for from great harm. I understand that you, too, had reason to wish this devil dead—perhaps you would honour me with your confidence as we ride?’

      ‘He caused a lady I love to suffer shame and much distress—and he murdered a good man,’ Captain Mardle said. ‘I would have called him out, but the rogue who died this night deserved no better than he received.’

      ‘I perfectly agree with you,’ Hal said and smiled. ‘And that is exactly what I shall tell the magistrate.’

      He mounted his horse and together they followed the chaise as it was driven back to town.

      * * *

      Madeline knocked and then entered the room where Thomas was lying in bed attended by Sally, who had so far refused to leave him. Madeline had changed her gown and drunk a dish of tea, though she could eat none of the cold chicken and thin bread and butter the chef had sent up to try to tempt her appetite.

      Arriving at the house, she had been surprised at the warmth of her reception. Having sent a messenger on ahead, her servants were apprised of her coming. The butler and housekeeper were waiting in the hall with a full array of servants to greet her as their rightful mistress. Madeline had expected they would obey her, but had not expected to receive such warm care for her comfort. It seemed that they bore no malice for the loss of their former master and were eager to serve her.

      Now, she approached the bed softly. In the light of the candles, she could see Thomas was sleeping as Sally sat beside the bed to watch over him.

      ‘My lady...’ Sally began.

      ‘No, do not get up,’ Madeline said and smiled at her. ‘I just came to see how he was and to ask if you needed anything. Why do you not let one of the maids attend him while you rest for a while?’

      ‘I cannot leave him yet, my lady,’ Sally said, her voice caught with tears. ‘At first I thought he was dead; then he seemed to rally but, as you know, he fainted again. Doctor Broome said it was from loss of blood. His wound was not deep for the ball merely scraped his shoulder, but we could not stop the bleeding for an age.’

      ‘I know,’ Madeline said and handed her a clean kerchief. ‘But Dr Broome removed the ball and said he would recover. It is merely the fever we have to watch for. I could watch over him while you have a rest—if you wished?’

      ‘You are kind to offer, my lady,’ Sally said, ‘but I shall not leave him until I know he is safe.’

      ‘Of course. I understand. You love him so very much, do you not?’

      ‘Very much,’ Sally said and wiped away a tear. ‘He has asked me to marry him so many times and I’ve begged him to wait—but if he lives I shall marry him as soon as it may be arranged.’

      ‘I am glad for you,’ Madeline said. ‘Do not lose hope, my very good friend. I believe Thomas will recover. He is a strong man and he has you. Why should he give in when he has so much to live for?’

      ‘Thank you.’ Sally smiled at her, and then, at a slight sound from the bed, she turned back to her patient. ‘Thomas...are you awake?’


      Madeline heard his voice and touched Sally’s hand. ‘Go to him. I shall see you later. Ask for anything you need.’

      She went out of the bedroom and walked along the landing to the room she’d asked her maids to prepare for her. Her old room had too many unhappy memories and she preferred what had been the best guest chamber. Once she knew that this house belonged to her she would sell it and find a new house.

      The marquis had claimed that Lethbridge owed him a huge sum of money, but he was dead. If he had an heir, that heir would no doubt claim what was owed in time. Madeline would pay what was asked if she could...but these things were for the future. All she wanted now was to see Hal, to speak to him...to explain what had driven her to run away from him.

      She was not sure that he would forgive her, but perhaps he might understand why she was afraid that she could never be the wife he deserved.

      She had hoped he might come to her that night, but it was now early in the morning and she was sure he would not visit at this hour for he would imagine her to have sought her bed long ago. She must rest and then tomorrow...she would see what the morning would bring.

      As she entered her room one of the maids was waiting to attend her.

      ‘Good evening, Maria. I am sorry to have kept you up so late.’

      ‘I know you were concerned for Thomas and Sally,’ the girl said. ‘How is he, my lady?’

      ‘A little better I think,’ Madeline said and sighed. ‘I see you have put out my nightgown. Thank you, I can mange if you unfasten the hooks at the back of my gown.’

      She stood as the girl attended her, then told her to go to bed. Sitting in the light of the candles, she brushed her hair and gazed into the mirror.

      What would she do with her life now that she was free? If Hal no longer cared for her... She had run away from him and he must think her a tiresome creature. She’d seen how angry he was when he came upon them on the Heath. At first he’d looked at her as if he hated her, though he had softened to her at the last—but had she killed his love for her?

      Madeline shook her head. It was no use in chastising herself. She was tired. She would go to bed and think about this in the morning.

      * * *

      A maid drawing back the curtains and letting the light flood into the room startled Madeline. She blinked for she had been sleeping and it was unlike Sally to draw her curtains before she rang. Pushing herself up against the pillows, she looked at the girl.

      ‘Why have you woken me like this?’

      ‘Mr Henry told me to wake you, my lady. He says it is important—there’s a person asking to see you.’

      ‘A person—what kind of person?’

      ‘Mr Henry thought him impertinent, my lady, for he demanded to see you immediately—and at this hour.’

      Madeline glanced at the clock on her dressing chest and saw it was almost ten. She frowned for she was unused to being demanded at such an early hour, especially by persons unknown to her.

      ‘I shall dress and come down,’ Madeline said. ‘Leave my breakfast for I shall eat in the breakfast parlour when my business is finished and then return to my room to change.’


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