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Playing With Desire. Reese RyanЧитать онлайн книгу.

Playing With Desire - Reese Ryan

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me this evening. Would that make you feel better?” He watched her expectantly, not saying another word. If he pushed too hard he’d spook her.

      Maya furrowed her brows, hesitating for a moment. She sighed, then took a photo of his license, typed out a message on her phone, then hit Send. “Looks like you’ve got yourself a date.”

      “So we’ve graduated to a date-date.” He lifted his wineglass and took a sip. Maya laughed. A melodious sound he might never get his fill of. “Tonight will be no mere date. Tonight, we go on an adventure.”

      “To unforgettable adventures.” She raised her glass, clinking it against his.

      Liam finished his glass of wine. A victory libation. She’d accepted his challenge, and he’d accepted hers. Because by the end of the evening, he had every intention of having Maya Alvarez in his bed.

      * * *

      Maya’s phone rang moments after she sent the message. Of course. No way could she send pictures of Hot Suit Guy to Kendra without expecting a call. If she didn’t answer the phone, Kendra would keep calling. “I’m sorry, but I need to take this.”

      Amusement danced beneath his penetrating dark eyes. His gaze was drawn appreciatively to the fabric pulled taut across the sensitive, beaded tips of her breasts. “I’ll order dessert.”

      Her cheeks burned, and she felt a rush of liquid pooling between her thighs. Legs wobbling, she swallowed hard, grabbed her purse and left the table. She could feel his intense stare on her retreating back. Her flesh tingled, as if his gaze seared her skin.

      Maya ducked into the restroom, pressed her back against the wall and exhaled. She’d allowed Liam to unnerve her. It was unlike her.

      Was he gorgeous? Sure. Rich? Obviously. But she was no consolation prize either. Maybe she wasn’t the tiny-waisted siren she’d once been, but she still turned heads, dammit. He should be grateful she’d accepted his offer of companionship for the evening.

      Companionship. God, it made him sound like an escort. Or maybe she was the escort. Which was ten times worse.

      The phone rang again. She answered in a hushed tone. “Yes.”

      “Are you serious right now?” Kendra’s voice was also muted. From the muffled sound of a PA announcement in the background, Kendra was still at the hospital.

      “Am I that pathetic?” She was only half teasing.

      “No, honey. Of course not. I’m just saying, dude looks like a freakin’ model. Where’d you meet him?”

      “Here at the restaurant. He knew I was alone on my birthday, so he invited me to have dinner with him.”

      “I can’t believe you accepted his invitation. There’s hope for you yet.”

      “Don’t get so excited. It’s not like I’m gonna sleep with the guy. I told him that.”

      “You said those actual words to him? Yet, he’s still taking you to the ballet? Okay, now I really like this guy.” The background of Kendra’s call was silent, like she’d gone somewhere quieter. “Maya, I’m thrilled you’re getting out there again. A night out on the town with a handsome guy is just what the doctor ordered.”

      “It does feel nice to relax for one night and just be...me. Not mommy, you know? God, that sounds selfish.” She was suddenly conscious of whether the other women in the restroom were listening. Judging her.

      “No, it doesn’t. You’re an amazing mother. You deserve to have some fun. Tonight is about you. Have a blast. Call me in the morning by ten, so I know you’re okay. I’ll take you to a belated birthday lunch tomorrow.”

      “Sounds good. I’ll call you when I get home. Tonight.”

      Maya ended the call and inhaled deeply, hardly able to believe she was going out with a man she’d just met. She’d been struggling lately with a stifling feeling of suffocation. Her life was the same song playing endlessly on repeat. She’d been trying her best to suppress a growing desire to do something different. Unexpected. A bit naughty even. Maybe ignoring the feeling wasn’t the answer. Maybe what she needed was to get it out of her system once and for all. With Liam.

      No. No, that’s ridiculous. Insane. I can’t.

      She took out her lip gloss—a pale, barely there pink—and reapplied. She’d insisted there would be no sex, and that was best. So why was there a flutter low in her belly at the mere possibility of it?

      * * *

      Visions of Maya Alvarez naked in his bed flooded Liam’s brain. He wanted her. Needed those heart-stopping curves beneath him as he reached his pinnacle. To hear her call his name in that adorable accent she reverted to occasionally. And he wanted her to want him, too. To plead for it.

      His eyes traveled the length of her body as she approached the table. He outlined her shapely figure, staking his claim and mapping the trail his tongue would take along her skin. “I was beginning to think you’d slipped out the back door.”

      “Why? Does that happen to you a lot?”

      He laughed. “Define a lot.”

      “Oh God.” She swept a loose curl behind her ear, lines crinkling around her dark eyes. “What on earth have I gotten myself into?”

       Chapter 3

      Swan Lake was divine. Maya sat beside Liam, barely able to hold back the emotions evoked by the tragic, beautiful finale.

      She sniffled and wiped the corner of her eye with the back of her finger, refusing to glance in his direction. They barely knew each other. No way she’d let him see her cry.

      They were both on their feet applauding during the curtain call. Liam reached inside his jacket and handed her a handkerchief.

      She accepted the offering. “I’m not crying.”

      “Right. Figured it was allergies.”

      The lights rose in the house and patrons made their way toward the exits. Liam placed a hand low on her back and guided her toward the stage, against the crush of the opening-night crowd.

      “Isn’t the exit in the other direction?” She glanced back at him.

      There was that damned smirk again. It was enticing, and so was he.

      “It is. But, I have a surprise for you. How’d you like to meet Karina Alexandrova, the dancer who plays the Swan Queen?”

      Maya halted, turning to face him. “You...you know her?”

      “Friend of a friend and all that.”

      “And it won’t be any trouble? She must be exhausted after her performance.”

      “It’ll be fine. Promise.”

      Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She’d seen her first ballet that didn’t involve her daughters. Swan Lake, no less. Now, she was going to meet the principal ballerina of a highly acclaimed company. A rarity in Pleasure Cove. Liam had delivered on his promise of a memorable evening. But beside the elation at the prospect of meeting Karina, a growing sense of sadness lodged in her chest.

      Her night with Liam was coming to an end.

      * * *

      They were escorted to Karina’s dressing room. She answered the door in the silk robe he’d given her after his trip to Japan two years ago. Her damp corn-silk blond hair hung in loose waves on her thin shoulders.

      “Liam, how lovely to see you.” She leaned in and let him kiss her cheek before turning to Maya. “And who is this gorgeous creature?” The smile plastered on her face was nearly convincing.

      Maya’s eyes widened like she was surprised the great Karina Alexandrova had deigned

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