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Cool Camping. Laura JamesЧитать онлайн книгу.

Cool Camping - Laura James

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rel="nofollow" href="#fb3_img_img_142cbb53-1c6d-53a3-a844-984b2e01de3e.jpg" alt="image"/>Picture credit: Vanessa BuchanCaravan of loveThis Romany caravan was built at the turn of the century for a Cornish circus dwarf, so is actually incredibly small. The colours and detail on these caravans are always stunning.imagePicture credit: Odd LimitedCamper crazyThe retro chic of a campervan is undeniable and second-hand ones are widely available. The original colours are gorgeous, but you can have them re-sprayed in any shade you like.imagePicture credit: Swiftsilver CaravansT@b lightThe T@b caravan is ridiculously sweet and, for something so small, unbelievably well equipped. Plus, they’ve done the seemingly impossible in making caravaning cool again.imagePicture credit: Vintage VacationsAir apparentVintage Airstreams are almost too cool. Spacious inside and stunning on the outside, they provide the ultimate environment in which to play house.imagePicture credit: Garden TradingBeach hut breaksThese are great spaces to camp in and can be bought or hired at many beaches and now at festivals too. Tardis-like, they are far more spacious than you might think.imagePicture credit: Fired EarthShepherd’s delightShepherds’ huts are rather like Wendy houses for grown-ups. They’re spacious and cosy and are brilliant to have in the garden as an extra room or somewhere to escape too.imagePicture credit: PodPadPod castsA great way to hang out at festivals. The PodPad is sweet, functional, warm and will keep you dry in even the wettest of festival weather.imagePicture credit: PunchstockHangin’ aroundIt’s great to sleep on a hammock swinging between two trees. If you prefer something a little sturdier, you can get hammocks with frames. There are versions to suit every budget.

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