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The Seal's Return. Patricia PotterЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Seal's Return - Patricia Potter

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alive with humor and, obviously, love. For the slightest sliver of time, he felt envy.

      Josh interrupted the thought. “Now it’s time to introduce you to Maude’s steaks.”

      * * *

      LISA KNOCKED ON Dr. Bradley’s door. A kind-looking woman who appeared to be in her seventies opened the door.

      “You must be Dr. Redding,” the woman said. “I’m Gloria Bradley and I’m so pleased you’re here. A physician who has been filling in for him had to leave three weeks ago. Janie can handle a lot of the problems, but my husband took several calls. It worried me to death.”

      She led the way into a comfortable-looking living room. Dr. Bradley sat in a wheelchair next to a table piled high with folders.

      “’Bout time,” Dr. Bradley groused as she was shown a chair next to him. “Thought you were going to be here three days ago.”

      She would have been had there not been complications in Gordon’s court case. There was no qualified probation officer in Covenant Falls. An arrangement was worked out with the office in Pueblo whereby the local police in Covenant Falls would keep in contact with Gordon and report any probation violations. But she didn’t want to go into all that with Dr. Bradley. “I’m sorry,” she said. “We had last-minute complications.”

      He turned then to the stack of folders on the table. “These are the records of our chronically ill patients. Heart disease, diabetes, cancer.” He discussed each case, often adding a wry comment about personal quirks of the patient.

      She took notes on everything and silently vowed to do more research on ailments specific to the community. “I was thinking about holding an open house,” she ventured.

      He raised a bushy white eyebrow. “Don’t know if that would be a good idea,” he warned. “The entire town would come to meet the new doctor. And if you had a series of them, you would have to figure out a way to string out the invitations as to not offend anyone. And they would expect to be fed.”

      “Maybe not such a good idea?” Lisa winced.

      “Don’t think so. If you want to get to know people, go to the churches. You’ll meet a lot of our patients there. You’ll be invited to a lot of homes, but again, people will be unhappy if you go to Mrs. Smith’s house and not theirs.”

      She was getting a headache. This country doctor thing was more complicated than she’d thought.

      “One more thing,” he said. “A lot of people here don’t have much money, but they have a lot of pride, so my billing system might seem a bit peculiar to someone who hasn’t been in private practice. Janie can fill you in on that.”

      She nodded. They had already worked out the terms. She was to receive a salary, not rely on income. The salary wasn’t high but it was better than a resident’s salary and even the fellowship’s. And she had free rent and what looked like a very low cost of living compared to Chicago.

      Dr. Bradley looked tired, too tired.

      “I’d better go,” she said. “I promised my sister a dog today.”

      “Great idea,” Dr. Bradley said. “It’s amazing what they can do in reducing stress.”

      Maybe she needed two—or more—dogs. She nodded, even as she wondered whether he meant more than the words indicated. “Thank you for giving me this chance. I’ll keep in close touch.”

      “Good. Don’t hesitate to call me if you have a question.”

      But she would hesitate. He didn’t look well at all. He skin looked pasty and pale, and his breathing was labored. She’d already stayed too long.

      She said goodbye and left.

      Kerry was waiting for her when she arrived back at the house.

      “Where’s your brother?” Lisa asked.

      “He didn’t say.”

      Lisa didn’t press her. She didn’t want them tattling on each other. That, she knew, was no way to build trust, which was already sorely lacking.

      “Did he eat anything?”

      “Some toast, then took off.”

      Lisa closed her eyes. Secrecy had become a way of life with him.

      At least he couldn’t get in trouble in a town this small. She suspected she would hear about it instantly. She comforted herself with the thought that he was exploring the town, not huddled in his bedroom with his cell phone.

      Still, she called him. To her surprise, he answered almost immediately.

      “Where are you?” she asked.

      “Just hanging around.”

      “Meet some kids?”


      “When will you be back?” she tried again.

      “Don’t know exactly.”

      “What about lunch?”

      “I’m not hungry.”

      “You’re always hungry.”

      “Not since you made me leave Chicago.” Bitterness was thick in his voice.

      She ignored the dig. “I’ll be at the clinic this afternoon,” she said. “And home by five. I want you there for dinner.”

      “All right. Gotta go.” He hung up.

      He gave up too easily. It worried her.

      Lisa looked at her watch, noted the time. She ran a brush through her hair and added a touch of lipstick. Then she went into the kitchen. “Let’s go see about that dog, kiddo,” she said.

      The delighted look on her sister’s face lightened her heart. She hoped they could find a suitable dog. At least her sister would have some happiness and maybe her brother would, as well.

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