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Regency Society. Ann LethbridgeЧитать онлайн книгу.

Regency Society - Ann Lethbridge

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Mrs Maunders, for something.’

      ‘You must not go to so much trouble for my sake,’ Georgie said. ‘Your husband wishes you to take the waters for your health—besides, I suppose I ought to be in mourning for my aunt.’

      ‘Nonsense,’ Jenny said, determined not to see her plans squashed by convention. ‘You hardly knew her and she would not have wanted it. Mary would not have been pleased to see everyone wearing black today and never wore it herself, even when she was in mourning for her husband. I shall change into colours once we are home, and you must not think of going into black.’ Her eyes went over Georgie again. ‘You might wear a pearl grey for evening, and I think lilac would suit your colouring—also some blues. We can brush through it if we wish, and no one needs to know anything.’

      ‘But if I am the countess’s heir…’ Georgie was doubtful. ‘I should not wish to show disrespect.’

      ‘And you shall not,’ her determined hostess said. ‘Yes, you may wear grey and lilac and white, I think. We shall not attend anything too large or noisy—but we shall contrive to enjoy ourselves just the same.’

      ‘Oh, yes,’ Georgie said, feeling relieved that she need not wear black again so soon after wearing it for her parents. ‘Are we stopping?’ She looked out of the window at what was a large, but not huge, country house with long windows, bricks that looked the colour of musk roses and an impressive front porch. ‘What a lovely house.’

      ‘It is not as big as Richard’s,’ Jenny said. ‘But I like it better. Our home was always a little cold. If I were Richard, I should set the builders on to improve it, but he has been so busy that I dare say he has not had the time.’

      Georgie had been so busy talking with her hostess that she had not noticed the gardens, but as the carriage door was opened she took the hand of an obliging groom, looking about her as he helped her down. The gardens were formal with smooth paths of bricks interspersed with neat beds of roses and flowers. As it was only late spring some of them were still in bud and had not yet bloomed, but she thought it would be a pretty place to walk in summer. To the side of the house she saw shrubbery and guessed that the gardens at the back would be less formal.

      ‘Do you ride?’ Jenny was asking as she took Georgie’s arm once more. ‘It is a must in the country, I think, for otherwise we should be confined to the house unless someone took us driving.’

      ‘Yes, I can ride,’ Georgie told her. ‘My aunt did not encourage it, but my father taught me when I was a child. I can drive, too—a gig with one pony, though I should like to drive a proper rig.’

      ‘I have never driven myself,’ Jenny told her. ‘My father thought I was too delicate and my husband thinks a puff of wind might break me—but he takes me driving as often as I want so I do not complain.’

      ‘We must ride together,’ Georgie said. She felt that she had known her companion for ever and was quite content to let her plan her future. She saw Richard giving her a quizzical look as she walked towards him. He and Lord Maddison stood by the front door, waiting for the ladies to come up with them. ‘I shall enjoy living here with you, Jenny.’

      ‘I dare say you will marry and leave me too soon,’ her hostess told her with a naughty look. ‘But we shall remain friends and you will visit me sometimes—will you not?’

      ‘Yes, of course,’ Georgie assured her and wondered at the satisfied gleam in her eyes. ‘But I am not sure I shall marry very soon. I would not want to be married for any money I might inherit. I am determined it shall be for love and nothing else.’

      ‘Well, I dare say you may fall in love,’ Jenny said and her fond gaze travelled to her brother, dwelling on him for a moment. He might not be as handsome as her beloved Edward, but he was a fine strong man and kind. She thought he would do very well for her new friend, and determined then and there to bring about a match between them if it could be managed.

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